This is a list of supplements and adventures found on EN5ider
Looking for the GEARS OF REVOLUTION adventure path? Click here for the all ZEITGEIST adventures index!
This adventure path contains 13 critically-acclaimed intricately crafted adventures for characters level 3 up to level 20.
The whole adventure path is available to EN5ider subscribers.
Cherished Trinkets. A rules-light article which discusses the use of trinkets as treasure in your game. By Ryan Chaddock.
5 Campaign Lessons from the Hobbit Films. This system neutral article discusses game mastering and what lessons you can learn from Peter Jackson's Hobbit movies. By Eric Pierce.
Archery Contests. Running and conducting large archery tournaments can be fun and easy! By Russ Morrissey, based on an original article by Ryan Nock.
The Business of Emotion (adventure; revised). This is an adventure for 3-5 characters of levels 2-3. The village of Lanidor is suffering from an enchanted "summer of love". Can the PCs figure out what's going on? By Paul Okesh.
Battlefield Events. Introducing random events to spice up combat encounters, from weather changes to pit traps. Does an innocent wander onto the battlefield, or do you stray into an ancient wild magic surge? by Russ Morrissey.
Player Pets: Rearing Wild Animals and Training Domesticated Animals. Rules for adopting, purchasing, and training pets, from dogs to wolves to giant fire beatles and constrictor snakes. How to gain their loyalty and teach them tricks or tasks, while ensuring that the Ranger's animal companion or spellcaster's familiar remains the more potent option. By Jensen Toperzer.
Nature’s Remedy. Nature's Remedy is a brand new article for EN World EN5ider patrons! An introduction to the craft of herbalism, a handful of example herbs including darkberries, firedrake petals, silver garlic, and more, plus rules for their preparation, and the new Master Herbalist feat. By Russ Morrissey.
Give Chase. Adding to the chase rules found in the core rulebooks, this article presents an abstract way of mapping a chase, along with three new complication tables for underground, castle grounds, and mountain chases. By James Introcaso.
Circles of Power: 3 New Druid Circles. There are many types of druid in fiction and film with widely differing specializations. This article explores three new Druid Circles to help bring variety to your game table. Explore the Circle of Birds and Beasts, the Circle of the Elements, and the Circle of Life. By Mark Kernow, and illustrated by Deanna Roberds.
Creating Enjoyable Puzzles for Role Playing Games. Carl Heyl shows you how to create enjoyable puzzles for your game. It's all too easy to stop a game in its tracks, or throw off any sense of immersion. The advice in this article gives tips on creating organic, fun puzzles which don't interrupt your game. Illustrated by Sade.
Winterheart (adventure). Winterheart is an adventure for 4th level characters. Can the PCs rescue a young prisoner with latent icy magic before her despair plunges the region into a deep winter? By Esper, illustrated by Jen Tracy, cartography by Esper.
Fantastic Tomes & Librams. Fantastic Tomes & Librams presents you with 1d100 mundane but exotic books and tomes to furnish a wizard's study, a library, or a treasure hoard. Each entry contains the book’s name, its author, a short description, and an optional notation indicating its rarity, relative value, and number of pages. By Russ Morrissey.
Fire of the Mind. Tired of villains simply described as "mad" or "insane"? This article introduces four new illnesses - Multiple Personality Disorder, Aphasia, Schizophrenia, Paranoid Schizophrenia. Each includes rules for the player, and advice for the GM. By James Abendroth; illustrated by Sade.
Strands of Life. Giltônio Santos brings you 11 new healing spells for the cleric, bard, druid, paladin, or ranger in your life, and takes a brief look at direct healing, damage mitigation, and gradual healing. A vital article for anyone playing a healer! By Giltônio Santos; illustrated by Jen Tracy.
Party of One: Rewards of the One-on-One Campaign. It's not always possible to form a full five-person-plus gaming group, but that doesn't have to stop you enjoying your favorite tabletop RPG! Party of One takes a look at the one-on-one campaign, featuring one player and one GM, and discusses ways to make it a fun and rewarding experience for both. By Matt Click; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
King & Country: Character Nationality as Background. Previous vocations aren't the only types of character backgrounds. This article discusses the creation of character backgrounds based on nationality, along with two fully developed backgrounds: Crusader Nation and Arcane Dominion. By Mark A. Hart; illustrated by Scott Harshbarger.
Don’t Wake Dretchlor (adventure). A forgotten mansion. A sadistic demon. A deadly game of cat-and-mouse. Can the heroes outwit the demon and escape the mansion, or will they fall prey to Dretchlor's evil machinations? An adventure for characters of 5th-7th level by Kiel Chienier; illustrated by Rick Hershey and Sexualtyranosarus.
King & Country II: Four new Fantasy Realms as Backgrounds. By popular demand - the sequel to King & Country, Mark Hart's introduction to nationalities as backgrounds! You asked us for it, so we obliged! Here are four new fantasy realms for use as backgrounds - the Confederacy of Feuding Houses, the Lost Civilization, the Regime of the Dark Overlord, and the Savage Land. By Mark Hart; illustrated by N.C. Wyeth.
Get Sick: Six New Diseases. Bottle fever, demonic plague, itching insides, ooze decay, aberrant touch, and walking rot. What do these all have in common? They're all new diseases for your game - some mundane, and some supernatural. Not only that, this article contains guidelines for creating your own diseases! By James Introcaso.
Those Who Crawl. Dungeon crawls are the oldest and one of the most common gameplay scenarios. Kiel Chenier brings you five tips and tricks to help make those dungeon crawls more exciting and run that bit more smoothly. From tone, to tracking time, these five tips will make your life that little bit easier! Illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Volumes of Forgotten Lore: Arcane. From veteran author Ari Marmell (Drow of the Underdark, Tome of Magic, The Goblin Corps, Thief's Covenant) comes this look at new player options for the bard, sorcerer, and wizard. The Bardic College of Names, the Dread sorcerous origin, and the Shadowcaller tradition for the wizard make up this first chapter of forgotten lore.
The Art of Peace. In a world of violence and vicious magic, monks of the Shifting Flow and the Watchful Gate audaciously dream of peace. The Art of Peace introduces two new monastic traditions, the all-new Envoy background, and 8 maneuvers for monks who value their karma. By Josh Gentry.
Master & Apprentice: Gaining New Levels With Style. A new subsystem to bring realism into your game! Fletcher Haug introduces a mentor-based level training system, along perks and mojo - ways to give players control over the story of how they level up and to introduce training-based background details that can be called upon during play. Art from Savage Mojo.
To the Stars: Science Fiction for 5E. Spice up your game with a little sci-fi action! Meet the Engineer and the Spacer backgrounds, learn how to move in zero-g, and grab an energy shield, ablative armor, or an energy weapon. By Kiel Chenier; illustrated by Indi Martian. This is also the final article from layout designer Justin Buell; it will be sad to see him go, but exciting to bring on board Eric Life-Putnam to fill his shoes!
A Paladin’s Dark Vows. Not all paladins are good; some may stray from the true path, while others are pure evil. Josh Gentry presents new flaws and class features for dark paladins. When a paladin turns from the light, flaws of aggression, blind loyalty, and naïveté provide corruptions of the virtues of bravery, loyalty, and wisdom. Additionally, paladins may take oaths of the Purge or Supremacy, or use the new Bloody Hands class feature. Illustrated by Scott Harshbringer.
It’s Alive! Does your victim wish to inflict a plague via an obscure ritual at the start of a solar eclipse on the grounds of an accursed cemetary using the blood of an innocent demon? Build rituals to achieve your villain's dark goals. Animate a golem, summon a god, open the Gates of Hell, or banish the sun. Seven tables describe the ritual's purpose, time, location, components, side-effects, price of failure, and - of course - how to foil the dastardly deed! By Mark A. Hart; illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.
The Right Way to Fudge. When and how should the GM fudge an encounter? Jeremy Lewit discusses the reasons and the methods, and provides advice on the right way to fudge. Should you alter the enemies, change the goalposts, or add new challenges? Illustrated by Savage Mojo.
The Mystery of Mordecai’s Monster (adventure). From Dan Head comes this adventure of mystery and horror! Who is Mordecai, and what has become of his latest creation? Can the PCs solve the mystery of Mordecai's monster before it's too late? An adventure for 3rd level characters. Illustrated by Nick Cramp and Rick Hershey.
As Good As His Blade: A Dozen New Weapon Properties. Expand the list of weapon properties to include barbed, double, awkward, tripping, and more! Along with nearly 20 new weapons designed to use these new properties, and changes to the entangling and reach properties, this article will unlock the potential of weapon design and introduce more variety into your fighting style! By Connors; illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.
Over the Next Hill: The Village of Drood. The Village of Drood is a small village bordering a dark wood, founded by a travelling wizard and ready to be plugged in to your campaign. The first in a series of three settlements, this article contains NPCs and plot hooks. By Mark Craddock; illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.
Volumes of Forgotten Lore: Divine. In the second of his Forgotten Lore series, veteran author Ari Marmell brings you new divine player options. The Protection, Shadow, and Travel domains, the Urban druidic circle, and the Theologian, a new tradition for the wizard. Illustrated by Jeshields.
Friend of the Children (adventure). Why do the children of Medvedka Vas not age? Can the answer be found on Bear Plateau? Who is the mysterious "Friend of the Children? And what is the role of Eglantina, the last pixie of Bear Plateau? A dark fantasy adventure for 4th level characters. By Peter Zacchaeus; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Over the Next Hill: The Town of Rivereave. The second in our "Over the Next Hill" series of small plug-in settlements is a lakeside fishing town on the fringes of civilization - an ideal base camp from which to launch expeditions into the wilderness! With NPCs, locations, and plot hooks, these settlements can be used in any campaign. By Scott Marcley; illustrated by Indi Martin.
Chessmasters & Commanders: The Noble Class. We have a special treat to round out August—a new class! The full 20-level noble class is able to command and inspire through three paths: the Path of the Heart, the Path of the Brave, and the Path of the Tactician. By A. Nova; illustrated by Ellis Goodson and Shannon White.
Masters of the Wild. Two new ranger archetypes—the dual-wielding Tempest and the sinister Nightstalker—along with new feats, new fighting styles, and new spells. Your ranger will never be the same again! By Thiago Rosa; illustrated by Nick Cramp.
Hired Hands: Expanded Rules for Hirelings. Meet the apothecary, cook, interpreter, minstrel, porter, scholar, squire, teamster, and torchbearer! These hirelings provide your adventurer with additional benefits - as long as you pay them and keep them safe! Additional traits, quirks, and motives help bring your hirelings to life. By "Jester" David Gibson; illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.
Croaking Sirocco (adventure). Croaking Sirocco is an adventure for 5th-level characters that takes the party into the heart of a magically warped, blasted land. Deep in the heart of the expanding desert is a tribe of desert-dwelling bullywugs, whose petty power struggle unwittingly endangers the entire outside world. By Kyle Carty; illustrated by Rick Hershey and Indi Martin.
Drinking & Dragons: The World's Greatest Fantasy Drinking Game! In a slight change of tone before we start EN5ider's horror themed month for October and Halloween, we have a fun "drinking game" diversion from the serious rules, designed to throw some chaos into a special one-shot session or adventure. Five drinking games, and four recipes for fantasy themed drinks, three of which can be made alcohol free if needed, make this article one you'll remember! By Kiel Chenier; illustrated by Indi Martin.
I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost: Subclasses For Hunting Evil. We prepare for our upcoming horror-themed Halloween month with a range of options for player intent on fighting the ghosts and ghouls who will feature throughout October! Kiel Chenier brings us Spirit, a Clerical Domain; Courage, a Paladin's Oath; and the Witch Hunter, a Roguish Archetype. Arm yourselves, because October is gonna be spooky! Illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Template of Horrors. Our Halloween month continues—and we also celebrate our 40th article!—with four horrific templates which can be applied to any creature! Use the zombie, wight, skeleton, and banshee templates to create horrors such as a Wailing Hermit (a banshee ettin), a Rust Monster Skeleton, a Crypt Stalker (a minotaur wight), or a Basilisk Zombie! By Cedar Collins; illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.
Over the Next Hill: Village of Dreams. Halloween month continues with Josh Gentry's Village of Dreams. Natulog is a sleepy hamlet, but the thick evening fogs deliver messages through the dreams of those who rest there. Part of the Over the Next Hill series, this plug-in settlement includes significant areas, notes on dream reading, and rumors and plot hooks suitable for all character levels. Illustrated/cartography by Michael Tumey.
Heroes of the Night. We continue our Halloween-inspired month with a selection of horrific new archetypes for barbarians, fighters, and warlocks! Barbarian lycanthropes can master the Wolfsblood path; The Haunted are fighters with spectral companions; and The Evil Eye is a pact for warlocks. By Brandes Stoddard; illustrated by Dan Nokes.
Día de los Dinosaurios Muertos (adventure). Halloween grows ever closer! Día de los Dinosaurios Muertos is a spooky 18-page adventure by Jensen Toperzer. You've heard of the Day of the Dead... but what happens when the dead are dinosaurs? When the raptors awaken to find their land overrun by hairless apes, they plot to reclaim their legacy. Can the PCs survive the machinations of Miquiztlicoatl, the velociraptor mummy lord, ancient reptilian priest-king of the feathered throne? This adventure for 14th-level PCs includes full-color maps, a pronunciation guide, the all-new Stone of the Inverted Sun, and—of course—intelligent undead velociraptors. Illustrated by Melissa Tillery; cartography by Justin Mason.
Treasures Dark & Terrible!. Halloween is finally upon us! James Haeck, your trusty EN5ider editor, has penned a whole host of new magical items to help you combat or embrace the terrors of the night. Nine new items, from the Collar of Cerberus to the Crown of the Devourer; from the Ghost Ward Lantern to Skull Liqueur.
Epic Threats: High Level NPCs. Challenge your players with five high level NPCs! The Arcane Blademaster, Ascetic Grandmaster, High Priest, Knight Captain, and Master Assassin range from CRs 12-20. By James Introcaso; illustrated by Phil Stone.
Motivated Encounters. Add spice and variety to your random encounters! This article helps you to randomly determine the aims and actions of encountered creatures with a table which covers 40 encounter motivations including merrymaking, suffering, wounded, escaped, and many more. Running into orcs is one thing; running into orcs busy constructing a shrine is another! By Connors; illustrated by Cat Lu.
The Haunting of Calrow Ruins (adventure). Halloween might be over, but that doesn't mean we can't have one last horror-themed adventure! "You can hear them at night when the mist creeps in off the lakeshore, jibber-jabbering like madmen trying to form words. For years they’ve haunted me, but still I can’t fathom what it means, as if some half-formed mind yearns for the power to speak for itself…" Complete with character hooks, this 14 page adventure by Aaron Infante-Levy is suitable for 2nd-4th level characters. Illustrated by Sade.
Heroes of the Blade. An assortment of character options for those who wield the blade! Three alternate class kits, a new Druidic Circle, two new fighting styles, two new maneuvers, and a brand new feat! Discover the battlemage, commander, and scout, and learn how to perform a hamstringing cut or form a phalanx! By John Lynch; illustrated by Egil Thompson and Phil Stone.
Reskinning For Genre. Take your 5E game beyond medieval fantasy with this look at post-apocalyptic, western, cyberpunk, far future, modern, and even superheroic games. This article includes short, simple new rules for genre and technology, new genre-specific feats like Gunfighter, Scientific Wizardry, and Super Powered, along with the Robotic template which allows you to include androids and more in your game. By Mike Myler; illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.
Friends Close, Enemies Closer. In our 50th article, Josh Gentry asks you to sell your soul! Three new warlock patrons include The Sea Lord, The Seducer, and The Trickster, along with six new Invocations. These three patrons represent such legendary beings as Davy Jones, the Leviathan, Dracula, Pan, Loki, or even Rumpelstiltskin. Illustrated by Egil Thompson.
Explorers of the Multiverse. Meet the Planar Explorer and the Way of Infinite Worlds, two brand new archetypes for adventurers who seek to cross the boundaries between worlds. Whether your preferred destination is the Inner or Outer Planes, a lesser-known demiplane, or somewhere even more unusual, these character options are perfect for those who want just little more than the Prime Material can offer. By Anthony Jennings; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Over the Next Hill: Springs of Hverfell. The latest in our Over The Next Hill series of settlements which can be dropped into any campaign brings you Hverfell, located in a hidden verdant valley in the midst of unforgiving tundra. Investigate the Spitz Bathhouse, the Elemental observatory, or the Aviary. Meet the conjurer Leogard Brix or Mistress Ashley Leon of the Ochre Springs Bathworks. As always, the article presents significant NPCs, locations, plus plot hooks and rumors. By June Bordas; art by Phil Stone; cartography by June Bordas.
Allies & Adversaries: Winter's Urchins. Happy Holidays! With a Dickensian flourish, we present you with three urchins designed for insertion into your campaign. Hope (and her baby dragonborn, Scales) is a young tiefling orphan; Ketch the Clever is a 10-year old pickpocket and hustler; while Bill Thorpe is a grimy bully of the streets. By Kiel Chewier; colour art by Ellis Goodson.
4 Random Roleplaying Encounters. In one of our occasional system-neutral crossover articles with our sister publication, TRAILseeker, these four random encounters focus on roleplaying and problem solving over combat. Baby Monsters, The Tag Along, The One That Got Away, and Snake Oil Salesman present the adventurers with moral and practical dilemmas. And with that, we close out 2015! Happy New Year, folks, and we can't wait to launch the first part of The Holdenshire Chronicles next month!
Epic Threats: Goblinoids and Orcs. In the second in our Epic Threats series, James Introcaso brings us a range of goblinoids and orcs designed to challenge high level adventurers. Meet the brutish Bugbear Savage (CR 18), the depraved Goblin Creeper (CR 16), the battle-hardened Hobgoblin Monarch (CR 14), the devoted Orc Godspeaker (CR 14), and the mighty Orog Devastator (CR 20). Illustrated by Jen Tracy.
The Holdenshire Chronicles (Part 1): Holdenshire Primer. It's a big day for EN5ider fans! Today marks the start of a new series called 'The Holdenshire Chronicles'. An adaption of Russ Morrissey's TO SLAY A DRAGON, the PCs will start their adventuring careers in the sandbox village of Hengistbury, in the county of Holdenshire, before embarking on a quest to travel across the land and slay a dragon. But first, before the adventuring can begin, we launch with this 23-page Holdenshire Primer which introduces you to the county, its peoples, and locations of note. By Russ Morrissey, Jacob Driscoll, Christopher J. Herbert, and Brian Casey. Illustrated by Claudio Pozas. Cartography by Sean MacDonald.
Scientific Sorcery. It's time to delve into alchemy in your 5th Edition games! This article by Matt Roth presents a new Alchemist's Apprentice background (and it variant, the unorthodox Self-Made Master), a bunch of new alchemical items, and three new feats designed especially for alchemists - Alchemical Artillerist, Expeditious Alchemy, and Pernicious Poisoner. Illustrated by Nick Cramp and Jen Tracy.
It's Never Over: Plot Seeds for the End of the World. Dion Fernandez discusses campaigns which continue...after the end of the world! Using the Survivor background, along with discussion of omnipotent tyrants, world destabilization, and unknown powers, this article contains suggestions and plot seeds for a different kind of campaign.
Epic Threats: Elementals. As we round off the first month of 2016, we'd like to thank you all for helping us reach that 1,000 patron target! And we hope that every one of you enjoys this instalment of our Epic Threats series from EN5ider veteran James Introcaso in which we bring you - in standard 5E stat-clock format! - the Magma Elemental (CR 16), Mud Elemental (CR 14), Sand Elemental (CR 13), Smoke Elemental (CR 12), Steam Elemental (CR 11), and the mighty Storm Elemental (CR 15). Illustrated by Vanessa Bailey.
Sinister Spellbooks. Brandes Stoddard describes six sinister spellbooks, along with each's properties and associated plot hooks. Be careful how you handle the Codex of Khiruzam or the Libram of the Crimson Wasting; benefit from the illusion properties of the Green Book of Ka-Jorra or the stormy properties of Herim's Final Manuscript; read from the Prophecies of Ni-Shaan or the Fragments of the Luminous World. Each of these six spellbooks can be used to inscribe or alter your spells. Illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.
Speaking With Fists. It's not only monks who fight with their fists - these subclasses for the barbarian, fighter, rogue (and, yes, one for the monk) bring out the pugilist in a variety of classes! The barbarian's fists are as strong as tempered steel with the Path of the Lodestar; the fighter masters the art of the heavyweight boxer as the Pugilist; the monk combines arcane magic and unarmed combat in the Way of the Arcane Fist; and the rogue moves at blinding speed as the Speedster. With new weapon properties, the new Fisticuffs fighting style, and two new spells, designer Josh Gentry will have your characters brawling in the taverns! Illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.
The Holdenshire Chronicles (Act 1): The Ills of Hengistbury [Revised]. The eagerly awaited adventure has arrived - the first Act of the Holdenshire Chronicles! 41 pages of sandboxy goodness! This first act begins with the characters in the town of Hengistbury, detailed previously in the Primer (EN5ider #56). There, they begin their progression as heroes, and learn all about the dragon Cirothe’s predations on the local area. As they advance in expertise and experience, the idea of tracking the dragon to her lair and ending her threat forever may become a more realistic prospect. Twelve mini-adventures make up this 41-page sandbox Act; these can be undertaken in any order, although some may be more difficult than others.
Fell Grafts: Demons & Devils. Have you ever wanted an abyssal hide, balor wings, a devil's arm, a wretch's belch, an imp's eye, infernal horns, or vrock feathers? of course you have! Or at least, your 5E character has. Right? Designer Mike Myler brings you rules for infernal bodily alterations for those willing to make a deal with a devil! Illustrated by Cat Lu.
Priests of Misfortune. Fate and luck are double-edged swords. Deities from ancient cultures - the Aztecs, Egyptians, Greeks, and Welsh - were rightfully wary of the gods of misfortune. This article from Dan Head introduces the god of ill-fortune, Jinx, one of the triumvirate which also includes Fate and Fortuna. Also described is the misfortunate domain, information on clerics of Jinx, and new magic items such as the No-Headed Coin. Illustrated by Sade.
Priests of Elemental Power. Let your clerics embrace the elements and add some new domains to your 5E game - the flame domain, stone domain, water domain, and winter domain. Experience the Flame Cleric's Avatar of Flames, see how Reverent Stones part before your Stone Cleric, and be awestruck by the Water Cleric's Roar of the Waves! By C. Richard Davies; illustrated by Sade.
Rites of Spring: Magical Ceremonies of the Spring Equinox. Spring is upon us, and what better way to celebrate it than to bring some seasonal rites into your 5E campaign? The March of the Wild Men, Lunar New Year, Water Fight, Dance of the Flyers, Ritual of Flaying, and the Candelaria are all magical ceremonies which affect both the environment, and characters who participate in them. By Dion Fernandez; illustrated by Jeshields.
The Armature: Building A Better Dungeon. Kyle Pointer discusses the Armature Method of dungeon design - how to use a core idea or concept throughout an entire adventure in order to maintain a consistent tone and atmosphere. If you're creating your own adventures for use at the game table, the ideas in this article will prove useful! Illustrated by Phil Stone.
Arachnoelementals. Four elemental spiders, denizens of the Inner Planes from Antony Jennings. Ranging from CR 2 to 7, the arachnomentals feed on the flesh of travelers from the Material Plane, stalking and ambushing their prey. Illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
The Holdenshire Chronicles (Act 2): Journey to Skull Mountain. Act 2 of The Holdenshire Chronicles is here, with Journey to Skull Mountain! In Act 1, the PCs death with a variety of events in their home county of Holdenshire. But now it's time to begin the long wilderness trek to Skull Mountain and the dragon known as Cirothe. Can they slay devils and demons, overcome giants and bandits, deal with plants and trolls, and assemble all that they need to overcome the beast?
Children of the Earth. Connors brings you three new playable dwarf subraces. The wild Flint Dwarves are strong and volatile; the exalted Jade Dwarves are almost otherworldly guardians of civilization; and the vengeful Obsidian Dwarves have a fiery heritage. Illustrated by Cat Lu.
Monstrous Menagerie: Its Already Ogre. New for EN5ider patrons! Ogres are a staple part of fantasy fiction, and we all know the old saying "you can never have enough ogres!" From Brandes Stoddard comes the Thornfist, Blutsauger, Ganitehead, and Plaguebelly ogres (Challenge Ratings 3-6) to surprise and intimidate your players! Illustrated by Sade.
Allies & Adversaries: Orc Life. Not all orcs are barbarians and bandits. Meet Gurk, an orc painter in the big city; Rathbone, a banished orc war-priestess; Vortch, an orc "chef"; and Balla, an orc dancer and servant. This article provides full stat-blocks, descriptions, backgrounds, and roleplaying notes for each, along with their traits, bonds, and flaws. By Kiel Chenier; illustrated by Phil Stone.
Over the Next Hill: The Hamlet of Varseldorf. In the next of our Over The Next Hill Series, Pater Zacchaeus brings us the Hamlet of Varseldorf, another plug-in village for your 5E game. With the usual significant areas and plot hooks, this initially idyllic-seeming village of doppelgängers has a dark secret! Cartography by Michael McCarthy.
Celestial Grafts: Angels & Avatars. Celestial Experiment Feats allow your character to exhibit aspects and abilities of angels and avatars, from Deva Wings to a Unicorn Horn to a Solar Gaze. Plus with the new Oath of the Angelic Avatar, paladins can accept the physical blessings of the divine in ways which manifest in glorious physical changes! By Mike Myler; illustrated by Rick Hershey.
Magical Laws. Jonathan Palmer takes a look at the ways a fantasy society would regulate and legislate the use of magic. From registration to mandatory service to guild enforcement, these ideas can help add verisimilitude to your game and create new plot ideas. Illustrated by Indi Martin.
The Holdenshire Chronicles (Act 3): Into the Dragon's Lair. The third and final act of TO SLAY A DRAGON! The heroes have travelled across the lands to reach Skull Mountain, armed with powerful artifacts which will help them slay the mighty dragon, Cirothe. Can they penetrate the volcano lair, defeat the mighty dragon, rescue Ariadne, and claim the dragon's hoard for themselves? Or have they bitten off more than they can chew? Illustrations by Claudio Pozas; cartography by Sean MacDonald.
How To Play Gothic Horror. In this GM advice article, Brandes Stoddard takes a look at the ways a GM can make a gothic horror adventure feel a little more scary. From tragic outcomes to dark secrets, and a new optional rule for Innocence, these tips will help bring your gothic horror sessions to life! Illustrated by Melissa Tillery.
Creating Gothic Adventures For High Level Characters. Following last week's article on How To Play Gothic Horror, we up the stakes (get it?) with Anthony Jenning's guide to creating gothic 5th Edition adventures for high level characters which looks at the villain, the setting, and the scope of such games. Illustrated by Phil Stone.
How To Run A Successful Festival. Festivals are a staple of the fantasy genre, and this article from Jeff Gomez presents over a dozen festival games to spice up your game world. With festival sizes ranging from a village to a worldwide event, and contests including Bop the Rat, Coal Holder, Shot for Shot, and Ring the Bell, your PCs will easily spend an hour or two exploring the show! Illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Farmsteads & Foes: Your Guide To The High Stakes World Of Low-Level Gaming. We reach our 80th article with this guide to making low-level play more compelling. Steven Willian Zundel 2nd offers a dozen useful edicts which are designed to help you create gripping experiences right from the start of a party's adventuring career. Illustrated by Cat Lu.
The Alchemist: Where Madness Meets Magic. Exclusive to EN5ider patrons - a brand new class from writer C. Richard Davies for your 5th Edition games! The alchemist has an almost scientific approach to magic, able to make alchemical Discoveries. Will your alchemist become immune to poison, or discover the Elixir of Life? Will you delve into the Science of Creation and build a homunculus, or research the Science of Destruction and devise explosives? A full 5th Edition player class only on EN5ider! Illustrated by J.E. Shields and Nick Cramp.
The Fugitive Scholar (adventure). A brand new adventure from Mike Myler for 5th level characters. Can the party help find out who framed Kanral Bodache, save a missing prince, defeat an evil diabolist, and save the walled city of Rettikus? Also includes statistics for a new monster, the Relic Golem! Illustrated by Ellis Goodson; cartography by Ross McConnell.
The Occultist: Freeing The Monster Within. Our second full class this month comes from designer Mike Myler, and it's an unusual one! The Occultist allows you to play a monster, with a choice of three distinct paths: an abomination, a vampire, or a werecreature! Delve into the dark and secret creatures of the night, cursed to exist as monstrous beings shunned by the world. Illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Blood Moon Ascendant. What effects does the Blood Moon, a night where the normally silver guardian of the sky turns crimson, have on your 5th Edition campaign world? Often viewed as a night to fear, this article from writer Dion Fernandez presents the random effects of the Blood Moon. Do statues, dolls, and scarecrows come alive? Or is it the time for a fey court or coven to gather? Additionally, we examine the effects of the Blood Moon on each of the core 5E character classes as it enhances the barbarian's rage, or allows rangers to use their Natural Explorer features wherever the Blood Moon shines. Illustrated by Indi Martin.
The War of Numbers: A Big Table. Some GMs are blessed with a big table, full of players. However, a large group has its own set of challenges; in this article, Simon "Skipp" Morin suggests some techniques for managing a crowded game and keeping it focused and on-track. Illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Monster Menagerie: Strange Dead. As we approach the end of our horror-themed offerings and prepare to move into the fey-filled summer, writer Khaldoun Khelil introduces two new horrific undead creatures: the doglike, ghoulish carrow, and the burnt, vampiric thuull. Illustrated by Cat Lu.
The Alchemist Expanded: More Magic, More Madness. Last month, EN World EN5ider brought you the brand new Alchemist character class for your 5th Edition games. This month, we expand on that with three new Advanced Studies - Science of Illumination, Science of Mutation, and Science of Regeneration. Also included are two news spells, and an update which gives with original alchemist a little more "oomph". By C. Richard Davies; illustrated by Egil Thompson.
Over The Next Hill: Summerwine Creek. Summer is here, and with it comes EN5ider's fey season—beginning with Summerwine Creek, an idyllic village with an otherworldly secret. What is behind the settlement's endless festivities?
Monstrous Menagerie: From Stranger Woods. Four fantastical new fey monsters for your 5E game! The goat-horned ochokochi with a bony cleaver; the capricious trickster poludnitsa; the angelic-looking samovila, ladies of drought and harvest; and the repulsive via, with their gaze of dread. These creatures are inspired by Eastern European folklore.
Peoples of the Fey Realms. More summer means more fey! In this short supplement, Michael Ohl brings you three new fey player races for your 5th Edition games - fauns, gremlins, and spriggans!
Feywalker. Another brand new 5E class for EN5ider patrons! The Feywalker, from writer Mike Myler, is a mysterious warrior with mystical powers. Feywalkers can teleport short distances, breathe in air and water, and enchant others with a glance. They can also choose from three primal spheres: beasts, plants, or entropy. Illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Armament of the Courts. EN5ider's summer of fey continues unabated with this latest supplement by Colin McLaughlin. In Armament of the Courts, we bring you six new fey-themed magical items - three of Summer, and three of Winter. The Mask of the White Stag, the Cloak of Leaves, and the Gauntlets of Summer are all part of the Regalia of Summer; while the Winter Wolf's Hide, the Horn of Winter, and the Signet of the Winter Sky are all of the Legacy of Frost. Additionally, here you'll find additional item powers activated by Legendary Deeds, and the effects of a fey patron's Royal Will. Illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Monstrous Menagerie: Beasts of the Feywild. More summer means more fey! This time we have a bunch of new fey beasts for your 5E game - from the Dreaming Tree to the Sylvan Spaniel, from the Moon Horse to the Flower Mouse, these creatures from writer Jason Reilly are sure to enhance your game sessions! Illustrated by Vanessa Bailey.
Sylvan Secrets. Writer Josh Gentry brings you a range of new fey-themed rules to add to your game. Fey-Touched NPC appearance, bonds, and flaws; random fey environmental objects such as fey wards, gates, and leylines; fey antics and pranks; and how to gain and use sylvan favour. Illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
The Fey Kindred. Some elves and gnomes are inextricably linked to the Court of the Feywild. These are the Fey Kindred, four racial variations which change the nature of these races — the Seelie and Unseelie Elves and Gnomes. Seelie Elves exemplify courtly grace, are gifted in subtle magic, and have skin which glimmers in the moonlight. Unseelie Elves embrace treachery and vindictiveness. Seelie Gnomes work to aid those in need, often hidden amongst the mortal races. Unseelie Gnomes are mischievous and chaotic. Also included are the new Fey-Court Noble and Fey Talent feats. By Brandes Stoddard; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Ildwych’s Crystal Castle (adventure). This fey-themed adventure is set in the village of Summerwine Creek (described in EN5ider #88). The tiny castle in the center of the village is filled with puzzles and secrets; can the PCs free the villagers from Fey Prince Ildwych and discover the secret of Summerwine Creek's perpetual festival? Also included is the new 'mirror passage' spell, two new fey monsters, and a half dozen new magical items. By Brandes Stoddard; illustrated by Phil Stone; cartography by Michael McCarthy.
Magic in the Blood: Archetypes of the Fey. As our summer of fey draws to a close, and as we approach our 100th 5E supplement, writer Anthony Jennings presents three new fey-themed archetypes - the druid's Circle of the Untamed Wilderness, the fighter's Unseelie Knight, and the sorcerer's Fey Blooded bloodline. Illustrated by Egil Thompson.
Monstrous Menagerie: Fearsome Critters. With our 100th article only two weeks away, writer John Bupp takes a look at a handful of fearsome fey critters! The small, apelike agropelter hurls branches from nearby trees; the infamous jackalope can mimic any sound it hears; the short, pudgy puckwudgie can be helpful, but a terrible foe if slighted; and the six-legged campus cat and terrify its prey with its mere gaze. Illustrated by Vanessa Bailey.
The Morph. New for EN5ider patrons—our 99th article! Keep an eye out for something special for our 100th article next week, but before we get to that we have a brand new class - the Morph! The morph, our fifth full class, is a shapechanging specialist, able to slide between different forms. Morphs have a choice of three Essenses - the Doppleganger, the Primordial Beast, and the Trickster - and a selection of Morph Talents to select from. By Josh Gentry; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Into the Feywild (adventure). Our 100th issue is a FREE adventure from Kiel Chenier! The adventurers are trapped in a strange land - can they find their way home? And can they navigate the labyrinthine Hedgegrove, domain of Princess Daneliean Dendelion? Illustrated by Egil Thompson.
The Diabolist. We begin our second hundred supplements with another new class - the Diabolist! Diabolists deal with forbidden secrets and dark entities, grasping for power through dark pacts. While they have things in common with necromancers and warlocks, diabolists are something entirely more... diabolical! Also included are two Dark Paths - the Demonic path and the Devilish path. And keep an eye out for next week, when Mike Myler introduces some conjured horrors, such as the accuser devil, contract devil, and more! Illustrated by Phil Stone. This is EN5ider's 6th full class.
You're All Doomed (adventure). A brand new 5E adventure! What if everything the PCs encountered here was a lie? The village in peril, the wizard’s tower, and the promise of an ancient treasure; all of it set up and presented to the PCs like a trail of breadcrumbs. All of it eventually leading to their deaths, orchestrated by a powerful manipulator: a literal master of dungeons. By Kiel Chenier, based on a concept by Paul Padmore; Illustrated by Mel Tillery; cartography by Kiel Chenier and Michael McCarthy.
Conjured Horrors. A follow-up to the Diabolist class recently published by EN5ider, this article introduces the Cacodaemon, Hydrodaemon, Thanadaemon, Abrikandilu (Wrecker Demon), Accuser Devil, Contract Devil, and Warmonger Devil, denizens of the River Styx, and Hell itself, just waiting to be summoned by a Diabolist! By Mike Myler; illustrated by Sade.
Fell Ritual Boons. This issue of EN5ider embraces the dark side, with character options for evil characters. These five Ritual Feats (Ancestral Sacrifice, Auromancy, Master of Rituals, and Ritualistic Slaughterer) are accompanied by advice on running an evil game. This article works well both as a standalone, and as a companion to EN5ider's recent Diabolist class and its followup, Conjured Horrors. By Mike Myler; illustrated by Sade.
Vile Ritual Encounters. Three encounters (The Summoning at CR 5, The Poisoning at CR 10, and The Immolation at CR 15) are designed to challenge your PCs with climactic rituals described round-by-round. By Jon Sawatsky; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
The Cardcaster. In EN5ider's 7th full class, Josh Gentry introduces the Cardcaster! The card caster uses a tarot deck to release magic, playing cards to cast spells - although she doesn't always have control over what spells are currently made available to her by the winds of fate! Also included are three archetypes - the Knight of Swords, which embodies mental force and determination; the Page of Wands, which embodies the magical power of creation; and the Queen of Cups, with embodies the emotions. Illustrated by Indi Martin.
Bound by the Cards: The Tarot Encounter Deck. If you enjoyed last week's Cardcaster class, you'll find this additional use for a tarot deck useful. Josh Gentry described how to use a tarot deck to generate random encounters in your 5E game. Indeed, you could have your cardcaster draw the cards! This system allows for random encounters at various tiers of difficulty, all the way up to level 20. Illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Erandreg's Tome of Forbidden Arcana. A collection of new, sinister 5th Edition spells contained within a dark, forbidden tome. From Hithind's Devouring Worm to Simbeline's Inescapable Malady to Soul Shackle, these nine spells over a rage of levels for sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards. By Brandes Stoddard; illustrated by Sade.
Monstrous Menagerie: A Bookshelf of Monsters. These four new monsters for your 5th Edition game are all book-themed - the Bibliognost (a living pile of books), the Djehuty (an otherworldly avatar of learning), the Living Spellbook (an ancient volume with its own will), and the Titivullus (low ranked devils charged with corrupting texts). By Artem Serebrennikov; illustrated by Indi Martin.
The Greater Secrets: New Options For Cardcasters. For fans of EN5ider's recent Cardcaster class, these new feats (Cardshark, Cartomancy, Chosen of Fortune, Intuitive Diviner) and the new King of Pentacles and Jack of Beasts specializations, expand the class with new options. By Josh Gentry; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Searching the River Styx (adventure). In this 5th Edition adventure, the PCs find themselves dead, and at the entrance to Hell itself! The River Styx, a demiplane populated by daemons tasked with shepherding souls to their final destination, is the setting for this adventure which can be run as a one-off, or used when the entire party is killed in the course of adventuring. Will they survive the Cavern of Gluttony, the grasping of the damned, the soul shriek of utter torment, the Altar to Heresy, and the the Grotto of Avarice? Can they help the fallen angel Sotira, and so gain their freedom and their lives? This adventure uses a scaling system to allow it to be used for PCs from 3rd-16th level. By Mike Myler; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Over the Next Hill: City of Hidden Ways. Glavas Roh is secretive village dominated by an enormous obsidian monolith, hundreds of feet tall, with an ancient, occult purpose. This settlement is designed to be dropped into any setting, complete with NPC descriptions and suggested plot hooks. By GM Lent; illustrated by Xanditz.
A Blade For All Seasons: Gifts of the Forge. 5th Edition rules for commissioning custom blades from blacksmiths, including smithing experience levels, and the use of 20 special forging components such as Dwarven Kindling, Elvish Pearl Gel, Starmetal Ore, or Wyvern Tailbone Powder, each of which customises the final weapon in a specific way. By Kiel Chenier; illustrated by Egil Thompson and Jeshields.
The Devil's Footlocker: A Collection of Cursed Trinkets. Next week we begin our holiday-themed articles, but for now here's a collection of dark and cursed objects — the Azurelight Lantern, Breathless Pipe, Dice of the Den Lord, Draconic Diorama, Emerald Snapper, Linen Larcenist, and Rose of Friendship. These items are all cursed or evil - not what an adventurer wants to find in a treasure hoard! By Ambrose Ingram; illustrated by Phil Stone.
Inspired Giving. EN5ider begin its holiday season of giving with a look at Inspiration and ten new ways of awarding it in your 5E game. These new rules include Action Hero Pools, Bringing The Drama, the Dead Pool, Devil's Bargain, Dramatic Flair, Epic Success, Epiphany, Gm's Reward, Inspired Damage, and the Player Inspiration Pool. Each approach serves a different purpose and encourages a different play style. Use any of these methods, combine them with the standard inspiration system, or mix and match to suit your needs. By Mark A. Hart; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
The Charity of St. Nicholas. The holiday season is all about charity, and Jeremy McCoy accordingly presents the new Charity domain for clerics, along with information on St. Nicholas and other saints in your campaign. Illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
A Present for Every Class: Warriors. A selection of unique magical items tailored to martially-inclined 5th Edition characters! The Barbarian's Greataxe, Monk's Staff, Paladin's Shield, Ranger's Longbow, and more are granted via the new Signature Regalia feat. Nine items in total for the warriors in your party! By Mike Myler; illustrated by Sade.
A Present for Every Class: Spellcasters. Following on from the last article, which presented a selection of themed items especially for martial classes, this second half focuses on the spell casters. The bard's flute, sorcerer's stone, wizards' hat, druid's much, and cleric's hole symbol round out the list of signature regalia which get more powerful as you do. By Mike Myler; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Presents for Goblins: A Holiday Romp! (adventure). In this festive adventure for 3rd-5th level characters, the PCs must recover Revelleschafter's seasonal gifts from the goblins who raided the town on the eve of All's Giving Day. Fun as a one-shot or as part of an ongoing camapign. This adventure also includes four new goblin types - a variant nilbog, a yobbo, a goblin concubine, and the goblin king - and a random table for goblin poison effects. By Kiel Chenier; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Blessings of the Beyond. Benisons are a moderate supernatural gift type, somewhere between a charm and a blessing. This article introduces seven example benisons - Benison of Servile Conjuration, Benison of the Distant Gate, Benison of the Crystal Sphere, and more - along with game advice for the use of blessings and charms. By GM Lent; illustrated by Sade.
While You Were Out. A range of archetypal NPC concepts and associated plot suggestions help you to build compelling and memorable emotional links in your players' minds. The Monster in the Forest, The Little Hero, The Mentor, The Strange Bedfellow, and more, are presented in this article by Steven W. Zundel 2nd. Illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Allies & Adversaries: Servants of the Winter Court. In our final item of the month - and, indeed, the year - we introduce three themed fey NPCs. Grimollo the Voice Thief will steal your very words; Missus Silverbeak is a giant talking fairy owl; and Snowblind is the Knight of the Winter Wastes. By James Haek; illustrated by EIlis Goodson and Egil Thompson. Happy New Year, everybody, and let's have a great 2017 for EN5ider!
Monstrous Menagerie: Giants of Legend. Four new giants bring the world's myths and legends into your 5E game! The hateful Endriago has the head of a lion and batlike wings; the chivalric Ferragut wears shining plate armor; the fur-wearing Jentialk use gigantic farm tools as weapons; and the Panoptes has dozens of eyes with a wicked stare. These giants come from Spanish, French, Basque, and Greek legend. By Artem Serebrennikov; illustrated by Sade.
Anatomy of a Wizard's Tower. Use these random tables to quickly generate a wizard's tower, with information on the wizard, their workshop, library, living quarters, and their vault and its defenses. By Jeff Gomez; illustrated by Phil Stone.
Keep Your Powder Dry! Part 1: Firearms for Fantasy Campaigns. The core rules include rules for firearms; this article takes a look at some of the very earliest gunpowder weapons. Walk Ciechanowski introduces three ancient firearms, five new weapon properties, rules for customizing firearms, the new Alchemist Advanced Study (for use with En5ider's Alchemist class), and three new magic items. Illustrated by Sade.
Monstrous Menagerie: Titans of the End Times. Monsters in fantasy roleplaying games are often derived from classical mythology, and this article is no different. Meet Antaeus, a 20-foot marble giant from Greek mythology; Jack-In-Irons, a bestial creature, wrapped in chains, from English Folklore; and Svyatogor, a colossal silver-bearded warrior from Russian legends. By Artem Serebrennikov; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Collegia Magia: Granspire Seminary. This holy lighthouse holds a dark secret. The start of a series on plug-in magical colleges, this article contains rumors, plot hooks, background options, a new item, a new spell, and the Sea Monk, the nameless demon of Granspire Seminary. By Josh Gentry; illustrated by Phil Stone.
ZEITGEIST Campaign Guide. The Campaign Guide details the plot of the ZEITGEIST adventure path and introduces various antagonists and power groups. If you're planning on playing the ZEITGEIST adventure path (rather than running it), this guide will seriously spoil the experience for you.
Keep Your Power Dry! Part 2: Early Modern Firearms. In our second article in this series (see EN5ider #125), we take a look at easily modern firearms. From blunderbusses to matchlocks, with new customizations and new items such as adamantine bullets, dragon's breath shot, and The Proclaimer, a blessed firearm, this article continues to expand on the firearms rules from the core rulebooks. By Walt Ciechanowski; illustrated by Indi Martin.
ZEITGEIST Adventure Path Player's Guide: Part 1 (Characters). "Steam and soot darken the skies above the city of Flint, and winds sweeping across its majestic harbor blow the choking products of industrial forges into the fey rainforests that dot its knife-toothed mountains." This 16-page document is designed for players (the separate Campaign Guide, EN5ider #128, is for GMs only and decribes the whole plot of the adventure path). Within you will find a brief introduction to the setting, the Deva and Eladrin races, and nine character themes - Docker, Eschatologist, Gunsmith, Martial Scientist, Skyseer, Spirit Medium, Technologist, Vekeshi Mystic, and Yerasol Veteran. By Ryan Nock; illustrated by Claudio Pozas, Brian Lindahl, ShenFei; cartography by Jonathan Roberts.
The Ways of Dream and Nightmare. The cleric's Dream Domain grants revelations and forges nightmares into weapons; the sorcerer's Transcendant Soul origin uses the power of dream to slip across planar boundaries; and the wizard's School of Nightmares uses necromancy and illusion to spread fear. Also here, you'll find 7 new eldritch invocations for warlocks, such as Nightmare Mask, Ominous Dreams, and Word of Doom. By Brandes Stoddard; illustrated by Egil Thompson.
Collegia Magia: Johannes Institute of Science. The Johannes Institute of Science is a magical academy, renowned for its academic rigor. Whether alchemist, bard, druid, sorcerer, or any other magical class, all spellcasting characters have something to gain from this well-regarded institute. This article includes a description and history of the Johannes Institute, rumors and plot hooks, a new spell (transfiguration), background expansions, brief information on significant NPCs. Finally, it includes a table of random scientific innovations. By Josh Gentry; illustrated by Victoria Oliveira.
The Origins of Kobolds. Michael McCarthy takes a hard look at Kobolds and reveals the truth about them and their origins - the primal Kobalds. The dog-faced Kobalds differ to Kobolds, as do the Kobaloi, a race of immortal troublemakers. Also included are the Kobold Tunneler, Kobold Poisoner, and information on cobalt, a toxic substance used by Kobolds in blades and spikes for traps. Illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
ZEITGEIST Adventure Path Player's Guide: Part 2 (Equipment). In these 11 pages you'll find information on equipment for the ZEITGEIST adventure path. From explosive alchemicals to gentlemen's goggles to new firearms, plus ships of the Royal Homeland Constabulary, details on Prestige and how to requisition equipment and call in favors, and a selection of allied stats for police constables and soldiers. By Ryan Nock; illustrated by Claudio Pozas, Brian Lindahl, ShenFei; cartography by Jonathan Roberts.
Don't Lose the Light. The world is filled with deep, dark places that few dare to venture into: prehistoric caverns, ancient tombs, and foreboding dungeons. All of these places have one thing in common: their lack of light. These are places where the sun holds no sway, and the evil creatures that dwell within them hunt and thrive in total darkness. Only a fool would venture into such a place without a light source. Sometimes, even a simple torch or iron lantern isn’t enough to pierce the darkness of such places, which is where this article comes in. “Don’t Lose the Light” provides players and Game Masters alike with five custom light source items that can be purchased, found, or collected as treasure.
Keep your Powder Dry (Part 3: Industrial Firepower). In the third part of your Keep Your Powder Dry Series, we take a look at industrial firepower - the weapons from the 18th and early 20th centuries. New 5E weapon properties include capacity, chain fire, and double-action are joined by the new weapons - the carbine, pepperbox pistol and rifle, pocket pistol, revolver, and rifle. Finally, we include new feats such as Greased Lightning and Mounted Musketeer. By Walt Ciechanowski; illustrated by Tamara Cvetkovic.
Beware of Mold and Other Dungeon Hazards. Designer GM Lent introduces a range of dungeon hazards to ruin your players' day - the euphoria-inducing bliss mold, the spell-resistant elven mold, the deceptive mirage blight, horrifying living walls, mire mold, putrid slime, and umber mold. Illustrated by Sade.
Anatomy of a War Camp. These quick random tables enable you to quickly create a unique war camp, describing its grounds, sleeping arrangements, leisure activities, defences and night watch, and the types of treasure pillaged. By Jeff Gomez; illustrated by Phil Stone.
ZEITGEIST Adventure Path Player's Guide: Part 3 (Flint & the RHC). The third part of the ZEITGEIST Player's Guide for 5th Edition introduces the city of Flint, and the Rylah Homeland Constabulary. Complete with full-colour maps, this guide describes the various districts of Flint, along with the hierarchy of the RHC, details about its headquarters, and information on trailing and interrogating suspects.
Collegia Magia: Mahala Academy. The Mahala Imperial Academy trains spell casters in the art of war magic. Along with a description of the Academy, in this article by Josh Gentry you'll find new bonds and flaws, new feats such as Imperial Pyromancy and Occult Informant, outlines of significant NPCs, rumours and plot hooks, random faction conspiracies, and the Imperial Pyromancer stat block. Illustrated by Phil Stone.
Dungeon Callings. These new backgrounds by Walt Ciechanowski are all linked to the depths of the world underground - the Deep Hunter, a skilled at tracking prey in underground environments; Escape From Below, a character who escaped captivity and fled to the surface; and the Imposter, someone with a stolen identity. Illustrated by Peter Woods.
ZEITGEIST: Bonds of Forced Faith (Prologue). This 32-page adventure, Bonds of Forced Faith, is a prologue to the ZEITGEIST adventure path. Featuring a group of pregenerated PCs 100 years before the main adventure path begins, the players play King Lorcan Finn and his retinue which includes Dame Melissa Gahlot the Green Knight; Mayor Roland Stanfield, the reincarnated deva; Principal Minster Harkover Lee, the fire-wielding defender of the King; Godgand Thomas Masaryk, a foreign holy warrior; and Amielle Latimer, a tiefling gunsmith from Danor. This group of legendary characters must defeat a cover of witches, led by the Red Contessa, who lair on Cauldron Hill. An enchanting excursion for 10th level characters, this adventure can serve as a one-shot or as a prologue to the ZEITGEIST adventure path.
Anatomy of a Tavern. From Jeff Gomez comes the latest in this series. We've covered wizard's towers and military camps; and this time, we present tables for randomly generating a tavern! Use dice to generate its name, atmosphere, signature drink, signature meal, bartender, and patrons. Illustrated by Phil Stone.
ZEITGEIST Player's Guide (Part Four: Risur & Ber). This supplement is the fourth part of the ZEITGEIST Player's Guide for 5E. In these pages you will find setting and background information on the ZEITGEIST campaign setting, and the nations of Risur and Ber, encompassing land and culture, major cities, race, religion, and government. Learn about fey and the mortal realms, the Sword of Black Needles, the fey titans, the Ursalina Bear Games, The Tyrant's Eye, and more! By Ryan Nock.
Malonge's Mnemonic of Subterranean Spells. Eight new spells, and details about Lamar Lamonge's spellbook. Dwarven miners discovered the Mnemonic lining the underground nest of a gargantuan mutant raven. These excerpts have circulated into the wizarding community, introducing spells such as darklight, Malonge's malevolent missile, and stonesense. By C. Richard Davies; illustrated by Egil Thompson.
Cosmic Syzygy. Some sorcerers are linked to the heavens - the cosmic power of stars, moons, and planets. This new Sorcerous Origin is accompanied by the Astrologer and Cosmic Ritualist feats, and the new spells Astromancy and Eclipse. Sorcerers with the Cosmic Syzygy ring grow more powerful at times of astrological significance, and are able to evoke the power of destiny, draw energy from the alignments of celestial bodies, and glimpse into the future. By David N Ross; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Magical Dungeon Archetypes. The bard's College of the Passage, the cleric's Labyrinth divine domain, the druid's Circle of the Worked Stone, the sorcerers Oozemancer bloodline, the warlock's Enigmatic Eye patron, and the wizard's School of the Inside Out are all new archetypes based around the delving of dungeons and the exploration of the dark places. By Mike Myler; illustrated by Sade.
Anatomy of a Town. Our popular Anatomy Of... series continues! We've had taverns, war camps, and wizards' towers - and this time we have a system for randomly creating a rural village! Roll for its name, size, mood, industry, landmarks, and it's dark secret.... By Jeff Gomez; illustrated by Phil Stone.
Monstrous Menagerie: Deep Dwellers. Meet the Grimlock Supplicant, Grimlock Brute, Revilok, Troglodyte Meatseeker, and the Troglodyte Wallower in this article detailing monsters found deep underground. By Ambrose Ingram; illustrated by Sade.
Special Issue! A Touch of Class. Meet the full alchemist, cardcaster, diabolist, feywalker, morph, noble, and occultist classes for your 5E games in this 70-page book! These seven classes originally appeared in EN5ider. Over time, they have been revised and updated after plenty of feedback from the community, and now they're ready to be presented as a full-colour softcover book! Each is a full class, along with archetypes; plus the collection includes a selection of supporting feats, spells, items, backgrounds, and monsters to help make the most from them.Tides of Battle: Fifth Edition Stunts. Ari Marmell has returned to change the Tides of Battle by introducing cinematic stunts to Fifth Edition. With this combat module, your character gains the tools to perform amazing feats of acrobatics, use dirty tricks, and dazzle your enemies... without giving up any usefulness in combat in exchange for dramatic flair. Of course, GMs need not fear; it wouldn't be fair if the monsters didn't get these tricks, too…
ZEITGEIST Player's Guide (Part Five: Crysillyir, Danor, Drakr, Elfaivar; & Planes & Religion). This supplement is the fifth and final part of the ZEITGEIST Player's Guide for 5E. In these pages you will find setting and background information on the ZEITGEIST campaign setting, and the nations of Crysillyir, Danor, Drakr, and Elfaivar, encompassing land and culture, major cities, race, religion, and government. You will also learn about the planes and key religions of the ZEITGEIST setting. By Ryan Nock.
Allies & Adversaries: Dungeon Denizens. Meet five colourful new underground denizens ready to insert into your game world: Ruby, the smirking component-seeking campion; Black Bones, the former cat familiar; Prince Velm Ducroix, the corpulent vampire gossip; Satuiel, wandering wererat salesman; and Adrian Alexa, the last daughter of an ancient sea goddess. By Khaldoun Khelil; illustrated by Indi Martin.
Martial Dungeon Archetypes. Designer Mike Myler brings us six new dungeon-themed sub-classes for your 5E characters. The Barbarian Survivalist is able to to display impressive reliance; the Fighter Sentinel excels when her back is to the wall; the Monk Acrobat can backflip and wall-run with the best of them; the Paladin Oath of Discovery deems the quest for knowledge to be the noblest of pursuits; the Ranger Lightless Prowler is to be feared in the dark; and the Rogue Tumbler can dance around his opponents and escape the direst situations. Illustrated by Tamara Cvetkovic.
Collegia Magia: The Festung. The latest in our series of magical colleges introduces a vile, nightmarish castle, full of laboratories of devilry, necromancy, and torture. Here you'll also fin new ideals and flaws, the new Void Maw spell, a new artifact called the Fountain of Innocent Blood, the Fallen Angel warlock patron, and an overview of significant NPCs, rumours, plot hooks, and random inhabitants. By Josh Gentry; illustrated by Victoria Oliveria.
Anatomy of a Prison. The Anatomy Of... series continues! After taverns, war camps, wizards' towers, and villages, it's time to randomly create prisons! This article includes tables for protection and escape, atmosphere, guards and leverage, and prisoners. By Jeff Gomez; illustrated by Phil Stone.
Allies & Adversaries: Goldenscale Host. This article introduces a new dragonborn mercenary company, and provides information about its command structure, notable personalities, story hooks for using the company as allies or adversaries, and two new creatures - the Goldenscale Recruit and the Goldenscale Officer. By Brandes Stoddard; illustrated by Xanditz.
Brute Forces: Hafthor's Legion. Drop this warrior's guild straight into your campaign! Josh Gentry brings you rumours, new traits, new feats such as Linebreaker and Regalia of the Legion, information on significant NPCs, three plot hooks, and a brief history of the legion. Illustrated by Victoria Oliveira.
ZEITGEIST #1 (Part 1): Island at the Axis of the World. The first part of the critically acclaimed adventure path is here! In factories throughout the city of Flint, months of ceasless toil by mages, engineers, and shipbuilders have finally concluded. Now well-wishers from across the nation of Risur have come to witness the launch of the world’s mightiest vessel of war: the R.N.S. Coaltongue, impervious to spell and cannon and armed with fire that could slay even a dragon. On the docks, constables keep a close eye on celebrants and troublemakers; in the shadows, conspiracy and betrayal threaten this technological titan on its maiden voyage. Meanwhile, on an island in the lush Yerasol Achipelago, enemy spies put their plans into motion, clouded with secrecy…
The Goddess Within: Playing Nymphs. A brand new character race for 5E players! Immortal nature spirits, Nymphs have three subraces - Earth Nymphs, Forest Nymphs, and Water Nymphs. Also included are two new feats available only to these races, as well as information on Nymphs' place in the world, responsibilities to nature, families, and names. By Josh Gentry; illustrated by Tamara Cvetkovic.
Allies & Adversaries: Creeps in the Storm. Fisher Gretchen, Captain Mordercai Graves, Drenched Wench and her Parasitic Baby, and Lamprey Joe — four dark NPCs to be encountered on a stormy night. Each with a full description, background, roleplaying notes, and statistics, plus a couple of stormy adventure hooks - The Thing The Sea Vomited Up, and Hunting The Kraken.
Secrets of Nature's Fury. These ten new spells are new additions to the druid’s repertoire and represent the cornucopia of blessing that Nature shares with her greatest allies. A handful of these spells are available for rangers as well. Nature is not stingy to those who protect her sacred places. Spells include venomous succor, wolfsbane, blade of grass, everygreen army, druidhome, and more. By Anthony Jennings; illustrated by Keir Lyles.
Fantastic Humans. In many RPGs, humans are the "default" standard for racial abilities; they tend to be the ordinary race. But humans are exceptional, just like elves and dwarves are, and this article introduces a range of variant human traits to your 5E game, designed to represent the breadth of human endeavour. These traits replace the generic +1 to each ability score that humans get, and instead allow you to choose three traits from a list including Cross-County Endurance, Life-Saving Scars, Clever Tools, Nomad's Perseverance, and more. Also included are four human feats - Dauntless scars, Human Adaptability, Ready to Go, and Wand Master. By Michael McCarthy; illustrated by Claudio Pozas.
Over The Next Hill: Gazebo Bay. The Over The Next Hill series continues with another "plug-in" location, ready to be inserted into your 5E campaign. Gazebo Bay is a tropical island, and a place to recuperate after an arduous adventure. Ambrose Ingram brings you NPCs like Chef Bosco, and "Big E" Affleby, and a description of the island and its various areas. Illustrated by Victoria Oliveria.
Anatomy of a Ship. If you need a fantasy ship for your game, writer Jeff Gomez has you covered! Randomly determine the ship's name, cargo, crew, propulsion, and weapons. For example, the Lonely Star, propelled by a weather witch, and armed with a swivel-mounted ballista, is transporting gemstones. Illustrated by Phil Stone.
ZEITGEIST #1 (Part 2): Island at the Axis of the World. The critically acclaimed adventure path continues! In this Act, the heroes will open the way for Risur's navy to take down the treacherous duchess by infiltrating Axis Island. Espionage and skullduggery abound!
Treasures from the Deep. Seven new magical items, all from the deep sea! They may be found half-buried in the sand, forgotten in treasure troves, or even in the hands of the character’s seafaring enemies! Barnacle mail, bracelet of the deep, death's touch, fiddler's grip, luminescent gum, shark's endurance, and the star heart make up this collection of exotic treasures. By Walt Ciechanowski; illustrated by Yihyoung Li.
Keep Your Powder Dry! Unusual Firearms I. Meet fire arrows, fire lances, the King's walking staff, the repeating flintlock pistol, the revolving blunderbuss, and the superposed gun, along with new weapon properties such as Chain Fire, Loud, Match Loading, Misfire, and Shot. These unusual firearms from Walt Ciechanowski really existed, but were exotic items which never became "mainstream". Perfect for a fantasy RPG, we say! Illustrated by Sade.
Allies & Adversaries: Summer Magi. The Summer Magi are an arcane nomadic people who venerate Summer. In this article, you will find new subclasses for your 5E game, including the Sacred Blaze cleric domain, Eternal Blaze warlock patron, and the Arcane Blaze sorcerous origin. By GM Lent; illustrated by Phil Stone.
Brute Forces: Epitheos Monastery. The Epithets Monastery is a remote mountainside sanctuary where monks practice a unique theology. This article from Josh Gentry introduces the monastery, rumours, new background traits, two new feats (Metaknowledge and Swordsaint), significant NPCs, and three quest hooks. Illustrated by Kim Van Deun.
Terrors of the Deep: Abolethic Servitors. These horrific monstrosities include the Maw Swarm (a cluster of living humanoid mouths driven by an all-consuming hunger), Oculites (two-foot diameter eyes encased in crystal shells), Slitherwhites (amputated tentacles grafted into a knot of writhing flesh), and the Slithering Crown (a higher form of merged Slitherwhite). Each monster comes with stats and story hooks. Also, for warlocks and wizards, we include the all-new conjure deep abomination spell. By Brandes Stoddard; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
ZEITGEIST #1 (Part 3): Island at the Axis of the World. The ZEITGEIST adventure path continues! Can the party infiltrate Axis Island, and open the way for Risur's navy to take down the treasonous duchess?
EN Obscurus: Bloodkeeper's Barricade. Deep underground is the Barricade, the guild hall for the Bloodkeepers assassins' guild. The main chamber reeks of carrion from a wall doused in blood. Should the blood ever run dry, the archfiend sealed within would break free. To ensure this never happens, the assassins magically drain the blood from all their victims—binding it within a crystal orb—creating rumors of vampires and cultists wherever they strike.
Keep Your Powder Dry: Unusual Firearms II. This article introduces the barrel chain rifle, elephant gun, harmonica gun, and more, along with seven new weapon properties. By Walk Ciechanowski; illustrated by Sade.
Faces of Hallow's Eve. Magical Halloween masks that impart the wearer with incredible powers, by ENnie Award-winning designer Kiel Chenier. A ghastly, wailing white mask grants the wearer the ability to interact with ghosts on their level. A hag's mask grants you the hag's powers, but now that hag sees through your eyes...and slowly alters you into her perfect vessel. And a stitched together collection of human faces grants you the bloodlust of 'the slasher'...but at a terrible price. Illustrated by Kim Van Deun.
EN Obscurus: Clan Arrowheart. Located in an inconspicuous cove romantically illuminated on full moon nights, Clan Arrowheart runs an extensive smuggling operation... coupled with covert matchmaking services. When they aren't running illegal goods, they investigate romances, unite lonely hearts, and avenge wrongdoings in the name of love (and coin)! By Josh Gentry; illustrated by Kim Van Deun.
Over The Next Hill: Roak Creek. This artistic community is located in a secretive clearing. What no one knows is that Lord Childe made an enemy of the devious night hag, Auntie Mudwillow. He stole her heartstone, the black gem that allows her to become ethereal. While she eventually killed him, he never divulged where he hid her heartstone, and she has searched for it ever since. A location, including NPCs, areas, rumors, and plot hooks. By Shambralyn Baker, illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Anatomy of a Cult. Cults are well-established features of fantasy settings. This article from Jeff Gomez helps you to randomly generate its core tenet, commandments, central myth, distinguishing mark, priests, and temple.
Spiritual Alignment: Lawful Clerical Domains. These new clerical domains - Community (LG), Authority (LN), and Conformity (LE) - allow a cleric to follow the philosophy and ethics of a specific alignment. Lawful philosophies emphasise order and tradition, with strict rites and scripture; however, they can be good, neutral, or evil, and each domain is different. By Walt Ciechanowski; illustrated by Victoria Oliveira.
ZEITGEIST #2 (Part 1) - The Dying Skyseer. When a woman is murdered in the Danoran consulate, the party's investigation threatens to unearth a conspiracy, and those in power move to silence all who might reveal them. Only with the guidance of an old dying prophet will the party have a chance to pierce the conspiracy's veil, and save Flint from a coming doom. These whopping 36-pages are the first part of The Dying Skyseer, the second adventure in the ZEITGEIST adventure path.
We All Wear Masks: Faces of the Grotesque. This collection of five magical masks, fashioned out of a monstrous creature's visage, imbue 5E characters with the powers of the monsters they depict. Each mask has a history, powers, plot hooks, and curses and drawbacks—the Goblin Mask, Mask of the Dragon, Dire Bear Mask, Hill Giant Mask, and Octopoid Mask.
Spiritual Alignment: Neutral Cleric Domains. Welcome to the Neutral Philosophies - the Integrity Domain (Neutral Good believers in goodness and justice), the Harmony Domain (True Neutral proponents of universal balance), and the Supremacy Domain (Neutral Evil clerics who ket nothing stand in the way of their desires). By Walt Ciechanowski; illustrated by Kim Van Deun.
Behold My True Form: Creating Evolving Boss Monsters. It can be tough to run a solo boss encounter when the PCs have it outnumbered 6:1 with actions. The focused-fire principle often means that such encounters are embarrassingly short, unless you just make the creature a ridiculous bag of hit points. This article talks about ways to make your solo boss encounters more challenging, and more interesting, by going it special traits which kick in at different times. By James J Haeck; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Anatomy of a Guild. Use this system to quickly generate a guild for your game. Randomly choose the guild type, fees, perks, structure, guildhall, and symbol. By Jeff Gomez; illustrated by Phil Stone.
Spiritual Alignment: Chaotic Cleric Domains. Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, and Chaotic Evil. Three chaotic domains. This article presents the Liberty Domain, Anarchy Domain, and Entropy Domain for your cleric characters. By Walt Ciechanowski; illustrated by Scott Harshbringer.
Anatomy of an Island. Jeff Gomez brings you a selection of random tables to hope you generate a memorable island for your players to encounter. Roll for the initial approach, threat, treasure, terrain, and notable locations. Illustrated by Phil Stone.
ZEITGEIST #2 (Part 2) - The Dying Skyseer. The next part of the ZEITGEIST adventure path continues the party's investigations into the goings-on in Flint.
Monstrous Menagerie: Chilling Foes. As the cold weather grips the real world, add some wintry foes to your D&D world! The Isaax is a monster of sharp ice and cold heart; the Forvirskripi is a tiny malevolent fey able to bring about icy disaster; the Hlaupa is a giant ice-pig with ivory tusks and mighty antlers; and the Knútadraugr is an icy undead warrior, with a hollow, chilling glare. By Mike Myler; illustrated by Kim Van Deun.
We All Wear Masks: Face of the Kindred. These five magical masks allow the wearer to wield different racial powers. The Mask of the Feychild, Stoneborn Death mask, Jawbreaker's War Mask, Mask of the Infernal Offspring, and the Mask of Humanity each comes with the history of the mask, its powers and benefits for the wearer, and plot hooks suggesting places where the mask might be found and the NPCs who might wear them. By Kiel Chenier; illustrated by Kim Van Deun.
Treasures From Beneath The Snow. Anorak of the Ice People. Barrow Bread. Ebon Blade. Guiding Harpoon. Ice Riders. Ironweed Rope. Memory Leaves. Summer Sight Goggles. These snow-themed treasures may be found deep within the coldest regions of the world, hidden inside ancient snow barrows. By Walt Ciechanowski; illustrated by Yihyoung Li.
Cold Snap: Encounter in the Frigid Wastes. As the cold weather in the real world continues, we continue our theme on EN5ider! Avalanches, frozen bridges, mammoth warriors, winter riders, and wolves in the storm await in this article by James J. Haeck; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Another Year Passed. Every setting needs traditions and celebrations, but these vary widely by culture. This article helps you to randomly flesh out your setting's New Year traditions, birthday celebrations, the effects of growing old, and how the changing years affect NPCs.
Gifts of the Dragon. Welcome to this collection of dragon-themed player options! This article includes: the Marked by the Dragon background; various draconic environmental objects such as the Draken Sigil, Draconic Obelisk, Vasssal Reliquary, Dragonvein, and Petrified Fundamentum; a draconic plot generator; A new Inspiration mechanic called Draconic Favor, which grants PCs the ability to activate a dragonvein, roar a draconic curse, be granted a draconic audience, to learn draconic knowledge, to invoke draconic fortitude, and more.
ZEITGEIST #2 (Part 3) - The Dying Skyseer. Concluding The Dying Skyseer! In part 3 of this adventure, the party uncovers the fourth investigation thread, the climax, and the conclusion of this complex instalment. Dragonborn arsonist brothers set a factory ablaze, creepy warehouses are investigated, and the PCs try to take down Mayor Reed Macbannin during an earthquake. What will they find in Macbannin Manor? For 4th-level characters.
Legend of the Heart Eater. A warlock subclass that can be inserted into play when a character dies, giving that character a second chance at life... with a price. By James Haeck; illustrated by Kim Van Deun.
The Gunfighter. A full character class based around using firearms, with three archetypes: the Bushwacker, the Drifter, and the Maverick. By Walt Ciechanowski; illustrated by Yihyoung Li.
Those Who Walk Through Time. Details on the Plane of Time, tethers, and timeslips, and the guardians of time, The Order of Chronology Devoted; along with a new Warlock Patron, the Chronomental (one of the time dimensionals which move through, around, and between timestreams, its form ever shifting between all possible variations of reality); and a Wizard Tradition, the Chrononaut (wizards who study, manipulate, and travel through the magic of Time—they are masters of the past, present, and future, aware of multitudes of possibilities and timestreams). By GM Lent; illustrated by Yihyoung Li.
Over The Next Hill: Stonewatch Lighthouse. Stonewatch is an aging lighthouse that looms above a particularly dangerous stretch of coastline. Its lone, weather-beaten spire rises from a rocky hilltop, as if stubbornly guarding against the thick ocean mists that churn below. The lighthouse itself is manned by an elderly knight in the middle of his final vigil, and a humble village nearby provides a modicum of refuge for passing travelers. Every light casts a shadow, though - and Stonewatch is no exception. The villagers whisper about strange, unexplained events, such as travelers disappearing from their rooms and ghostly forms appearing on misty nights, seemingly emerging through the solid walls of the nearby lighthouse itself.
ZEITGEIST #3 (Part 1) - Digging For Lies. Welcome to the third adventure in the ZEITGEIST adventure path! In the wake of a villain's defeat, his accomplices flee into the seedy underbelly of Flint. The party tracks down an arcanoscientist selling illegal arms and magic developed in labs owned by the fallen villain, and discovers a curious collection of ancient artifacts. These primitive weapons contain powerful spells capable of conjuring alien monsters never seen in modern times. To unearth why shadowy forces are collecting these relics, the partytravels into the High Bayou, lair of the dread fey titan called the Voice of Rot. There, beneath an ancient ziggurat, the party finds the remains of a doomed archaeological expedition, and learns that a powerful alien entity has escaped its ancient prison and entered this world. The party has tugged into view one thread of the conspiracy, but to reach its heart and see how deep the threat goes, they're going to have to dig. An adventure for enterprising heroes of 5th level.
Horrors Beneath The Ice. Watch out for the amorphous Black Icers, the hard-to-see Snow Angels, and the ethereal Wailer on the Ice! Writer Walt Ciechanowski bring you three icy undead monstrosities for your 5th Edition games! Illustrated by Phil Stone.
Enchanted Trinkets #1. For our 200th article, we introduce the first in a new series called Enchanted Trinkets! These 13 minor magical items include the Butter Knife of Perfect Serving, Flask of Inebriation, Signaling Ammunition, and the Wig of Styling, amongst others. By Erik Evjen; illustrated by Yihyoung Li.
Anatomy of a Heist. Run a fantasy bank job, steal some rare dragon eggs, and overcome traps, labyrinth, and monstrous guardians in your 5th Edition game! Jeff Gomez presents a range of options to choose from—targets, goals, factions, methods, and obstacles to help you devise an exciting scenario of subterfuge and stealth! Illustrated by Phil Stone.
Fantastic Elves. Following the popular Fantastic Humans article, Michael McCarthy brings you variant racial traits such as Ancient Master, Unearthly, and Child of the Bow; new elven equipment like the ring of rulership and the travel wafer; and three new elven subraces: the tenacious Ash Elves, the sociable Ocean Elves, and the whimsical Sky Elves. Illustrated by Yihyoung Li.
Words of Power. Take your 5th Edition spellcasting into new realms with this article by Edric Alan Leggett. Words of Power is a variant rule system which uses combinations of words to craft spells. This article contains fifty such words of power, arranged into Anchor Words, Action Words, and Creature Words, Effect Words, and Unfettered Words, which the caster combines into a Spell Phrase of between three and five words. Illustrated by Herman Lau.
ZEITGEIST #3 (Part 2) - Digging For Lies. The third adventure in the ZEITGEIST adventure path continues in this 33-page instalment!
Villain's Spotlight: Ezekial. Ezekial is a minotaur gifted (or maybe cursed) with intelligence and cunning beyond that of most of his kin. Ezekial is the leader of a small band of thieves who are on a crime spree stealing priceless artifacts and rare tomes of knowledge. This article describes Ezekial, his goals and personality, a description of his band of thieves, and lists possible plot-hooks that involve Ezekial.
Mubida: The Hunter's Bane. This large Challenge 10 monstrosity is a herald of strife, a patchwork guardian of nature. Also includes a CR-14-15 sample encounter, plot hooks, tactics, lore, and ecology.
Gemini Class: Basic. Gemini are warriors that evade, confound, and attack by creating dangerous magical multiples of themselves or copying a foe's techniques. A brand new character class for your 5th Edition games! By Mike Myler; illustrated by Indi Martin.
Anatomy of a Graveyard. Jeff Gomez' latest Anatomy Of... article helps you to generate a spooky graveyard for your game. Randomly choose Funeral Rites, Cause of Death, Tombstone Inscriptions, and the Restless Dead, and other elements to create memorable graveyard your players are sure to enjoy! Illustrated by Phil Stone.
A Royal Wedding. The first in a new thing we’re trying — as well as plug-in locations like our ‘Over The Next Hill’ series, we are trying out plug-in events which you might hold in your game. We start with a Royal wedding!
ZEITGEIST #3 (Part 3) - Digging For Lies. The third adventure in the ZEITGEIST adventure path continues in this 30-page installment!
Enchanted Trinkets #2. The thirteen new minor magical items in this article from writer Robert Lashley include the inspiring pahu, smelly stone, midnight pearls, messenger ant, and more, making it easy to add a bit of flavourful magic to your 5E games without unbalancing the campaign. Illustrated by Xanditz.
Villain Spotlight: Eshaq The Zealotous. Eshaq was once the prophet of an evil deity. His reward for a lifetime of faithful servitude was being embalmed and interned in a temple but he was quickly forgotten with the passage of time. 200 years since the last of his disciples have perished Eshaq has risen to spread the gospel of his now dead god. A CR 17 undead creature from Robert Lashley; illustrated by Indi Martin. Also includes details and map of Eshaq's lair, plot hooks, and the new Zealots Undead template.
Gemini Class: Advanced. Expanding the Gemini character class (see EN5ider #207), Mike Myler presents two new Balances: the Atavist, who is divided between the past and future; and the Equalist, consumed by the pursuit of balance. Illustrated by Indi Martin.
Tinkerer Class: Basic. Tinkerers reshape the world around them through mechanical means. They use their Affect-Engines to bring to life impressive contraptions, craft incredible devices, and forge legendary destinies by way of a courageous heart and maddening intellect. A full 5th edition class, plus the Steam Knight subclass, by Leuku; illustrated by Joyce Maureira and Grzegorz Pedrycz. Plus bonus content: Guide to Designing & Balancing Power Appliances (not-EN5ider but original author)
ZEITGEIST #4 (Part 1) - Always On Time. The next part of the acclaimed adventure path is here! A fantastic investigative adventure set on a week-long train journey as the heroes race against time to identify the bad guy. The famous Avery Coast Railroad thunders along its week-long journey through the grandest cities of civilization. Among its roster of international passengers travel stowaways and scoundrels, slavers and spies—and one shadowy figure, bearing an invention that will illuminate the world and cast it into darkness. Riding undercover, agents from Risur have one week until this invention falls into the hands of a sinister conspiracy. Before then, they must suss out who they can trust, and who's out to stop them. But on a train full of liars, will they be able to solve the mystery in time? A fantasy adventure for motivated heroes of 6th level.
Enchanted Trinkets #3: Apprentice Wizardry & Side Hustles. Writer Christopher Ripple brings you 8 new enchanted trinket, this time suited to apprentice wizards, whether to help wit their studies or to play pranks on fellow students. These trinkets include the box of bees, library scarf, chime of muffled chanting, candle of the surreptitious scholar, listening quills, inkpot of the thrifty apprentice, tome of the endless tale, and the amulet of the pleasing bouquet. Illustrated by Phil Stone.
Crypta Hereticarum: A ZEITGEIST Sidequest. Evil lies trapped within the Crypta Hereticarum—the Vault of Heresies. The Clergy believes that true evil cannot be destroyed, and that killing an unholy disciple or destroying a cursed item will only free its malevolence to wreak havoc elsewhere in the world. For centuries, whenever the priests and godhands of the Clergy collected dangerous items, captured evil acolytes, or rescued afflicted innocents whose curses they could not break, they placed them in the vault, built beneath the desolate isle of Odiem, off the coast of the city Sid Minos.
Tinkerer Class: Advanced. Last month we introduced the all-new Tinkerer class. Today we bring you the Bombardier and Mechanic subclasses, plus six Power Appliances, including the hand rocket, frost cage home brewery, portable forge, rocket barding, and rocket-powered vehicle. By Leuku; illustrated by Joyce Maureira and Tan Ho Sim.
Fatebender Class: Basic. Every person is born amongst the strands of fate, finding themselves interwoven by probability and chance into the cosmic tapestry. Fatebenders find themselves at the extreme edges of the tapestry and find that they can pull its fraying threads. A Charisma based martial character with a new luck mechanic, Fatebenders tug at the strands of chance. By Andrew Englebrite; illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Dungeon Clockworks. Bolt-throwers! Clockwork Knights! Gear Spiders! Grinders! Four mechanical terrors for your 5th Edition games by Mike Myler! Illustrated by Samantha Darcy.
Fatebender Class: Advanced. Designer Andrew Englebrite presents the Jinx and the Weaver, two new archetypes for the Fatebender class introduced last month! Misfortune follows the Jinx, while the Weaver is an architect of destiny and fate. Illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Enchanted Trinkets #4: Rogues in the House. Cage of Folly, Conch of the Secret Voice, Getaway Boots, and the Wand of Cobwebs are just some of the eleven new enchanted trinkets for your 5th Edition games! By Brandes Stoddard; illustrated by Yihyoung Li.
Mahout Class: Basic. The Mahout is a new class for 5th Edition, a tamer of monsters, a character with a special bond with their devoted pet, whether that be a beast, an exotic aberration, a slime, or even a draconic creature. Also includes the Animalist subclass (two more subclasses, the Monstrous and Oddball appear next month), and four introductory monster tricks. By Erik Evjen and Mike Myler; illustrated by Joyce Maureira.
Meta Cards: "Magic" Items For Players. This article covers two kinds of Meta Cards. Absentee Cards are special single-use tokens players get when a member of the party can’t make the session but the game must go on! Their somber siblings are Memorial Cards, tokens received during character creation when a player’s last adventurer has unexpectedly perished. By Mike Myler; illustrations by Tamara Cvetkovic, Rick Hershey, Herman Lau, Yihyoung Li, Victoria Oliveria, Phil Stone, Egil Thompson, and Kim Van Deun.
ZEITGEIST #4 (Part 2) - Always On Time. The adventure continues! This installment turns the PCs from predators to prey as their targets receive word of being spied upon, and the party's quarry tres to take them out before they reach the gathering of the Obscurati.
Spellshaper Prestige Class. Able to control the flow of magic around them, some warriors are destined from birth to live an exceptional existence—and by their very nature become legend. With an impressive degree of martial prowess, spellshapers are fell opponents capable of negating and redirecting mystical forces their foes bring to bear with terrifying counterattacks of raw power. By Mike Myler; illustrated by Aaron Lee.
Anatomy Of An Alien World. The DnD multiverse is filled with many worlds... that we know of. But who keeps track of the infinite numbers of fantasy worlds and planes that lie beyond our knowledge or at the end of a mysterious portal or teleportation spell gone awry? Randomly determine an exotic world's topography, species, civilization, magical elements, and other bizarre aspects like dead or wild magic, different time or gravity, and more. by Jeff Gomez; illustrated by Phil Stone.
Mahout Class: Advanced. Last month, EN5ider introduced the new Mahout class, a beast-mastering specialist. This month we expand on that class with new regimens to add to the Animalist found in the basic article. The Monstrous Regimen has more in common with fearsome monstrosities than with those of their own kind, and the Oddball Regimen has bizarre and strange pets like gelatinous cubes and cloakers. Also within are new the monster tricks: Confound, Defend, Hunt, Interfere, Mobility, Pack Tactics, Perform, Second Wind, Use Feature, Use Limited Feature, and Work.
Lodestar Class: Basic. Whatever form their training takes, all lodestars possess a fractured soul. To keep themselves from unraveling into madness they must train and hone their skills, becoming masters of both body and mind. The Lodestar class uses lodestones, magical spheres which orbit the lodestar, and which can attack, defend, and more. By Andrew Engelbrite; illustrated by Yihyoung Li.
Villain Spotlight: Syndrathrax. A mighty CR 27 monster! While technically an ancient red dragon, Syndrathrax’s necromantic transformations and attempted apotheoses have forever altered her. Though she shares the massive size of her fellow red wyrms she is gaunt and skeletal, and her scales sapped of their red luster and now bone white. Thanks to the necromantic energy that permeates her body she radiates a faint spectral glow that she can mask when she chooses—the souls of those that she has swallowed are sometimes seen struggling vainly to escape in this light.
ZEITGEIST #5 (Part 1) - Cauldron Born. A conspiracy has woven itself firmly into the dark underbelly of the city of Flint. The Royal Homeland Constabulary (RHC) has learned of its existence and knows it has a base beneath the haunted mountain named Cauldron Hill. Now at the king’s command it is time to rip this threat from its shadowy womb and thrust it into the light of day. While they pursue that mission, two other forces are at work in Flint: a cult of dwarven assassins who want to disrupt a peace summit, and a rogue lord of the Unseen Court who seeks a war between man and fey. Either plot will spell disaster for Flint. Can the constables spare the time to stop them before the doom beneath Cauldron Hill is born?
Lodestar Class: Advanced. Last month we introduced the orb-wielding Lodestar class. This month we have two new Training Methods for the Lodestar: Imaginative training which enriches the soul, discovering peace by way of indulgence; and Instinct training which melds soul and body, tempering soul fragments to act naturally and instinctively.
Metropolitan Arcana. Twelve new spells for various classes, designed for urban environments. Whether evading guards, catching thieves, or navigating dark alleys, these spells are the mainstay of the city-born caster. Carvel's convoked conveyance, dubious aura, hellish handshake, and verminous shroud are just some of the spells found here, ranging from 1st-8th level spells.
Monstrous Menagerie: Mythical Spooks. Meet the ghostly Acheri, the cruel Cuca, or the warped Rabisu with these three new monsters sure to liven up your Halloween!
Geomancer Class: Basic. The Geomancer class is a spellcaster who uses the environment to tailor their magic, turning the surrounding elements into potent weapons and tools.
Expanded Races: Half-Orc. This selection of half-orc subraces includes the barbaric Bloodrager, fiendish Brimskin, deadly Deeplurker, industrious Forgemaker, draconic Scalefang, and the primal Spiritspeaker. By Chris Davies; illustrated by Xanditz.
Backstory Feats. An adventurer’s background doesn’t need to end when they begin the adventuring life. The skills learned in an adventurer’s past can grow and develop into lifelong skills throughout their adventuring career. This set of 13 feats uses the 13 core backgrounds as prerequisites and represents the advancement and integration of their old skills with their new experience. The Grifter feat allows a character with the charlatan background to fleece marks like a master, and the Old Salt feat allows a character with the sailor background true mastery over the nautical arts.
ZEITGEIST #5 (Part 2) - Cauldron Born. The conspiracy continues in Flint's dark underbelly. Now at the king’s command it is time for the Royal Homeland Constabulary to rip this threat from its shadowy womb beneath the haunted mountain named Cauldron Hill and thrust it into the light of day.
Geomancer Class: Advanced. In this week's article, Josh Gentry provides you with three new geomancer orders: Order of the Apothecary (mystical healers), Order of the Architect (builders and protectors), and Order of the Rune Knight (wielders of elements in war). Illustrated by Julio Rocha and Tan Ho Sim.
Bloodweaver Class: Basic. Bloodweavers use the primal power coursing through their veins to enhance their own abilities, heal or bolster allies, and debilitate or kill their foes. Many fear them for their control over the substance of life but those that can see past this superstitious dread often find powerful allies.
Bloodweaver: Tome of Disciplines. This enormous 15-page article contains a whole host of disciplines for the Bloodweaver class!
Ability Check Criticals. Rolling a natural 20 or a natural 1 has never been so much fun! With these ability check critical effects, there are positive and negative tables for physical, social, medicine, knowledge, and arcane style checks. By Jeff Gomez; illustrated by Herman Lau.
ZEITGEIST #5 (Part 3) - Cauldron Born. The critically-acclaimed adventure path continues! In this thread, the party reacts to the surprise attacks by Zubov’s group. Zubov’s plan is to sow panic amongst the citizens of Flint by perpetrating various attacks throughout the city. By diverting resources away from the peace talks, Zubov hopes to launch a more direct attack on a newly opened subrail station, giving him access to a tunnel that passes near Hotel Aurum. A well-timed explosion will send the building tumbling down.
Bloodweaver Class: Advanced. We present to you the Crimson Witch and the Scarlet Reaper, a pair of sanguine paths for the bloodweaver to walk! Learn to wield death curses, blood arsenals, and more! by Chris Rippee; illustrated by Julio Racho.
Deirdre's Ghost. Deirdre's Ghost is a large vessel, sunk long ago. Recently, it has appeared on a rocky shore. This plug-in location includes a description, and plot hooks which include sinister academics, a rusted golem, a ghost, a sea hag, and some kraken eggs... by Ambrose Ingram; illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Savant Class: Basic. A brand new 5E class! Savants are first and foremost experts, unique even when compared to arcane or divine sages. Brilliant detectives, iconic martial artists, and adventurous physicians are counted among their number, each utilizing brilliance where others rely on magic or brute power. For a savant, saving the day means turning leverage and knowledge into weaponry. By Jeremiah McCoy; illustrated by Alba Palacio.
Magic Item Features. Spice up your magic items a little by randomly determining their history, origins, minor properties, and quirks with nothing by a d8 and a d20! By Ari Marmell.
ZEITGEIST #5 (Part 4) - Cauldron Born. The epic adventure path continues. The PCs work with the Risuri Navy to lure the colossus, Borne, out to sea while King Aodhan enacts a ritual to send the creature to the Dreaming.
Villain Spotlight: Bezkusmet the Unscaled. Dragons are known to be terrifying but all pale in comparison to Bezkusmet the Unscaled. As his name suggests there is no hue or substance to his draconic scute leaving his musculature and skeleton bared for the world to see, lattices of finger-thick veins and arteries the size of a human’s wrist inexorably pumping blood across his utterly naked body. Only a thin sheen of transparent magic holds Bezkusmet’s organs and muscles in place, the last of the twisted supernatural energies of his birthright all that keeps him intact. By Mike Myler; illustrated by Claudio Pozas and Ekaterinya Vladinakova.
Savant Class: Advanced. It's our 250th article! That's a heck of a milestone! Thank you all for your support over the last couple of years. Today's article adds two new aptitudes for the Savant class introduced last month: the medically proficient Chirurgeon, and the knowledge-wielding Coordinator. By Jeremiah McCoy; illustrated by Matthew Berger.
Intriguing Organizations: Esoteres. Seekers of reality's fundamental truths that are unrelenting in their pursuits, these secretive geniuses craft devices of sublime perfection and trade them for—or take—whatever it is they require to continue their dangerous experiments of discovery! By Quinn Callahan. Art by Phil Stone and Claudio Pozas.
Marks of Renown. Today's article addresses an oft-overlooked aspect of the typical campaign: how an adventuring group's reputation can have a nuanced impact on them and the world at large. The Marks of Renown optional rules introduce several different kinds of marks—Evil, Honor, Ingenuity, Magic, Nature, Power, Righteousness, and Skullduggery—that every member of the party can use, each with their own benefits and drawbacks to make for an intriguing new element ripe for inclusion at any game table! By Andrew Engelbrite; illustrated by Indi Martin.
ZEITGEIST Adventure Path Player's Guide: Part 6 (Prestige Classes). The last installment of the ZEITGEIST Player's Guide for 5th Edition includes simple 3 level prestige classes for playing a planar-fiddling Applied Astronomist, idea manipulating Logos, gun-loving Mad Shootist, ruthless Monument of War, Notorious Celebrity (posse included), scientific Polyhistor, Steamsuit Pilot, a master of cities as an Urban Empath, or a mystical Vekeshi Excoriant.
Paradigm Prestige Class. What makes a dwarven legend heroically dwarven? What about elven myths make them exemplary? The truest champions of these races are paradigms: adventurers that embody the qualities that make their kin unique from others. By zealously embracing their heritage they become paragons that are cherished, lauded, and long-remembered by the communities that spawned them. By Mike Myler; illustrated by Carl Holden.
Villain Spotlight: Granny Buccus. Sweet, maternal, a dab hand in the kitchen, Granny Buccus is the heart of the town of Cridhe Briste. As the town’s baker she provides the people with bread, cakes, and pastries—on special occasions she even makes her famous and beloved Boiled Tarts. The adoring townsfolk don’t even know that they’re under the spell of a succubus, ready and willing to do whatever 'Granny' asks of them! By Anna Blackwell; illustrated by Alba Palacio.
Reputation Rules: Organization Dice. Whether orders of mages, religious cults, or thieves' guilds any adventuring party is bound to interact with various groups throughout a campaign. Organization Dice give the PCs reputations (both good and bad) that the GM can use to keep easy track of their standing with various factions. In addition to the basic rules for Organization Dice (which can be used to create tables for any organization!) this article covers thieves' guilds—the next time a member of the party runs afoul of a settlement's gang or finds themselves in the good graces of the local criminal underworld pop open this article to see what happens! By Trevor Wiley; illustrated by Renan Costa Moraes.
Intriguing Organizations: Tribe of Nar'Adsch. After their nation was destroyed by a warlock a new society formed from the remains of a nameless kingdom: the Tribe of Nar'Adsch. These survivors and their kin gained an intense hatred for everything infernal, vowing to destroy all that is hellish with no mercy for deviltry of any ilk. They are relentless in their pursuit and have burned down whole villages just to eliminate a single warlock, eschewing the arcane and relying on brute force, skill, or the power of nature to complete their impossible goal. For those that have befriended them however the Tribe of Nar'Adsch can be excellent allies, their powerful druids able to share their spells and the occasional powerful magic item.
Enchanted Trinkets #5: Arcane Apparel. Today marks our 25th article about magic items and the 5th entry in Enchanted Trinkets: minor, flavorful rewards GMs won't regret handing out to the party! The fashion guru Adderley has rolled out her latest line of high-end apparel including the eminently useful discreet petticoat, ever-pristine unspoiled slippers, miraculously entertaining shoulder dragon brooch, and 17 other fun new items destined to bring delightful couture to any game. By Andrew Engelbrite; illustrated by Matthew Burger.
ZEITGEIST #6 (Part 1): Revelations from the Mouth of a Mad Man. It's the end of the month which means the latest installment in the ZEITGEIST adventure path! This week we're cracking into module #6 where the heroes deal with civil unrest in Beran, face off against king-bred tyrannosaurs and worse at the end of an obstacle course labyrinth, and prepare the proverbial stage for the appearance of the much wanted gnome Tinker.
Villain Spotlight: Glamdrellyxxana the Gold. A gold dragon druid under the influence of an ancient curse, Glamdrellyxxana believes the only way to ensure that the world remains ‘good’ is to destroy all humanoid life. From her lair in a mountain lake she's amassed an army of plant creatures to sweep down across the world and cleanse it of the blight from meddling civilizations destined to bring ruin with their advancement, yet the dragon often feels melancholy about the need to destroy so many living things. Glamdrellyxxana is resigned to this course of action however, convinced by fell visions of an industrialized future—and distracted by mind-altering plants when the guilt becomes too much to bear. By Will Gawned; illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Enchanted Trinkets: Relics of a Lost Age. These 8 new magic items might be as simple as common goods made of exotic materials, to slightly magical items, or devices of complex clockwork artifice beyond the boundaries of modern technology—what unites them is that each hints at fallen kingdoms of days past. This 6th entry in the Enchanted Trinkets series provides minor, flavorful rewards GMs won't regret handing out to the party! By David Adams; illustrated by Phil Stone.
Bullet Wounds and Battle Scars. Hit points are a one-dimensional resource and most damage types appear the same to players. This article introduces Vitality as a separate health-related resource with optional rules for how to make some damage types—like acid or damage from firearms—feel unique, threatening, and ultimately more engaging to make combats as satisfying as they can be! By David Adams; illustrated by Marcel Budde.
Intriguing Organizations: The Stone Path. The Stone Path are a group shrouded in secrecy. Its members and adherents travel across time through the use of petrification, finding creatures and magics that can ‘preserve’ them by turning their flesh to stone and employing adventurers to bring people back to the world of the living at a specific moment in the future. This manipulation of fate is not without its costs however, and those that have used the group's services one too many times begin to change...By Will Gawned; illustrated by Tamara Cvetkovic.
Mini-Adventure: Tiger Eyes. This module is built to supplement an existing campaign, incorporating a catfolk hunter that mistakes one of the adventurers as her prey. Any party of four to five PCs between 5th and 7th level are in good stead to overcome Nebiri's many traps—and reap the rewards of helping her complete her quest, tracking and taking down the true target. By Andrew Engelbrite; illustrated by Claudio Pozas; maps by Mik Holmes.
ZEITGEIST #6 (Part 2) - Revelations from the Mouth of a Mad Man. In this module for the ZEITGEIST Adventure Path the party have to contend with the Obscurati, compete with other adventurers to allow for the Cantabrilla Railroad's construction to continue, deal with violent Cheshimox zealots, duel monsters for the respect of orc sea captains, track down and eradicate a deadly disease, hunt down dangerous insects worshiped by goblins, face off against a bevy of duplicants, and if you can believe it even more!
Herbalist's Knapsack. This article details nine unique plant extracts, clippings, and materials that GMs can include whenever the adventurers are out wandering in the wilderness to bring a little something special to their world! Some can be used as herbal remedies while others have the ability to replace material components of spells, potentially even changing or enhancing the resulting magic. By David Adams; illustrated by Jen Tracy.
Weapon Degradation. In most D&D games blades rarely break and bowstrings don't snap but this article changes all that! GMs that want more realism or players with a penchant for breaking things need look no further than this entry into EN5ider, its weapon conditions, and the broken weapon tables. If the goal is for more exciting sessions that's in the cards as well—adventurers willing to throw away their weapons on a critical hit can choose to intentionally break them for some very cool extra effects! By Erik Evjen; illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Mini-Adventure: Head Games. Head Games begins as a halfling runs through the village square with a furious orc hot on her heels. Her pursuer claims she stole something from him but Lellian insists that he gave her a sapphire pendant as a gift. Regardless of how the adventurers deal with the matter however, this orc is only one problem that she's brought onto everyone's heads! As a budding enchantress Lellian has recklessly toyed with local's minds, using charm person to acquire treasures without getting her hands dirty. While the halfling has several legitimate friends in the community her wanton use of persuasive magic has drawn some dangerous monsters into the area—including a tribe of hobgoblins that don’t care how many people die before they get their vengeance! This mini-adventure by Charlie Brooks is best suited for PCs of 4th level. Illustrated by Savage Mojo and featuring cartography by Dyson Logos.
ZEITGEIST #6 - Revelations from the Mouth of a Madman: Part 3. This final installment of Revelations from the Mouth of a Mad Man brings the ZEITGEIST adventure path's 6th arc to a close. In this module the party work with (or around) the Beran military and navy in order to contend with Karch, a sizable city of gnolls near where a foothold must be taken to raid the former lair of the dragon Gradiax—now home to both an underground factory complex constructing duplicants and the gnome Tinker, the insane inventor that built the colossus! Throw in unnaturally rough weather, a massive nautical battle, some dungeon delving, and a steam-augmented dragon and you've got yourself an epic adventure! This article also includes some new weapons, technological items (demolition charges, anyone?) and a half dozen new magic items.
Villain Spotlight: Skanafel the Devourer. Once a mighty and noble planetar warrior, the monster that is now Skanafel was captured during a raid into the Abyss by the forces of a powerful demon lord. Dragged into the depths of that wicked domain, he was subjected to centuries of torment and mutilation—his wings destroyed, his face torn from his skull, and his mind and soul twisted and warped by vile demonic craft into an abomination of rage, destruction, and unending hatred for all he once was. Skanafel the Devourer has become a nightmare for the forces of law and good, a demonstration that even the highest of beings can be broken, corrupted, and remade into a fiendish weapon. By Joe Crow; illustrated by Mike Tenebrae.
Mini-Adventure: Tree of Truth. For centuries the Tree of Truth has answered vexing questions of genealogy and paternity, but usurpers annoyed by this fail safe mechanism have gradually surrounded the magically protected tree with a vicious garden to prevent access to the truth. Most of those who try to trespass perish among the weeds, leaving their precious cargoes where they fall. Can the players reach the sacred tree and escape with the knowledge they need to avert a cataclysm? This mini-adventure for 3 to 5 characters of 3rd-5th level was written by John Gorkowski, illustrated by Savage Mojo and using maps by Dyson Logos!
Planar Diseases. By the time adventurers are hopping between dimensions they are largely beyond fearing virulence, equipped with healing magics that make diseases an easily ignored threat. No longer! This article explores afflictions that can strike wayward planar travelers, sicknesses that extend beyond the confines of the realms material. Adverse ascension affects those who have overly exposed themselves to divine energies, fractured rift disorder can result from the use of dimensional portals, fey longing influences the minds of mortals too fond of the Feywild, and both the pastrasites of Limbo and spectral thought-worms of the Astral Plane can eat away the very memories of a creature to change history itself! Brilliantly written by Eran Aviram; wonderfully illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Enchanted Trinkets #6: Thanks for the Memories. Memory can be a funny, ephemeral thing and this article has almost a dozen charming little Enchanted Trinkets all revolving around mnemonic themes. When making use of these innocuous magic items not only will your adventurers gain a small bonus or extra ability, they'll briefly experience the memories of others as well. Whether we're talking about the ever-shifting map, flute of the forgotten feast, ivory knights, or plague doctor's mask this is an issue of EN5ider that you won't soon forget! Written by Charlie Brooks and illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
ZEITGEIST #7 - Schism: Part 1. Finally the party has a chance to infiltrate the Obscurati, master conspirators they've been chasing for much of the adventure path! On a bleak, remote isle, the gathered villains plot the final stages of their grand design. This heavily-guarded affair is the best chance to land a killing blow against the Obscurati, but to get close enough to strike the constables will need an invitation. Fortunately an old enemy of the party is having a bit of an identity crisis. Alexander Grappa crafted the mind of the conspiracy's colossus, then was slain when he had second thoughts. But the crafty mage managed to transfer his consciousness into Leone Quital, who is now responsible for ferrying conspirators to the meeting's secret location. If the constables can help Grappa get control of his new body, he can get them into the conclave. This adventure is provides the maps, narration, sidequests, and encounters that a GM needs to get right up to that point! For patrons not playing through the adventure path, this PDF includes 5 unique NPCs (including a headless fellow) and 3 railroad-themed maps (a train station, platform, and some rail cars).
Intriguing Organizations: The Osseous Dwarves of Hollow Mountain. In the ancient past the exiles of a dwarven kingdom made their own home by hollowing out a mountain and building a fortress atop it, embracing the defensive measure that saw them cast out by their kin—necromancy. Eventually the world saw their civilization undone but someone (perhaps even the party or someone they know) raided the entrance to their seemingly abandoned city. This trespass has disturbed the slumber of the stout folk and now they rise again as undead, masterless and deluded into believing they live still. The few who know of them call them the Osseous Dwarves for they believe the weapons and armor they forge is made of steel, unaware and unable to see not only their own changed forms, but also that they wield and wear the bones of the dead. This killer entry in the Intriguing Organizations series includes 2 new magic items (boneplate and the bone warhammer), 3 new monsters (Osseous Agent, their leader Blue Helm, and the awesome Siege Mammoth!), and all the details a GM might need to include this group in a game. Thanks to designer Eran Aviram for another brilliantly written article; amazing illustration by the inimitable Indi Martin!
Mini-Adventure: Secret Faces of Velsburg. While traveling through the wilderness the adventurers come across a small hamlet plagued by a recent rash or murders committed by 'The Ghost'. The longer the party stay in Velsburg however, the quicker they realize that the supposedly bloodthirsty spirit preying upon the settlement is not the remote village's only mystery. In this sidequest to save Velsburg the PCs are confronted with a shocking truth underpinning it all and are presented with a dire dilemma: is it worth saving? This mini-adventure is for 4-5 PCs of 5th level. Written by Charlie Brooks; illustrated by Savage Mojo; cartography from Dyson Logos.
Archetypes of Antiquity. Take to the coliseum with the retiarius fighter archetype, a net-wielding combatant perfect for gladiator-style characters! Perhaps instead you might pierce the veil as a warlock of the Oracle patron, foreseeing what is to come just in time to dodge a lethal blow or even reveal to your enemy the final moment of its life? There's also the Family domain for clerics yearning for a sense of community and the means to protect it, as well as a new background appropriate for campaigns in ancient Greece or Rome (the Freed Slave). Written by Finn Jäshcke; illustrated by Marcel Budde.
Top Shelf Spell Components. All too often 5E groups wave away material components that are inexpensive, but there's no reason that aspect of spellcasting can't be made more exciting and engaging! In this EN5ider issue there are more than two dozen new material components (both expensive and otherwise) that modify and improve the spells they are used to cast, giving both mages and priests plenty of motivation to pay more attention to the reagents they need to work their magic. Written by Andrew Engelbrite; illustrated by Phil Stone.
Hazards of the High Seas. With the Ghosts of Saltmarsh out there in the world it would be remiss of EN5ider not to release some content to help get your seafaring adventures out onto the water! Jeff Gomez has penned an excellent article in Hazards of the High Seas that details a 20 entry hyperlinked table of plot hooks, chance aquatic encounters, and maritime intrigue ideal to roll on whenever the question arises: what's that over the bow!?
Mini-Adventure: The Shuggin's Heist. This mini-adventure can be easily included into any city where there are thieves—in particular the trio of Gribbles, Big Sam, and Escraz. These burglars have trespassed onto the manor of a powerful mage and stolen a potent artifact, a deck of enchanted cards that have quickly turned the entire heist into a debacle that's garnered the entire settlement's attention. Several of the watch have already been injured trying to bring these brigands to justice and the PCs are called in to handle the situation, but can they? This mini-adventure for 4-5 PCs of 6th level (and its randomized elements) was written by Tyler Omichinski, with illustration by Claudio Pozas and using a map by Dyson Logos.
ZEITGEIST #7 - Schism: Part 2. In this 37-page entry in the ZEITGEIST Adventure Path the party heads north to a glacial rift controlled by frost giants loyal to the Obscurati, and once there they must reach a frozen lich and trade Leone’s soul for Grappa’s aid.
Villain’s Spotlight: Skrivena Moc. Usually found deep within a dungeon near the site of a bloody battle, the blade Skrivena Moc seems at first to be a powerful weapon able to sear foes with fire and strike through even the toughest armor. What more it speaks to its wielders, offering advice and admiration in equal parts—but only to gain their trust, convincing them that their unnatural attachment to it is nothing to fear all the while it slowly consumes their very soul! This devious intelligent magic item and creature was written by Andrew Engelbrite and illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Monstrous Menagerie: Elemental Pets. While elementals are fun creatures to include in a combat due to their primal powers, 5th Edition is sorely lacking in variety for them among the lower challenge ratings. This article introduces some new monsters to fill that gap: lightning sparrows, dust bunnies, bubble puppies, mud cats, and roots! These are somewhat whimsically-named creatures with cantrip level attacks, glass jaws, and unique death effects similar to mephits, allowing for them all to more flexibly fit into multi-creature encounters at even the lowest of levels. This supplement includes statistics for all 5 creatures, as well as a brief description of their habitats and behaviors. Written by Jacob Gobhar; illustrated by Herman Lau.
ZEITGEIST #7 - Schism: Appendix. This issue for ZEITGEIST is one that every member of EN5ider should definitely download. Within Schism's Appendix are several handouts for the campaign (including some cards), but more importantly it contains a whopping 16 monsters and NPCs (ranging from the Steelshaper Leone Quital to witches to ghost councils and even a ghost witch) as well as 10 magic items!
Intriguing Organizations: MacGruddin’s Engineers. MacGruddin’s Engineers are hard-drinking sappers, machinists, cart-drivers, and cooks. Though the group is mostly dwarves (including Captain MacGruddin) all that is required to earn a place in the company are equal parts of loyalty and sweat equity. Specialized work includes construction of siege equipment (catapults, ballistae, towers, and the like), undermining castle walls, and the manufacture of specialized ammunition for siege weapons. Additional services offered include bridge building, laying down roads, and general construction—but most of the crew would much rather break things than build 'the boring stuff'. Written by Bill Beers, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Enchanted Trinkets: Gifts of Nature. The Enchanted Trinkets series is back again with 10 minor enchanted items from nature ideal to be in the possession of—or given as gifts from—fey folk! Eat some sourberries then throw up on your foes, plant a root club when you need to slow down your enemies, ask a bark dog to go home and briefly visit its charming extradimensional abode, or unleash the bubble wand to either play at lights or break it to escape from imminent danger in the safety of its floating embrace. Written by Will Gawned; illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Mini-Adventure: Angels Bacchanalia. Legends speak of a solstice festival arranged by a mysterious angelic patron deep in the woods, an event where the angel forgives all sins and no depravity goes unindulged. The adventurers are approached by a grieving mother claiming that her daughter attended last year’s bacchanalia but never returned, and she offers a substantial reward if the missing girl's fate can be found. The PCs must attend the wild celebration, infiltrate the deranged patrons, and eventually confront the fiendish erinyes that lord over this revel and the degenerate cultists that attend it. Written by Andrew Engelbrite; illustrated by Savage Mojo and using cartography by Dyson Logos.
Wear & Tear. Material components, backup buckles, oils and whetstones, extra munitions, replacement straps—there's a lot of maintenance to do when adventuring. Most Gamemasters gloss over these things but for campaigns that have a more old school or gritty feel that's part of the fun! With that in mind this issue of EN5ider approaches adventuring gear the same way that Fifth Edition does exhaustion: there are several levels of maintenance and equipment naturally deteriorates over time. PCs can use their downtime or their coin to keep their blades, backpacks, tomes, and bedrolls in proper shape, and anyone that really invests their time or money to do so takes with them the best-crafted items (most able to take a beating). This handy subsystem is the design of Eran Aviram, illustrated by Renan Costa Morales!
ZEITGEIST #8 - Diaspora: Part One. The Great Malice. Five centuries ago the death of a goddess triggered widespread upheaval, setting the stage for the modern industrial revolution. But for the eladrin of Elfaivar, the tragedy left behind a crippled people who scattered across the world with little sense of common identity. In the ruins of Elfaivar the party must locate Kasvarina Varal, a founder of the Obscurati who has lost her memories. With the aid of an artifact that can manifest the past in physical form, they can retrace her steps across 500 years, restore her identity while gaining her trust, and recover secrets that will reveal how to thwart the conspiracy's grand design! This PDF includes Act 1 of the eighth ZEITGEIST adventure and is best suited for perdurable heroes of 13th-14th level. Includes three statblocks: Obscurati Researcher (CR 11), Ten-Headed Lion (CR 14), Elite Dreadnought (CR 13).
Villain Spotlight: Dras’a Wolf. This entry into the Villain Spotlight series is all about the scourge of the seas men know as Dras'A the Wolf, a hobgoblin pirate with incredible ambitions and the cunning to see them through. Originally master of the Drelway Chain of islands, after capturing a learned shipmaker from afar the monstrous buccaneer has been preparing for when his abductee's drafts and designs lead to ocean-worthy vessels, boats that will unleash him and his underlings to become a scourge upon the open waves.
Intriguing Organizations: The Graven Sculptors. The life of a commoner is not an easy one and the offer of helping hands is most welcome, particularly when a helper is certain to stick around. It comes as little surprise then that the mysterious Graven Sculptors are always quick to find farmers and serfs eager to make use of their unique services, paying paltry sums to acquire their own hard-working homunculi to help till fields, prepare harvests, and assist about the house. None of them realize that the cheap price they pay is only part of the deal however—everything one of these small creations sees or hears is communicated back to its creator! Thus the group of doppelgangers responsible rapidly gain power wherever they travel, gathering up all of a settlement's secrets to better assimilate and take control of a village or town when the time is right. Written by Andrew Engelbrite; illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Mini-Adventure: Cult of the Rat God. This mini-adventure for 4-5 characters of 3rd level is a fun twist on an old gaming trope: the barkeep with a rat problem. In this scenario however the tavern owner is the source of his own problems, the unintended consequences of a misguided ploy to attract adventurers to his establishment gone awry, and now things have gotten terribly out of hand! Written by Jacob Gobhar, illustrated by Savage Mojo, and uses the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Enchanted Trinkets: Something for Everyone. The Enchanted Trinkets series continues! These are reasonably priced magic items with minor, flavorful impacts that make them fun to have around but not unbalancing for GMs to hand out as rewards, only really making a difference when an adventurer breaks their enchanted trinket for a more profound impact. This article details class-specific enchanted trinkets in the same vein as A Present for Every Class (which had an issue for Warriors and Spellcasters), making sure there's something for everyone whether that's the barbarian's victory cord, bard's miraculous ring, cleric's devoted diadem, druid's leafy greaves, fighter's splendid sheathe, mage's magnificent cape, monk's combat bracers, paladin's minor relic, ranger's sacred locket, rogue's brass knuckles, sorcerer's exceptional boots, warlock's glittering gemstone, warrior's battle belt, or wizard's remarkable gloves! Written by Mike Myler; illustrated by Indi Martin.
ZEITGEIST 8 - Diaspora: Part 2. In this 32 page second act of ZEITGEIST #8: Diaspora the party recovers an artifact to let Kasvarina recollect over five centuries of memories from across the world, and they too bear witness to the memory-events! For GMs that aren't using the adventure path yet the PDF includes 16 (SIXTEEN!) NPCs and monsters: a Vigil Chaplain (CR 9), Vigil Vindicator (CR 5), the Godhand Commander Aulus Atticus (CR 14), weretiger Bramblehome Hunters (CR 7) and Shamans (CR 9), the weretiger raja Betronga Sidhon (CR 14), Coaltongue Flame Demon (CR 12), the undead Tragedy (CR 12), Golden Legionnaire (CR 7), Golden Legion Commander (CR 12), Bleak Ambush Golem (CR 10), Zombie Horde (CR 12), Clergy Armsman (CR 5), Elfalvar Levy Soldier (CR 6), Pemperbot (CR 13), and the dwarven cleric Serafima/Grandis (CR 7). Plus there are 6 maps!
Mini-Adventure: Desert on the Road. This short sidequest (designed for 4-6 PCs of 5th-9th level) can be placed in any campaign not currently set in an arid location. The adventurers find the climate becoming unusually hot during a journey, to the point that plants are dying around them. As they continue the normal landscape suddenly turns harsh, dry, and hot, and they encounter a few random fire elementals. At the center of this strange desert is a tower taken over by creatures adhered to flame: an incursion of salamanders, led here by a magical experiment gone awry that left open a portal to the Plane of Fire. The party fights their way to the top before confronting a stream of fiery warriors, only closing the planar gate with the help of a small group of azer—provided they aren't burned alive first! Designed by Cole Grandel, illustrated by Savage Mojo, and using cartography by Dyson Logos.
Technomancy Gremlins. Veteran EN5ider designer Andrew Engelbrite has penned another article of fabulous magic items, but this time they're not enchanted trinkets—instead each are innocuous objects of a different sort, powered by curious little gremlins that love nothing more than to perform the specific tasks they've been conjured for! There are a total of 13 different such items within ranging from the simple gremlin direction finder MK2 and timekeeper gremlin deluxe to the dicier slap-cut-chop-mince-dicinator and image-capturing premium gremlin. Illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Monster Salvaging. Halloween is nearly here so the next couple articles offer a bit of creepy or gruesome content for your 5E game. With that in mind today's offering is all about corpses! Get the adventurers rooting about in cadavers after a battle ends in search of monster reagents they can transform into items that enhance spells, help concoct virulent poisons or useful potions, and even replicate the abilities of the creatures they've slain. Written by Michael Ohl; illustrated by Herman Lau.
Villain Spotlight: Rosie Arkwright. Halloween is later this week and to help spookify your games we've got an unassuming horror to titillate, captivate, and eviscerate adventurers: the undead ragdoll Rosie Arkwright. Despite her small size she is durable, deadly, and able to create legions of creatures like herself, vastly outnumbering victims before swarming upon them with mystical needle and thread used to sew up mouths, eyes, and lives! Brilliantly penned by Andrew Engelbrite with a wonderful illustration by Xanditz.
ZEITGEIST 8 - Diaspora: Part 3. With their next destination revealed the PCs must begin their plans to reach the ghost city of Methia, located deep in enemy territory, and they will need to properly plan their method of insertion and extraction from the Danoran-held city. To succeed the adventurers must journey across a dead magic field, sneak past an army, unleash a colossus, temporarily wind back time 5 years, face the villain Nicodemus, and escape capture along the way! For GMs not already using this adventure path, this PDF includes TWENTY (!) creatures and NPCs to add to your gaming toolbox.
Mini-Adventure: The Titan Gates. To commemorate achieving 300 articles we've got an excellent extra special mini-adventure for today: a module that's meant for 11th-12th level play but with a little modification can be used anywhere from 3rd to 16th level. This has not one or two but THREE different maps as PCs face off against giants with portals in their chests, the mystical gateways dragging the adventurers into the dangerous challenges of the Titan Gate Gladiators—those that survive are enshrined in history as champions and gain powerful allies, as well as the ability to rapidly traverse parts of the world thanks to their hard-fought allies. Brilliantly designed by EN5ider luminary Andrew Engelbrite; illustrated by Kevin Shea; maps from Dyson Logos.
The Not-So-Lonesome Road. Make your next overland trip more interesting and really engage adventurers with the world in just a few dice rolls! This article takes a look upon our collective past, using historical information and parallels to help GMs create realistic NPC encounters outside of major settlements (with examples), providing opportunities to roleplay, pass information via highway gossip, and even trade and refresh supplies. Written by Phill Harmon; illustrated by Phil Stone.
Intriguing Organizations: House of the Reclaimed Soul. This Intriguing Organization takes in the truly repentant to tries tp lead them to find redemption. Despite the horrorscape around them these ex-clerics, warlocks, and other fools tricked into serving fiends during their time as mortals strive to do good following their deaths while purging themselves of the evils within. This article includes details for five NPCs as well as statistics for penitents (spellcasters that have devoted themselves to masochistic purges of sin). Written by Catherine Evans; illustrated by Marcel Budde and Claudio Pozas.
Monstrous Menagerie: Unique Dragons. The Monstrous Menagerie series is back with a variety of new dragons to enrich your 5E game! This article includes the fey dragon template with Teyladin the Reclaimer (a young green fey dragon) and the memory dragon template (used for the Librarian of Orban Tur, an ancient silver memory dragon). Written by Ben Green; illustrated by Alba Palacio and Ellis Goodson.
Over the Next Hill: The Medieval Lord's Manor. Baronies and fiefdoms are a staple of medieval fantasy, playing a role in many of our games and worlds—today's article takes a historical approach to understanding the barony of Alexander Ouer Middleton, providing a perfect example of the usual ruler, subordinates, and culture to be found in a medieval estate. Included are statistics for the baron (CR 3), his reeve (CR ¼), and the local miller (CR ½) as well as rumors and plot hooks alongside a custom map of the Middleton lands! Written by Phill Harmon; illustrated by Indi Martin; cartography by Mik Holmes.
Mini-Adventure: Tainted Remedies. When the adventurers emerge battered and bruised from a dangerous situation they fortuitously stumble across the traveling healer Sanador. The elven woman introduces herself as an emergency medic who seeks out danger to offer aid, then gives each of the PCs a healing potion absolutely free of charge. What the party don't know is that the alchemist secretly laces her healing potions with a highly addictive solution that not only makes them more potent, but can easily get her patients cripplingly hooked! This excellent supplementary mini-adventure designed by Andrew Engelbrite is a great sidequest for 4-5 PCs of 3rd-5th level made to be inserted inside of your current campaign! Color art by Savage Mojo with cartography by Dyson Logos.
ZEITGEIST #9 - The Last Starry Sky: Part One. The second act of the ZEITGEIST adventure path begins its end in a perilous race against time as the heroes are trapped within the Dreaming. They are hard pressed to escape quickly to stop an Obscurati plot of regicide against the king of Risur, but to do so the adventurers must please a fey court and trick a true titan of nature! This module (for PCs of 15th-16th level) is chock full of 17 statblocks for NPCs and monsters that are great for forested or fey-themed sessions. Pugwampi fox rider (CR 5), fey dire fox (CR 5), great huntsman (CR 12), fey orca (CR 12), boon satyr Xeniam (CR 12), satyr piper (CR 10), satyr springjack (CR 10), the (really cool tankard guzzling) Dread Borenbog (CR 15), dreaming ettercap (CR 5), webway giant spider (CR 12), Copperhat the Headless (CR 11), centaur cavalry unity (CR 12), lightning-split treant (CR 14), the Voice of Rot (CR 20), Blackwood treant (CR 13), rotted archer (CR 9), and exoskeletal ettercap gang (CR 7).
Monstrous Menagerie: Sentient Illusions. Today's entry in the Monstrous Menagerie series brings into focus illusory arcana that have gone beyond the bounds of figmentation, attaining not just physical forms but sentience as well! The unique nature of these creatures ties each to a gemstone and set of characteristics that define the boundaries of a sentient illusion’s capacity for change after it achieves independent thought—for the bridge from spell to creature exacts a heavy toll. Innovatively designed by Azra Kaknes; illustrated by Xanditz and Gennifer Bone.
Magic Items: Prayerbooks & Scripture. This time of year is dominated by holidays—the Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Pancha Ganapati, Saturnalia, Yule, Boxing Day, Festivus—and in honor of these many traditions we've prepared a special article from a source uniquely suited to tackle religious subjects. Regular EN5ider contributor Josh Gentry is not only a talented and creative game designer, he's also a studying theologian and minister in training at Emory University! When Josh pitched an article that bridged his academic pursuits with D&D 5E it was too good of an opportunity to pass up and with that in mind, we are happy to introduce to you Magic Items: Prayerbooks & Scripture. In this issue you'll find 6 unique prayerbooks (A Word of Salvation, Rites of Life, Imprication & Vindication, Journey Through the Aether, The Hierophant's Journal, and The Song of Creation) to bring some scholarly elements to the game for clerics and paladins, as well as guidelines for making your own prayerbooks, and a Sacred Story Generator to help generate lore. Illustrated by Guilherme Sommermeyer.
Mini-Adventure: Bastards Revenge. With decades of adventuring behind him it’s finally time for Talladio Mihrad to rest his blade and settle down. Unfortunately however this charismatic vagabond’s past is coming back to haunt him—he was a glorious monster slayer and hero to many, but he also sired copious children that are all now tracking him down to exact vengeance for their abandonment! This supplemental mini-adventure for 4-5 PCs of 3rd-5th level was designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Claudio Pozas, and features cartography by Dyson Logos.
New Race: Sentient Illusions. A few weeks ago we introduced the sapient magical life forms wrought by the Order of Sentience as creatures—today’s article gives sentient illusions rules for use as a player race! Start adventuring as magic incarnate by choosing your core (diamond, emerald, onyx, ruby, sapphire, or topaz) and later on perhaps dabble even further with the Back to Basics or Illusory Roots feats! Designed by Azra Kaknes; illustrated by Xanditz.
Magic Items: Hunter Totems. Congratulations! With daring, skill, and a touch of luck you've achieved new heights of herodom by slaying a powerful monster! As the party starts canvassing its lair for treasure however, you instead draw your carving knife and get to work taking a trophy for yourself from the creature's cadaver. Unfortunately you don't really get much for your dragon's tooth, the scales of a chitinous aberration, or a fiend's horn—until now! Using the rules in this article you can not only look more impressive for all the challenging foes you've vanquished, you can gain mechanical benefits from these trophies-turned-magic items, empowering you to take on even bigger monsters! Designed by Andrew Engelbrite; illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
ZEITGEIST #9 - The Last Starry Sky: Part 2. The name of the game in the second half of this module is regicide! These 36 pages bring a narrative close to ZEITGEIST's 9th adventure with 7 maps and 27 (!) different NPCs involved in plots to assassinate King Aodhan. Catherine Romana (CR 9), Senior Ghost Councilor (CR 10), Ghost Council Detachment (CR 12), Skeletal Dragon Tyrant (CR 18), Professor Bugge (CR 13), Dread Wight (CR 9), Flayed Dire Jaguar (CR 10), Bleak Gate Killer (CR 13), Obscurati Squad (CR 7), Bleak Lantern Golem (CR 10), Wraith Assassination Horde (CR 11), Danoran Company (CR 11), Steam Walker (CR 13), Danoran Lookout (CR 3), Lya Jierre [ghost version] (CR 16), Draconic Witchoil Golem (CR 16), Risuri Elite Squad (CR 7), Staircase Mimic (CR 13), Doppelganger Agent (CR 13), and finally Roland Stanfield (CR 17) and his CR 13 incarnations (Swordsman, Conspirator, Sorcerer, Loremaster, Holy Warrior, Politician, and Technologist). If you are GMing any high-level games you should definitely snag this issue!
Intriguing Organizations: Which Watch? In every city adventurers tread one thing remains constant: there's probably a city watch or local police force. Usually these guards only come into play when the plot requires it or a group of PCs start brazenly breaking the law, but minor as they often are that doesn't mean that all city watches will be the same. That's where this article shines—use these templates and guides to rapidly change these often overlooked NPCs into an engaging (and intriguing) force for good, evil, law, or profit, adding a realistic and tangible aspect to the game that makes the local police an interesting element in any given settlement. Brilliantly penned by Eran Aviram; illustrated by Indi Martin.
Mini-Adventure: Cold Love. The seasons should have passed but spring still hasn't arrived—almost as if winter's chill is stalking the adventurers. Soon they realize the truth of the situation and discover that one of the party members has inadvertently won over the love of a powerful cold elemental, Gelissa the Spirit of Winter, and though her affection for them might be red hot it's too cool to be sustained. While notes are included to play through the module all at once, this supplemental adventure is designed to be added to an existing campaign as an engaging sidequest for 4-5 PCs of 5th-9th level. Wonderfully designed by Andrew Angelbrite, illustrated by Claudio Pozas, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Gamemaster Characters: Recruiting Followers & Pets. After finding an orphaned baby displacer beast, enlightening the misguided apprentice to a mad wizard, or helping a lonely dire lion heal an injury making it aggressive there are many adventuring groups that won't want to abandon a wayward NPC or monster—instead they'll plead to include it in the party. Let them and use this article to guide the process, utilizing the mechanics for Morale, Goals, and Recruitment to determine how long a GMC (gamemaster character, one shared between the GM and the PCs) sticks around, how loyal they are, and when it's time for them to go. Designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin.
Villain Spotlight: Jaxi the Blightgunner. Although they are certainly places of decay and death, swamps are also home to a great deal of life and they bustle with activity—the popping of gasses rising out of the muck, the chittering of insects ever searching for food, and in Chokewater, the clack of colliding lead firing off an explosive charge from Jaxi's rifle! The Blightgunner has fiercely protected her lair for 16 years now, though she has long since ceased loving her home and desperately searches for a way to escape its influence without giving up the powers it has bestowed upon her. In addition to her statblock (CR 7) this article includes a trio of magic items: an acid bullet recipe, drypowder, and Thorncase. Designed by Peter Martin, illustrated by Herman Lau and Savage Mojo.
ZEITGEIST #9 - The Last Starry Sky: Part 3. This segment of the module brings ZEITGEIST #9 to its official close with an appendix for each of the following: the Rites of Rulership (rules for monarchs that the PCs will get to make use of), statistics for Fey Lords, Allied NPCs, and Naval Forces, and Magic and Training covering such goodies like the borenbog's gourd, crown of risur, and the mask of the unseen court. The 19 NPCs in this PDF include Palace Guards (CR 9), Monarch Thisraldion (CR 18), Atala (CR 15), Karrest the Fire (CR 15), Furg the Toadstool Sage (CR 15), Sallin the Dryad (CR 15), Olazdor the Archfey of Winds (CR 15), Beshela the Archfey of the Sea (CR 14), Lerina the Reseen Marauder (CR 14), Lavac the Gremlin Herald (CR 12), Darbony the Gruff Goat (CR 12), King Aodhan Lesterman (CR 15), Principal Minister Harkover Lee (CR 16), Asrabey Varal (CR 15), Dame Jillian the Green Knight (CR 12), Amielle Latimer (CR 9), Lauryn Cyneburg (CR 14), Stover Delft (CR 11), and Hana "Gale" Soliogn (CR 12).
Logical Spells. The Esoteres believe a comprehensive understanding of reality is where true power lay—but that does not mean arcana should be abandoned. Their sages and scribes have developed a suite of unique spells to enhance their mastery over natural forces and the world around them, whether that be the calculate cantrip for rapidly solving complex problems or a far more powerful spell like recursive descent—used to trap a target into a recursive looping memory from which few ever escape! This article of 8 new spells was designed by Quinn Callahan and illustrated by Phil Stone.
Mini-Adventure: Mistaken Identity. A mysterious message is brought to the adventurers, promising them that a reward and great boon await in the abandoned clanhold of the Greymail dwarves. When they arrive however they are confronted with a challenge: Voorhan Greymail believes they are the descendants of those responsible for bringing ruin to his clan, and he demands justice. The PCs can simply fight Voorhan and his dwarven champion cohorts but by investigating the ruins they can reveal a compelling truth, prove their innocence, and flush the true culprit out into the open! Designed by Tyler Omichinski for 4–5 PCs of 5th–6th level, featuring cartography by Dyson Logos.
Monstrous Menagerie: Chimeras. Classically a chimera is a fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail—and that's great. What's not to love? We're far too keen on these hybrid animal monsters to have just one however, so we've got another four to add to the list! This article includes the goatrilla (CR 5), manta lobstshark (CR 9), octobearfly (CR 3), and tyrazodactylsaurus (CR 12) which itself includes a CR 1/2 termite swarm. Cunningly designed by Jacob Gobhar, illustrated by Rick Hershey.
Intriguing Organizations: The Gutter Guild. To protect cities from disease this reclusive organization populates the sewers beneath with oozes and other detritus feeders that clean waste and purify water sources. Although they provide a valuable service the seeding of sewers with gelatinous cubes is easily misconstrued by a fearful public so their work is done in secret, cultivating the dangerous creatures in hidden laboratories and releasing the monsters wherever cleaning is needed—a system that sometimes requires extra support from capable adventurers in order to function correctly. This article includes dehydrated jelly, dust of ooze paralysis, ooze handler's gloves, the Ooze Handler (CR 2), and three ooze variants: blazing black pudding (CR +0), euphoria cube (CR +0), and flash jelly (CR +1). Cleverly designed by Will Gawned with color illustration by Indi Martin!
ZEITGEIST #10 - Godmind: Part 1. In ‘Act One: Against the Titans’ the PCs are in a Risur with no sun and the nature of magic itself has been fundamentally altered, forcing them to adapt as the fey titans wreak havoc. Before they can address these supreme entities however there’s bedlam in the city of Boles with the will of the people uniting, morphing into a bloodthirsty hivemind of tentacles! Afterward they must deal with the Ash Wolf and the Flaming Ziggurat of Av, the drunken stampede of the Father of Thunder, Granny Allswell and her gremlins, and finally to leave the country the adventurers have to subdue She Who Writhes. Though allies offer to help in their quest there is treachery afoot—and even when the kraken has been dealt with, the shadow of the Voice of Rot falls upon the party once more. This 40 page installment of the ZEITGEIST adventure path includes the Labor Hivemind (CR 17), Salamander Sultan Kuyler (CR 16), Bound Efreet Liesi (CR 8), Salamander Vizier (CR 10), Salamander Dervish (CR 10), Gremlins (Glower, Guffaw, Pout, and Tremble; CR 8), and the Fey Titan She Who Writhes (CR 28).
Enchanted Trinkets: Zlick Willy's Wily Wares. With so much gloom about and April Fools day coming up, we're encouraging GMs everywhere to liven up their games with Zlick Willy’s Wily Wares! Get some laughs out of the table and kick a session into light-hearted mode with Zlick’s message cushion (imagine everybody’s faces when the wizard sits down and their chair seems to say, “Get off me you tub of lard!”) or grab the door-free dunk bucket to dump water on a dour companion—no doorway required! Peruse this catalog for 8 more magical japes, pranks, and laugh riots, and remember: it’s always a whopper with Zlick Willy’s wily wares! Amusingly designed by Andrew Engelbrite with illustration by Ellis Goodson.
Mini-Adventure: Aberrant Echoes. The earth is littered with forgotten ruins of civilizations long gone. Many hide treasures, but one of them contains something else—something of a different world, or perhaps another reality. Long ago the Aberrant (a highly intelligent race from the mad realm) built a laboratory filled with twisted experiments. This was not only a place of twisted pursuits, but a complex imbued with a conscious Psionic Brain. The lab has laid dormant for centuries until only recently when a trespasser activated the inquisitive monster, awakened with an undeniable need to fulfill its last task once more—by every means necessary. This mini-adventure for 4 PCs of 5th–8th level was designed by Jos Van Egmond and illustrated by Savage Mojo, including cartography by Dyson Logos.
Frozen Archetypes. Spring is here and for most of us winter has past, but before the season is truly behind us we've got four chilly class archetypes to include in your game! First off there are two barbarian primal paths: Frostbitten warriors that wield cold like a weapon and those who choose to be Titanic, gradually increasing in size whenever they rage. Next up are Frozen Blood monks, a perfect option for those hermit characters dwelling alone in the mountains. Finally there's the Cold Soul warlock patron who grants powerful control over ice that allows followers to substitute cold damage in their spells, propel themselves using it, and ultimately the ability to condense the moisture in the air into a massive frozen boulder to drop onto foes!
Monstrous Menagerie: Three Arcane Avians. Doom comes from above with this trio of monstrous magical birds! The three-eyed pale striganes (CR 5) is a psionically empowered owl that paralyzes prey with psychic blasts then scatters any companions with a burst of mental fear before sinking its claws into its victims flesh, devouring the thing's mind and draining any mental prowess to feed its young. Conversely there's the cacophony cockatoo (CR 1), a brightly colored, highly intelligent, and extremely mischievous tropical bird with a knack for disrupting spellcasters with its cries. Individually these creatures can neutralize spells, but larger flocks have been known to turn spells back on their casters, and they are clever enough to ally with tribes and creatures in their native lands in exchange for food and shiny trinkets. Finally there's the carrion crow (CR 3), a necromantically-gifted corvid with the ability to raise and control the dead, forming small hordes of zombies to defend their nests—yet they also learn to drag secrets from the decaying minds of their zombie guards, occasionally trading information with sinister folk for magical treasures. Wonderfully designed by Joe Crow (yes the irony was not lost on anyone) and illustrated by Xanditz.
Mini-Adventure: Ghosts in the Graveyard. In life Gabriel Valcori was a successful businessman, famed throughout the city for his wealth and generosity. Unbeknownst to his admirers however the merchant began his career by robbing graves, a vice he continued even after securing his vast fortune. Valcori’s crimes remained undiscovered while he lived, but upon his death the merchant was buried in the very graveyard he once robbed—an outrage that has driven Valcori’s victims to return as restless spirits! This short sidequest for 4–5 5th level PCs was written by William Fischer, features color artwork by Phil Stone and Ellis Goodson, along with the cartography of Dyson Logos.
ZEITGEIST #10 - Godmind: Part 2. At the start of this 28 page second installment of the 10th ZEITGEIST module an illusion from the fiend Ashima-Shimtu rises up from wherever blood touched the water during the battle against She Who Writhes, bringing important information to the party and a dire request to travel back to the island at the axis of the world—where their old secretive acquaintance Benedict Pemberburton (from ZEITGEIST #6) has taken control. Once there the adventurers battle a massive hivemind before revisiting the mines to rendezvous with Nicodemus once more, concocting a plan with their allies to undo the ritual that has upset nature itself. To do so however the PCs need to infiltrate the Forward Symposium and confront the Godmind, a hivemind of considerable power that's bent on consuming the world—and might even be able to do it! This entry in the adventure path includes the Obscurati Golem (CR 17), Axis Hivemind (CR 17), Pardo (CR 12), Mindscape Ectoplasmid (CR 17), and Black Blossom (CR 10).
Spells: Masterpiece Renditions. There is magic in music and few melodies contain as much nuanced power as this suite of sublime spells! Play the rousing and rising accelerando to empower a band of warriors, unleash the battlecry ballad to rally your forces, employ the expertise of circular breathing to perform beneath the waves, cast crowd pleaser to get a party started, employ dramatic sting to pluck at a foe's heartstrings, never allow an audience to forget you with earworm, become more helpful with an accompaniment from harmonic resonance, blow away listeners with the power of resonating solo, create a background player with strike up the band, or spread true sorrow with the use of fearful sonnet! These masterpieces of magic were penned by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Mark Bulahao.
Enchanted Trinkets: Patron Tokens. Warlocks—the mages who traded their souls for eldritch blast. We know them, we love their beams of death, but when it gets down to the nuts and bolts they sometimes fall short of the prowess shown by their companions. In that light this article is all about gifts geared to make the most out of Pact Magic users! As usual with the enchanted trinkets series each item has an innocuous, roleplay enriching effect, suggested gold value, and a resource element that you can use to create a more powerful effect at the expense of the item itself. This supplement's 14 magic items include the angel-hide bookmark, badge of seasons, barbed devil's bracelet, confidante's journal, fathomer's ring, focusing eye, hungry quasit, infernal triptych, paramour's daisy, satyr boots, seven-sided coin, sidereal lens, star milk, and true shape mirror. Devilishly designed by William Fischer and illustrated by Sade.
Writhing Codex. Kill and zombify foes with breath of the master, do exactly what you think with corpse explosion, cast parasitic eruption to send someone to Cronenberg-ville, curse enemies with power word doom, become as resilient and unyielding as your animated minions via undead fortitude, disturb everybody at the party by conjuring a wall of flesh, protect your secrets with withering aura, travel in style by using wormway to hitch a ride in a purple worm, or go all-in and make the change into a wriggling mass of worms by casting the epic writhing transformation spell. Don't worry about the spellbook slithering a little bit—that's completely normal and nothing to worry about. Disturbingly designed by Ben Green, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
ZEITGEIST #10 - Godmind: Part 3. This is the crunchiest part of ZEITGEIST #10 - Godmind and includes the full breadth of rules and monsters a GM will need to run the rest of the module! That begins with the fundamental changes to the mechanics of reality following the Obscurati ritual and is followed by a host of creatures: the Ash Wolf (fey titan CR 25), smoldering wolf (CR 10), Beshela the Archfey of the Sea (CR 14), the Father of Thunder (fey titan CR 25), Granny Allswell (fey titan CR 25), corrupted earth spirit (CR 15), Asrabey Varal the Archfey of Obedience (CR 17), Porteur de Mort revelation sniper (CR 13), Porteur de Mort murderer (CR 13), Porteur de Mort alchemist (CR 13), Obscurati master builder (CR 15), Obscurati divinist (CR 14), Danoran frigate crew (CR 15), Danoran boarding squad (CR 11), and finally Sovereign Han Jierre (CR 20).
Mini-Adventure: Fungal Bums. The adventurers destroy an infestation of strange mushroom creatures but days later one of the PCs develops an odd sickness impervious to traditional cures. Within weeks mushrooms sprout from the afflicted's back, and far stranger, the sporecaps speak. The 'umamish' claim to be helpful symbiotic fungus, merely hoping to hitch a ride until they reach maturity—and their host feels stronger, more resilient, better than ever before. However the umamish are anything but benevolent, slowly gaining control of the PC's mind and releasing more spores to infect others. To be cured the party needs to track down a recluse rumored to know the cure for these unwanted fungal stowaways! This supplementary adventure for 4–5 PCs is best used in an ongoing campaign (introduced at 3rd level and ending by 6th level) but can be contained into a shorter quest for 6th level PCs. Cunningly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Jeffrey Chen, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Multiclass Feats. Sometimes you want to play an adventurer that's more than a stalwart warrior, deft vagabond, or potent spellcaster. It can be good fun to explore concepts that mean a few levels in one class and then a few more in another. The Fifth Edition rules are unfortunately not quite up to the task when it comes to keeping such a character as viable as their purely fighter, wizard, or cleric counterparts when the campaign reaches higher levels—until now. With these 12 feats in hand (all of which are only available starting at 7th level) a variety of combinations become more worthwhile to pursue throughout a campaign, whether you're a doubly-obliged paladin and warlock, a ranger with a touch of bard, a studious wizardly monk, or one of many other amalgamations! Designed by Peter Martin, illustrated by Xanditz.
Enchanted Trinkets: Arcane Atlases. Sometimes knowing where you're going just doesn't cut it because after all, journeys are often only half of a quest. That's where these wondrous maps make their mark. The atlas of the lost keeps track of the things you've erroneously discarded along the way, a social map is certain to show its value after carousing starts and you forget where the next tavern is located, and surely being able to quickly find a healer thanks to a caduceus chart is a boon—one that might well mean the difference between life and death! Find these among the 10 unique enchanted trinkets on offer here, and get yourself a few maps worth keeping in your pack. Designed by Andrew Engelbrite and illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Villain Spotlight: Vengar the Reader. Goblins are known for many things—reading is not typically on that list, but it's not like Vengar is a typical goblin. Once a trapfinder for the Chokeleaf tribe, this errant necromancer went entirely off the deep end after selfishly stealing an ancient tome to fulfill his ambitions of power. The cursed book has sucked away his vitality and now Vengar travels from tribe to tribe posing as a shaman, utilizing everything he can to acquire more magics able to extend his piteous life before the dark entities he's pledges his soul to come calling for his debt. In addition to his statistics (CR 5), this dastardly goblin has access to a variety of enhanced undead that explode, ignite, poison, become conduits of deathly energies, and even hide other monsters inside their bodies. Designed by Charlie Brooks, illustrated by Renan Moraes.
ZEITGEIST #11: Gorged on Ruins - Part 1. Undoing the Obscurati's ritual is a tall order but there are three terrible dangers threatening the world that the adventurers might turn to the vital task: beneath the Beran city of Ursaliña is a Gidim leviathan colonizing the world, comets have striking in Drakr's frozen north herald the return of mythic warlords seeking a final battle, and the gods themselves are being put on trial by the people of Crisillyir! Can the adventurers navigate these epic challenges while learning the ritual themselves so that it can be undone? This 27 page supplement includes the empowered ghost councilor Shuman Larkins (CR 16), great eclipse killer (CR 13), Glaucia Evora (CR 14), and a devious memory trap.
Intriguing Organizations: Readers of War. Fantasy gaming oft emphasizes the magical side of scholastic pursuits, but in the real world one of the traditionally most studied aspects of history is the making of war. With that in mind we present to you the Readers of War, a sect of warriors that fastidiously study combat in all its forms with the most devoted accepting the First Codex of War as their very patron. The rank-and-file are combatants through and through however, traveling the land to teach martial history and arts to those worthy of wielding a blade. In addition to all the information you'd expect from an Intriguing Organizations article, this supplement also includes a Proctor of War (CR 8), a new warlock patron (First Codex), the eponymously named battle book weapon, and three eldritch invocations specifically for First Codex warlocks. Devotedly designed by Peter Martin featuring illustration by Phil Stone.
Tertiary System: Mass Combat. The mass combat rules offered thus far for Fifth Edition can be pretty disappointing depending on the expectations of your group. Trying to extend the core mechanics to adroitly navigate an entirely different scale of play is simply too much stretching, often eliminating player agency and therein the game. Instead we offer you this alternative tertiary system, rules that employ straightforward mechanics based on narrative storytelling. Make the players into epic heroes who can turn the tide of battle in the face of overwhelming odds without any headaches! Designed by Benjamin Eastman, illustrated by Júlio Cesar Oliveira Rocha.
Enchanted Trinkets: Plumed Panoply. We've done quite a few Enchanted Trinkets articles but none quite like this one: a full set of magic attire! If your adventurer is the kind that cares about fashion there will be no higher calling than acquiring every piece in this set, from the duck call necklace all the way to a pair of penguin boots. Any that manage to get all 11 of these magic items unlocks a special power too, though doing so—while resisting the urge to break any of them for their more potent effects—is a tall order indeed. Thoughtfully designed by James Abendroth, illustrated by Phil Stone.
Intriguing Organizations: Hands of Contrition. Adventurers almost reflexively destroy undead on sight—but they best be wary for there are a rare few that rise up above their nature, seeking to redeem their corrupted souls and serve rather than slay the living. These unique undead are members of the Hands of Contrition, creatures that strive to redeem themselves in their post-mortal existence and help the world at large. Although only ever gathering in small groups their influence spreads far whether they defend the innocent, bolster a community's resources, or saving the victims of catastrophes before survivors perish. Includes the Mummified Guardian (CR 7), restore soul (a 5th-level enchantment), and the Hand creature template. Dutifully designed by Peter Martin, illustrated by Mark Bulahao.
ZEITGEIST #11: Gorged on Ruins - Part 2. In this second installment of ZEITGEIST #11 the PCs encounter the Vsadni (five ancient Lost Riders now transformed into powerful icy titans by the Voice of Rot) and take their fight to Grandis Komanov—most likely with blades but possibly with words instead. Then it's on to a debate truly deific in both its nature and impact: the gods themselves are put on trial in Alais Primos. This module includes 3 maps and one statblock (the Bhad Ryzhavdut Militia), but stay tuned for next month's ZEITGEIST as this adventure finishes with an appendix that is essentially a high-level monster manual all on its own (featuring no less than 40 creatures every GM ought to have in their playbook!)
Spells: Herculean Incantations. Tell me friend: do you tire of seeing braggadocio knights impress with feats of strength? Running afoul of too many tavern fights with lumbering brutes? Well friend your troubles are over! With this suite of over a dozen brawny spells you'll more than make your mark with magical might that's sure to inspire all within sight! Take the fight against a foe into a coliseum for two with Ahlmeik's arena, send potential paramours head over heels with a bit of flex, make yourself as strong as you'll feel with gigantify, and put enemies down with your powerful blows after unleashing the rage of the meek. It is a true certainty that with these at your disposal you need suffer ridicule for your frailty no longer! Solidly designed by Andrew Engelbrite; illustrated by Dana Braga.
Changes of Zhou. The next time the adventurers cast augury or otherwise make use of divination magic you can do more than simply provide an answer—now you can give them a reading! This 8 page article includes a type of Chinese cleromancy that dates back to the Zhou dynasty (which started more than a millennium before 0 AD), tables for interpreting and understanding the trigrams and hexagrams at the core of this system for telling the future, and an NPC suitable for doling out prophetic information. Written in the recent past by Phil Harmon, illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Mini-Adventure: The Pallid Piper. We first introduced the umamish—a curious infection of intelligent mushrooms—in EN5ider #333 - Mini-Adventure: Fungal Bums but they've spread since then! When the adventurers return to a town or village they've saved before they find it is rife with patches of mushrooms, unnatural growths said to have been brought about by an old man raising fungi with a song. Though he appears to be a strange human he is far more, and if not stopped the entity for which this so called Pallid Piper heralds will drag many a soul down into the Abyss with it! This sequel supplementary adventure for 4–5 PCs of 7th–9th level was masterfully penned by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Indi Martin, and features the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Spells for Punching. Sometimes even the most cautious mage has to get up and smack somebody in the face—make that smack count. With these 11 new spells in your repertoire you'll be unleashing storm kicks and incinerating roundhouse strikes right alongside warrior allies, and when it really becomes a dire fight then maybe even a godstrike! Pugilistically designed by Peter Martin, illustrated by Herman Lau.
ZEITGEIST #11: Gorged on Ruins - Part 3. This installment of ZEITGEIST #11 has all the goodies in it: Gidim living steel, thoughtlocks, oculus prisms, and the statistics for a grand total of THIRTY-NINE creatures! 39! These monsters and NPCs range from the meek (the CR 3 Ursaliñan guard) to the incredibly mighty (the Esurientes Draco in Ruinam aka catastrophe dragon, at CR 25). Fleshwarped dire bears, army troops and soldiers of all sorts, a blizzard elemental of the end times, a skeletal phalanx swarm—if you ever suspect you might need some high level monsters, do not sleep on this issue of EN5ider!
Enchanted Trinkets: A Noblewoman's Essentials. Are you among the highest social standing? Do the cultural elites vie for invitations to your parties, or fervently wish that you might attend theirs? If you are then you almost certainly have our catalog already, but if not then we implore you to peruse these pages—Madam Ursula's only trades in the absolute finest goods, garments, and curiosities that will make you an essential member of noble society! Practice discretion while you whet your tongue on the sly and put a touch of enchantment into your step with the flask of confidence, save your prized attire from stains with the miraculous kerchief, or avail yourself of any one of the nine enchanted trinkets within to impress your friends and make it certain to all that you are a person of unique standing. Elegantly designed by Elizabeth Orchard, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Monstrous Menagerie: Damned Sovereigns. Wildernesses and ruins the world over are the abandoned homes of fallen empires and lost kingdoms, civilizations that have faded into history. The powerful rulers of such places do not always plummet with their domains however, continuing on by way of enduring magics imbued by the wealth of a nation or terrible curses wrought as punishment for the massive suffering under their decree. This issue of Monstrous Menagerie examines three such figures: the ghostly shadow of Queen Katarina, the beastly-transformed elvish prince Ahvain, and the brutally childish golem Jin Su. Designed damnably well by Will Gawned, featuring the illustrations of Fer Gregory, Júlio Rocha, and Sade.
Mini-Adventure: The Devil's Maze. With the gravity of such an occasion in mind we’ve concocted a mini-adventure worthy of the moment, a one-shot that features innovative gameplay throughout a compelling fiend-stalked labyrinth and revolving around a classic fantasy tale. The powerful mage Nerzikon the Traveler constructed his sanctum (the Devil’s Maze) long ago and as his legend faded into history so too did knowledge of his personal nexus of planar byways. When next the adventurers need to travel to another world you’ll be prepared with an engaging dungeon to lead them there! Fiendishly designed by William Fischer, featuring the artwork of Guilherme Sommermeyer and Yihyoung Li, and the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Enchanted Trinkets: Scraps of Knowledge. The Enchanted Trinkets series continues with a worthwhile entry best enjoyed by sages, scholars, and anyone else with a penchant for the written word. Never allow your most treasured tome to suffer injury by storing it with a borrower's bookmark, prepare the most beautiful songs with an enchanted music sheet, draw upon unholy power with an incomplete infernal contract, and enjoy the 7 other unique magic items within these pages. However it is best to be wary—many of these wondrous things incur a subtle and terrible cost! Studiously designed by Will Gawned, illustrated by Kim Van Deun.
Nature Magic: Ecomancy. Nature. We are in it and it is in us. You can't escape it—but you can study it, learn from it, and just maybe with a little magic take control of it. We're not talking about druids though, we're talking wizards. Get your mage out of the keep's library and into the world with the School of Ecomancy and these 8 new nature-themed spells! Ride in style using conjure nature's sleigh, send forest texts via the grapevine cantrip, lay waste to foes with seed bomb, or see the world through innumerable fungal eyes with sporesight! Ecologically designed by Elizabeth Orchard, illustrated by Mark Bulahao.
ZEITGEIST #12: The Grinding Gears of Heaven - Part One. The adventurers need only embark on one last quest to undo the disastrous tinkering of the Obscurati and remake reality into an age of their own design. That quest will take them to the Gyre, where they will rescue other dying worlds to help restore their own, and where they must defeat the Voice of Rot. If they fail, their homeworld will be drawn into the Gyre and annihilated utterly, and all their investigations and heroism will have been for nothing. The penultimate ZEITGEIST adventure begins! In addition to the overview of the module, this includes Act 1: Turning and Turning, a ghost vortex horde (CR 9), and maps of the Aurum Treasure skyship and Thistle Palace.
Intriguing Organizations: The Tragedians. "Instead of weeping when a tragedy occurs in a songbird's life, it sings away its grief." This acting troupe takes Shakespeare's quote to its very extremes, traveling the land and putting on performances that leave audiences in turmoil so great that spectators have been known to take their own lives! There is a terrible secret behind their signature play however—The Sun's Final Mourning is not just a work of theatrics, it is also a powerful curse spread by the woeful warlock playwright Cithrel. In addition to their statistics, this article includes the cunning Tragedian Actor (CR 2) and NPC references for the rest of the troupe too. Dramatically designed by Shane Wheeler, illustrated by Dana Braga.
Enchanted Trinkets: Reaper's Crop. Halloween approaches and we've got a satisfyingly creepy entry in the Enchanted Trinkets series focused on a dozen grisly, gruesome, and macabre magic items for GMs to reward their adventurers! Leave a morbid message with a chattering skull, paint a foe with deathly energies with a desecrated blood flask, supercharge your thinking with a jarred brain, and don't leave home without your lucky halfling foot! Horrifyingly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Mini-Adventure: The Lady of Rust. There's always that weird noble, right? The one that insists on wearing some obscure scent, or only eats pastries, or refuses to travel without their own carriage, or keeps rust monsters as pets. Eccentric people like Lady Philomina—who keeps rust monsters as pets. This peculiar woman's strange quirk has more motive than simply being unique and rich however, and the adventurers will gradually uncover it as they investigate the situation with local silver mines that has sent the local economy off-kilter. Designed by the lupine Will Gawned, illustrated by Guilherme Sommermeyer, with cartography by Dyson Logos.
ZEITGEIST #12: The Grinding Gears of Heaven - Part 2. Sailing above the dying worlds of the Gyre, the party seeks the power to save their own. In this part of the module the adventurers soar above over two dozen distinct worlds, stopping along the way to recharge their ship’s levitationals and fight the Golden Legion army of devils, gargantuan undead space arachnid called vaknids, the savants of Shabboath, the carnivorous mandala of Thrag, Hunlow pirates, insectile guardians of the Hive Queen, and other craft plying the Gyre! Includes three maps: Motes of Gold, Egalitrix (the fortress of the Golden Legion), and Egalitrix Legion Command.
Enchanted Trinkets: Occult Knicknacks. Halloween is nearly upon us and to satisfy those demons and devils soon to walk among mortals we have a second article of magic items for this month! Although not as grisly as the Reaper's Crop, this set of thirteen enchanted trinkets has many things that are up the same unearthly alley—witness the carver of a stone at work by using the ancestral chisel, hide your trail with a cat's paw brush, look into and share your own dreams with the dreamscrying bowl, predict the weather with a storm sight veil, or bring a sense of wonder by playing the twinkling harp to throw the stars up above your performance. Eerily designed by Joseph Colman, illustrated by Sade.
Puzzle: Dandolo's Cryptic Box. Dandolo’s Cryptic Box is a puzzle opened by setting the right combination on four rings with pictograms or pictographic language. GMs can place a small item inside (such as a magic ring or a key to a dungeon's final treasure chest), or even a key piece of information crucial to the campaign. Each of the four rings has an accompanying riddle or clue to pursue—including a snazzy handout for players—to decode and find the correct pictograph. While all of these can occur at once, it's best to make finding them side quests of their own, creating an extended puzzle to gnaw at the imaginations of adventurers between sessions. It's not spooky but by golly this article is intriguing. Enigmatically designed by Phill Harmon, illustrated by Xanditz.
Enchanted Trinkets: Gamemaster's Toolbox. This entry in the Enchanted Trinkets series brings 15 new magic items to the game both of the common and uncommon varieties, all with a fun flavorful mechanic and a way to expend the magic within for a more potent effect. Try on some ghostly boots to tread quieter and then drain their enchantment to vanish from sight for a time, use a melodious quill to slightly improve your performances and snap it in half to really bring the house down, or become the party's pack animal by wearing some stout greaves that you can ruin to amplify your speed for a short period of time. Rest assured you will definitely get some use out of this set of enchanted gear! Dutifully designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Sade.
Mini-Adventure: Sword Village. People know of the quaint town of Cedar Hollow because of the massive sword sunk into the ground nearby, a weapon that towers hundreds of feet in the air. For two centuries now it has loomed over the settlement without incident but now something is awry—rumors abound of angry spirits, endangered livestock, and unnatural noises haunting it. Can the adventurers solve the recent mysteries surrounding the gigantic blade, or will whatever curse or treachery around it reach fruition? This classic mini-adventure for 4–5 PCs of 5th–9th level was dutifully designed by Jim Mills, illustrated by Alba Palacio, and uses cartography by Dyson Logos.
ZEITGEIST #12: The Grinding Gears of Heaven - Part 3. This huge trove of monsters and NPCs in the ZEITGEIST Adventure Path collects a total of 31 (!) different baddies for high level play as well as a few more vehicles. That's not all! It also includes the end of the twelfth module in the series—which, depending on the approach the GM takes, may be the finale! Inside you will find a more potent Voice of Rot (CR 24), Golden Legion pit fiend (CR 20), Golden Legion horned devil (CR 14), Golden Legion erinyes (CR 12), Golden Legion glabrezu (CR 12), Golden Legion elite star (CR 12), Golden Legion company (CR 12), golden steam golem (CR 17), enslaved supplicant of Elofasp (CR 14), enslaved Elofasp ravant (CR 19), Star Marshall Lacacia (CR 17), General Paelyrion XVIII (CR 21), Rock Rackus (CR 15), Cailiy Buen the Aerial Monk (CR 16), Caeloon ascetics (CR 10), priest of Hunlow (CR 13), unholy boarding crew (CR 12), fallen angel of Hunlow (CR 16), Captain Thrusty (CR 21), Admiral Taracle (CR 22), vaknid vortexweavers (CR 16), vaknid webmasters (CR 17), slumbering savants (CR 17), grand savants (CR 21), kraken guardian (CR 18), elemental chum swarm (CR 15), the Carnivorous Mandala Beast of Thrag (CR 21), Doverspike the Vampiric Dragon (CR 22), chimeric elemental titan (CR 20), the Maddening Cat Ystis (CR 21), and the avatar of Srasma (CR 25). Plus handouts for players in this most epic campaign finale! Expect the first installment of the very last adventure material for the ZEITGEIST Adventure Path to release next month.
Multiclass Feats: Masterclass Edition. This second Multiclass Feats article expands beyond the confines of the first, introducing mechanics for combining the core 5E classes with EN5ider's very own character classes! Make the most out of your savant wizard with Arcane Mastermind, achieve superlative mastery on the battlefield for your lodestar monk with Broken-Soul Ascetic, become peerless at subterfuge with your morph rogue using Formless Shadow, take control of your fatebending warlock's fate with Ocular Champion, or select any of the other 10 excellent feats in this supplement to make the most out of multiclassing. Masterfully designed by Peter Martin, illustrated by Indi Martin (no relation).
Grandmother Grimm's Fairy Tale Emporium. Whether told by the table or around a roaring fire, now is the season of stories. With that in mind we present to you a charming collection of 9 magic items from tales that we've shared for centuries, unique treasures that will delight both you and your players. Who doesn't want a sentient friend like the sentient candlestick, what spellcaster can learn of the rose of the enchantress without striving to attain it, and is there a rogue alive that won't kill to get their hands on a spindle of spinning? Superlatively designed by Elizabeth Orchard, illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Enchanted Trinkets: Highborn Luxuries. This issue of EN5ider is all about living that medieval noble life—a path as fraught with intrigue as it is decadence. Give that viscount NPC a sly boost with a surprisingly dangerous defensive fire poker, turn that mansion's library into something special with a narrating book stand, keep your correspondence your own with security seals, or pick any of the other 8 new magic items in this article to really make someone in your world feel like they're properly rich! Indulgently designed by Peter Martin, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Mini-Adventure: Hero's Kingdom Come. Micazarath became exhausted with fighting "noble heroes" assailing his fortress and the lich tyrant spawned a clever way to bring their meddling to an end—specifically inside of a diamond atop the Hero's Scepter. This powerful artifact finds its way into the hands of those that would pose a threat to its creator, slowly and subtly attuning them to its magic until finally sucking them inside of the trap contained within its precious gem. None yet have escaped it but with the help of the people there (the descendants of hero's past, people that have known no other life) will the PCs finally break the cycle? This supplemental adventure is ideal for characters between 3rd and 7th level or as a one shot at 7th level and was deviously designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Ellis Goodson and featuring cartography by Dyson Logos.
ZEITGEIST #13: Avatar of Revolution - Part 1. The end of the ZEITGEIST Adventure Path is at hand! This action-packed climax intersects with the events in ZEITGEIST #12 to cover not only the epic defeat of Nicodemus and the end of the Obscurati cult, but also the fallout of the party's doings in the Gyre, the powerful rituals they've upended, and the tumult of their home world as it tries to cope with the reality-altering powers at play. This section of the adventure includes the Introduction, Act 1: World of Ruin, statistics for 3 airships, and 4 maps.
Spells: Archmagic. Some magic finds its way into the repertoire of nearly every sorcerer and wizard, yet they linger on in spell lists and left unused as more potent options become available—but this need not be the case! This article presents new options for upcasting 19 of the most common spells ranging from alter self all the way down the line to web, giving players a new appreciation for some of the game's most common spells. Compellingly designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Kim Van Deun.
Dangerous Scenarios: Fool's Gold. The first entry in this new article series is a harrowing night—and journey—within the Briny Lass, a moored ship that's been turned into an inn and tavern. Unfortunately for the adventurers the evening they visit someone has poisoned the brews, bandits have taken the place over, and by the time they wake up they are already at sea! The would-be pirate Joran Harrow and his ragtag crew of criminals are hard at work searching for a treasure rumored to be aboard but their entire endeavor has been fraying from the start, and with the right people kicking up a fuss those kidnapped the night before might yet make it back to shore in one piece before running afoul of the rocky waters around the Shark's Teeth Islands! Dastardly designed by Christopher Rippee, gorgeously illustrated by Indi Martin, and featuring cartography by Dyson Logos.
Enchanted Trinkets: Exposed True Names. Most powerful otherworldly beings rightfully guard their true names, for any mortal that learns it gains power over them. Usually those brave and foolhardy enough to discover an outsider’s true name keep this stolen power for themselves—but some choose to go public instead. These unfortunate outsiders are summoned almost constantly, and their cosmic power is diluted among the countless mortals that purchase their names from street vendors and curio shops. This elevated Enchanted Trinkets article is the clever design of Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Guilherme Sommermeyer.
Fungus Among Us! Fungi are truly miraculous forms of life—some can create massive networks of connected mushroom colonies that span for miles, form into complex geometric shapes, or glow in the dark. Most disturbingly however is ophiocordyceps unilateralis, a parasitic fungus that takes over insects that host it. Join us in considering how such a creature might look in medieval fantasy with the Fungal Host template, including three varieties (cosmic entity, cultivator fungus, and magical experiment) and an example of the mechanics at work with the CR 4 infected owlbear! Designed by the fun guy Peter Martin, illustrated by Xanditz.
ZEITGEIST #13: Avatar of Revolution - Part 2. The end of the ZEITGEIST Adventure Path looms ahead! This month's installment includes Act 2 and Act 3 of the final module, maps for the Axis Seal and the War Zeppelin Revolution, the Obscurati's ritual plan, all the details surrounding the last big epic boss fight, and more.
Intriguing Organizations: The Powder Gang. Hidden within the dunes and blowing sands of the desert is what looks like an abandoned township built upon a dying oasis. A lone rifleman stands atop a watch tower looking for any inkling of threat, and when they spot one a single crack ripples through the air to alert those down below. Hundreds of the worst criminals, outlaws, and undesirables emerge carrying firearms, bombs, and wicked weaponry to defend their home. These people refer to themselves as the Disciples of Kellan but travelers have grown to know them instead as the Powder Gang. This entry in the Intriguing Organizations series includes the CR 4 Powder Gang Grunt, CR 10 Powder Gang Commander, and statistics for powder bombs as well as two variants (the crackshot template and heavy gunner template) to round out the band of ne'er-do-wells. Dangerously designed by Jim Mills, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Spells from Hell. Mages can summon a demon with conjure fiend or make a landscape inspire divine terror with hallucinatory terrain, but surely there is magic better able of capitalizing upon the powers infernal—look no further than this set of 10 Spells from Hell! Cast heart of Dis to replace your own, create a quartet of animated barbed chains with chain devil's embrace, wield a weapon formed from foul energies via infernal weapon, or even make the world a little worse by casting the potent 9th-level raise Hell! Devilishly designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Julio Rocha.
Enchanted Trinkets: Souvenirs from Home. Everybody likes a powerful enchanted blade taken from a slain foe or something special found at the end of an arduous trek down into the depths of a dungeon, but sometimes the best and most memorable magic items simply mean something more—your aunt's favorite wooden spoon, a bag that turns any food into cheese, that old shirt you refuse to throw away. These curious curios and more are what awaits you in this article featuring a total of 16 of our best Enchanted Trinkets yet! Sentimentally designed by Nicole Sparks, illustrated by Xanditz.
Mini-Adventure: Devils in the Details. This short adventurous foray for 4–5 PCs of 4th level revolves around the exploration of Mephidra’s curio shop, the aptly named Coffin’s Curios. Suspicious of her diabolist mother's dealings, when Ifeeri Coffin inherits the store she finds outside help to double check its contents and make certain that there's no unexpected infernal troubles awaiting her. GMs should take note: a blunt approach can see adventurers through this module, but canny players might be able to navigate the shop’s dangers and complete the scenario without resorting to violence! Diabolically designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
ZEITGEIST #13 - Avatar of Revolution: Part 3. The end of the ZEITGEIST Adventure Path is upon us! This final PDF includes a staggering 36 different high-level NPCs and creatures ranging from series favorites like the Ash Wolf to the master antagonist Nicodemus, elite ship crews, and even a dragon mage. In addition to this absolute trove of material for tier 4 play, there are also several handouts to help GMs make the epic climax of this ZEITGEIST campaign truly reach up into the stars.
Spells: Striking Magic. After the popularity of Spells for Punching back in August we're taking a second swing at spells for more melee action! Inside of this issue are 16 spells all about weapons—hide them as other objects with concealed weapon, transform a skull into a flail from beyond, send foes flying with launching smite, don't let an enemy escape by sticking them with a mystical harpoon, and more! These bits of gladiatorial-type magic are the deft designs of Peter Martin, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Villain Spotlight: The Tooth Man. Teeth. We all have them (or did, at one point) and they require care and upkeep to remain healthy, generally provided by a responsible and well-educated dentist. That's what Gil Hendak does—he's a man who spends his time helping people—but there's more to his travels across the countryside, visiting villages to relieve the aches and pains of people throughout the region. Gil keeps every tooth he removes, and with each extraction the fey lord to which he's become indebted approaches ever closer to their grisly goal! Dementedly designed by Joseph Colman, illustrated by Phil Stone.
Enchanted Trinkets: Magic in the Stacks. Dive deep enough into your local arcane library and you're bound to find more than dusty books and old scrolls—mages enchant all kinds of things to assist their studies. Peruse the volumes of any atheneum more efficiently with the help of an archivist's candle, protect your favorite tome with a bookwyrm, never let your pen run dry by using an endless inkwell, and avail yourself of the 8 other magic items listed in this studious issue in the Enchanted Trinkets series to make the most of your time performing arcane research (and sometimes adventuring too). Delicately designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Dana Braga.
Dangerous Scenarios: Mutant Metal Eater. The more experienced a group of adventurers gets the less concerned they are with the threat posed by monsters they've already bested once. The mutant metal eater is no such monster—the creature the PCs are expecting to find is far deadlier! Includes a mutant rust monster (CR 8) and supermutant rust monster (CR 12). This Dangerous Scenario for parties of 5th–6th level or 8th–9th level was deviously designed by Chris Davies, illustrated by Indi Martin, with interior art by Guilherme Sommermeyer and cartography by Dyson Logos.
Intriguing Organizations: Arcane Investigation Unit. In fantasy cities, crimes involving magic or the supernatural can baffle ordinary authorities. The dedicated city watch members who investigate these crimes are members of an elite squad known as the Arcane Investigation Unit. These are their stories…well, not quite, but this article has everything needed to include them in a campaign! Whether the party are recruited into the AIU or simply work close with one of their investigators—like Sergeant Aelith Silverstreet, a CR 6 officer—this is an issue of EN5ider we definitely needed. Dutifully designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Rachel Maduro, with interior art by Indi Martin.
Masterclass Archetypes: Tradecraft. There's a suite of fantastic character classes here on EN5ider and today's issue brings greater depth to three of them with new class archetypes for sneaky savant field agents, subtle noble spymasters, and observant watcher tinkerers (drone included). Blend seamlessly into new communities, direct your allies with silent efficiency, and rain down death from above via your clockwork companions! Masterfully designed by Peter Martin, illustrated by Júlio Cesar Oliveira Rocha.
To Stake A Vampire: Part 1. The Holdenshire Chronicles continue in To Slay A Dragon's sanguine sequel! Knighted following their triumph over the dread red dragon Cirothe, the adventurers enjoy a short reprieve before a dismal winter grips the countryside and the people around them become more despondent and angrier with every passing day. The region begins to suffer the effects of dreadful and ancient curses put into motion when the party were last in Deepcrest Chasm, unknowingly unleashing the primordial vampire lord Nemirtvi. In this first act the PCs undertake two quests: discovering the grisly corruption of foodstuffs in the towns, and then delving into the tomb of Hugo Weightman where they learn of heroes from long ago (the Order of Light). This adventure for 4 PCs of 7th level includes: three new traps, the amulet of the spectral grove, fiendish dire boar (CR 3), commoner swarm (CR 2), vampiric dire bear (CR 10), Penner the Pigfarmer (CR 6), and a cursed ghost (CR 11).
Enchanted Trinkets: Spoils of War. Raiding monsters are nothing new but their loot doesn't always have to be what they've taken from their most recent victims. Sometimes monstrous creatures have treasures all their own! Spice up that sahuagin encounter with a magic item destroying maw of the shark god, put the drop on an enemy with a portable kobold pit, make it easier to charm a creature by giving it your pristine harpy feather—each of these 11 enchanted trinkets are perfect for adding a little depth to a wide variety of encounters. Dastardly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Dangerous Scenario: Tricksy Riddles Three. On an ancient bridge that stands far above a raging river, a troll named Bumbus and a cyclops named Hooble stand collecting tolls from travelers unfortunate enough to run into them. Instead of demanding currency the duo ask a series of complicated riddles and smash to bits anyone who answers wrongly or refuses to play their game. Only a select few have been allowed to pass unharmed—when it's the adventurers turn, should they fail as well the combat becomes far more dire as the deadly brawl causes the bridge beneath them to crumble and fall apart! Dangerously designed by J. D. Mills, illustrated by Indi Martin, and feature cartography by Dyson Logos.
Intriguing Organizations: Vagabond’s Kitchen. As adventurers go about slaying dragons or even upending the machinations of deific beings, so too is the bar of excellence raised for epicureans and gourmands—and that's where the Vagabond's Kitchen shines. Its halfling head chef (the famous Argo Moray) travels the world seeking new and exciting ingredients, preparing new meals every day that defy expectations both in their succulence and rarity. Empresses, kings, and even gods seek out this traveling caravan for the unique offerings prepared by its leader and staff, many of which are as peculiar as the food they serve. Deliciously designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
To Stake A Vampire: Part 2. Continuing from the end of Act 1, the adventurers go about Holdenshire seeking the tombs and relics of the Order of Light in this crunchy 35 pages of dungeon delving! Adding to the potent amulet of the spectral grove, the PCs find the swift silver quickbow, hard hitting Noltsledge, deft kylian knives, and the miraculous leilan artifice—after overcoming the traps laid to protect these sacred items and the monsters that prowl nearby! In addition to these and the token of revival, inside of this supplement GMs will find 4 dungeon maps, 8 new traps (flame strike, frost fangs, wyvern bolt, hail of arrows, shocking floor, chamber of blades, corrosive gas, conjured conduit), the coagulopathy disease, a variety of light-based hazards, and plenty of new monsters: feyblind goblin (CR 6), vampire spawn ogres (CR 6), crypt thing (CR 5), feral giant (CR 10), mohrg (CR 11), crazed troll (CR 7), grave guardian (CR 2), ashen mage (CR 5), ashen warrior (CR 4), and the specter of Tamas Agrens (CR 7).
Spells: Arishat's Booklet of Mixed Elemental Spells. Why do mages and workers of holy spells restrict themselves to grasping upon the powers of just a single element when performing their magic? Why not two? The archmage Arishat took it as her mission to create hybrid elemental magic, spreading the knowledge of the spells she's created to the world at large. Shock and chill an enemy with a galvanice bomb, summon small geothunder turrets to assail your foes, suck opponents into a pyroclastic vacuum, and impress everyone with your primordial mastery with the rest of the 10 spells in this article. Direly designed by Andrea Ferrini, illustrated by Xanditz.
Enchanted Trinkets: The Temple’s Wares. There's a good chance your gaming world has at least a few churches, shrines, or temples, and when the adventurers visit these holy places after completing a quest of paramount importance or fulfilling a divine prophecy—or if they've got a bit of coin in their pockets—some less sacred relics might be waiting for them. Maybe the party's bard is keen to a book of forgotten songs, the thief eager to get their mitts on a hidden glove or luck ruled dice, or a fearful fighter in need of the courage offered by valorous ashes. Whatever the case, turn to this cache of 15 religious-themed enchanted trinkets and give the PCs a bit of glory. Devoutly designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Phil Stone.
Dangerous Scenarios: Alchemist’s Lodge. Whether sent to the recent ruins or stumbling upon it on their way to their next adventure, the party will quickly learn that the former site of the alchemist Torrin's lodge is a very dangerous place. The gnome's leftover experiments and discard chemicals have been wantonly consumed by the ogres Agon, Katyazog, and Zurg, as well as their pet death dog Chomp-and-Gnaw—each of them permanently transformed by the elemental essence they've so greedily drunk! Includes a new very rare potion and the CR 3 modified death dog. Dangerously designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Indi Martin, using cartography by Dyson Logos.
To Stake A Vampire: Part 3. The hunt for the ancient evil threatening to overwhelm Holdenshire reaches its end! With the Order of Light's weaponry in hand the adventurers finally come into confrontation with Lord Pemberton and learn his dark secret, then travel beneath Brockendale Castle where they once more butt heads with their adventuring competition—though this time Old Jovan and his crew are quite different than in their last encounter! Afterwards the party must avoid or best victims of the primordial vampire and his powerful pets before they can forge through the Dark River, then test their mettle against Gortag the Mad's maze. More horrors await the PCs in the abattoir that contains Nemirtvi's Vein, and at the end of the unnaturally dark and dangerous stairwell beneath it finally the adventurers come face to face with their foe in a duplicitous battle that your players will be talking about for years to come. Can the party bring an end to the primordial vampire once and for all, or are they doomed the moment they set foot into Nemirtvi's Lair? Includes the memory crystal hazard, five new traps (False Path, Forgotten Route, Maddening Gas, Unholy Blight, Unholy Ice Javelins), two maps, and 8 creatures: Corrupted Bluestone (CR 5), Corrupted Mossad (CR 5), Corrupted Jovan (CR 6), Corrupted Andrew Nemeth (CR 6), Mongrelwarrior (CR 1), Mongrelmage (CR 3), Lord Pemberton (CR 6), and Nemirtvi the Vampire Lord (CR 14).
Villain Spotlight: Egeria, Botanic Necro-Alchemist. Forced from an idyllic life of potion making into one of conflict, the alchemist Egeria found her talents for magic are far greater than crafting a potion of healing or other such small tricks. Violently forced from her home and infuriated with the death of her loved ones, she took it upon herself to use her grisly newly discovered talents to strike back—and she hasn't stopped after achieving her vengeance. Now with an army of phytoalchemical zombies at her beck and call, Egeria's thirst for revenge may well turn into a reign of terror if she cannot be stopped! Dependably designed by Andrea Ferrini, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin.
Spells: Witch’s Grimoire. The practice of witchcraft is more intricate than a few scorching rays or a casting of eyebite—it is a magical tradition all its own. With that in mind this article provides 10 spells perfect for witches in 5E that range from the seemingly innocent bake familiar to the potent Perdita's insidious storybook (an innovative new means for trapping one's enemies) and even a dance with the devil. Diabolically designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Tabi’s Automata. Tabi is a gnomish inventor and tinkerer who specializes in clockwork devices, particularly small automata designed to help adventurers and laborers with annoying but necessary tasks. These items are available for rent or lease, but she is quite reluctant to sell them as each is a labor of love—so all of them are time sensitive and if a client tries to abscond with the device it might stop working, becoming a nonfunctional assembly of gears, pistons and pulleys, or even be rigged to self-destruct if mishandled or stolen. These 10 mechanical wonders are extremely expensive to buy but are available for renting with a sizable deposit, so try out a Clockwork Mule to carry things about, a Map Minder to avoid getting lost, or consider a Mr. Handy to help out during the next dungeon delve! Dynamically designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Xanditz.
Dangerous Scenarios: Wyvern's Apprentice. While traveling across the desert you hear a cry from above, instantly spotting a winged shape soaring through the air. The next moments are a blur as kobolds suddenly appear all around you and magic starts assailing you from above, a blast of lightning turning the sands just a few feet away into glass! This Dangerous Scenario in the desert was deviously designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Ellis Goodson, and features the cartography of Dyson Logos.
To Smite A Fiend: Part One. The macabre horrors of the Dark Winter have passed with the changing of the seasons and now Holdenshire County is preparing for an idyllic summer—a respite that will be denied. For a long time the reclusive Kalle Sirkesalo has been studying in earnest, delving into the nuances of magic as his servant Roland acquires secretive packages from afar each filled with rare and exotic reagents for arcane experiments. Now his research is nearly complete and the most critical phase has begun: the wizard is prepared to permanently summon divine beings to be his servants. The mage's ambitions are greater than his mastery however, and before long he brings much more to the realm than he ever intended. This PDF is an introduction to an all new adventure that brings the To Save A Kingdom Adventure Path to a conclusion, continuing right where To Stake A Vampire left off to take four PCs of 10th level up through 12th level.
Mini-Adventure: Mr. Kite’s Flying Circus. As the party recovers from their latest adventure they are treated to a surprise when the circus literally flies into town. Mr. Kite’s Flying Circus proves to be a series of mechanical marvels and spectacles powered by enslaved elementals, all open to the public for a mere few coins admittance. Skydive endlessly while held aloft by wind elementals, enjoy fireworks produced by fire elementals, and beat the heat with treats kept arctic cold by ice elementals. The adventurers may balk at the idea of enslaving elementals or enjoy the shows, but afterwards they’ll have a decision to make as they find a steam mephit stowed away in their gear. This mini-adventure for 4–5 PCs of 2nd–6th level was dastardly designed by Andrew Engelbrite and illustrated by Renan Moraes, with cartography by Dyson Logos.
Three Puzzles of the Feywild. Around the next corner of the dungeon or amidst a curious grove the adventurers encounter something they can't just fight or sneak their way past: a puzzle. Perhaps they have to answer riddles to pass Through the Looking Glass, outwit the Lily Pad Blinking instead of swimming through acid, or play between darkness and light with The Bright Flower—in any case they are in for a good session! Deviously designed by Will Gawned, illustrated by Jori Hollander.
On Second Thought Nevermind, It’s Very Silly (FREE!). To celebrate this milestone we are proud to present an extra-sized issue free for all patrons and non-patrons alike. Inside you’ll find a coterie of creatures: an Initialized Møøse, Denise the Anarcho-Syndicalist, a Commoner Swarm, a host of knights (including the Numbed Knight, Mantiknight, and even the feared Knights of the Dreaded Word), a Shrubber, the Vorpal Rabbit, the Twilight Monster, and the Enchanter...Tom? There are compelling obstacles too like the Kingdom of Musical Numbers, Taunting Minstrels, Castle Salmonella, and Bridge of Doomed Queries. The article also has memorable magic items (sack of sacking, riding coconuts, nearly lethal arrow of messaging, sacred hand grenade), and even a new spell: make into a newt! Please use it responsibly. Devotedly designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Jared M. Boone.
Enchanted Trinkets: Found in the Sands. With the summer sun overhead EN5ider is turning to the scorched sands of the desert with magic items perfect for fighting amongst the dunes or exploring ancient ruins! Break down the doors to long abandoned temples with the help of a goat tooth pendant, use a lumeture crystal to create a void of darkness amidst the brilliance of the day's light, get more out of your long rests thanks to a prayer disc, or otherwise enhance your desert adventures with any one of the dozen new enchanted trinkets in this article. Delightedly designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Jesse Mohn.
Intriguing Organizations: Mephit Network. Bring an elemental flair to the next metropolis the adventurers visit with mephit networks! Within this article are a quartet of mephit variants and the new spark mephit (CR 1/2), all with their own unique tasks and roles to play in city life. Doing some investigating at the graveyard? Call upon the grave mephits! Trying to trade local secrets? Bend the ear of a soot mephit or two. Disquiet designs by William Fischer, illustrated by Junior's Digital Designs.
To Smite A Fiend: Part Two. The experiments of the reclusive mage Kalle Sirkesalo have started to bleed out of his tower, making fiends appear throughout Holdenshire to briefly terrorize the populace and spread fear throughout the countryside. Several townsfolk seek out the party's help, ultimately leading them to the anomalous Murray's Folly. As they investigate however tragedy strikes—a powerful creature invades Hengistbury Keep. Soon after when the PCs go to confront the reckless wizard they are met by a curious messenger from elsewhere, revealing that something much more terrible is afoot than a few stray demons and devils. This PDF contains Act 1 (for 4 PCs of 10th level) and continues the thread from To Smite A Fiend: Part One, including fiendish dire boars (CR 3), imp flocks (CR 5), and a seraph (CR 12).
Villain Spotlight: Illusive Fool. Fascinated with a traveling illusionist in his youth, after mastering rudimentary lessons Adrano pursued magic with a fervor and perseverance that made him an excellent student at the Illusionist Guild—until he came upon the books. These tomes quickly became the prodigy's new obsession, driving him to abandon his studies and abscond with the curious volumes. Since then Adrano has continued to read through the strange books, gradually drawing a massive ritual across the countryside that when completed will bring their unholy author into the Material Plane to spread chaos, death, and ruin! Deviously designed by Joseph Colman, illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Mini-Adventure: Lucky Copper Inn. The day of adventuring has been long and arduous, but the party have proven victorious and enjoy a night of reverie in the Lucky Copper Inn. Following a good night's rest they set out again, this time upon a new quest, making it within 10 miles of the next town and bedding down in the wilderness to prepare for another trek tomorrow—only to awaken at the Lucky Copper Inn. No matter where they go every morning their surroundings are the same no matter where they sleep! This supplemental adventure for 4–5 PCs of 5th–9th level was dreamily designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Indi Martin, and features the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Enchanted Trinkets: Haunted Keepsakes. An object is often what bars the way when a living creature dies but is denied its eternal rest. These 12 enchanted trinkets represent some unfinished business the creature had in life, such as a work of art left incomplete or an arrow that never found its mark. When a new owner acquires the keepsake, the spirit that haunts the item urges them to complete the task it left unfinished. Should the owner do so, they may receive a supernatural boon as a reward for helping the spirit find peace. Dreadfully designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Gui Sommer.
Monster Combos. Assailing adventurers with a mix of monsters is a tried and true tactic for making an encounter more exciting—but what if together they could do more? Enter Monster Combos and add creative ways to bring synergy to the creatures the GM takes to battle! Turn two elementals into one lethal amalgamation with Elemental Fusion, surprise the PCs with a shield guardian draped in the False Regalia of a rug of smothering, turn a whole flock of birds against a party duking it out with a harpy with Shrieking Song, and deviously work out how to include all 15 of these excellent combos into the next campaign! Dastardly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
To Smite A Fiend: Part Three. Great evil once more looms over Holdenshire as Hell is unleashed on the countryside by the wizard Kalle Sirkesalo’s reckless ambitions. It is up to the adventurers to put a stop to it, but as before they’re not alone in the fight and this time help comes from the very heavens above. The divine war so unbalanced by the mage’s summonings has taken nearly all of the Angelic Fane’s resources, but if the party is able to defeat some of the greater blasphemies spread across the realm, the celestials can transform the power from those broken entities to grant the PCs potent blessings. More importantly, with the appropriated power of all four fiendish presences, the adventurers will be able to seal whatever planar rift is within the wizard’s tower. The order in which the party tracks down and fights the worst of the horrors unleashed upon the land is up to them, but as days go by and the townsfolk turn to them for help the more reliable the rumors and hearsay become. This PDF contains Act 2 (for 4 PCs of 11th level) and continues the thread from To Smite A Fiend: Part Two, including 5 celestial blessings, fiendish fire trap, 3 combat maps, agonized kyton (CR 14), blood golem (CR 7), hydrodaemon (CR 6), infernal dwarves (CR 4), infernal mammoth (CR 6), khalkoi spawn swarm (CR 6), kyton (CR 12), and warmonger devil (CR 6).
Mini-Adventure: A Trade of Bride and Pride. The party is tasked with saving the wife of a local guard captain, joining his longtime paladin companion to deliver the ransom to her kidnappers. The trade is not so simple however, and when the adventurers meet the brigands amidst the shipwrecks of Hull's Breach they discover just how terribly complex the situation is—and must make a decision of no small consequence. This mini-adventure for three to four PCs of 4th–8th level (deviously designed by Liz Orchard, illustrated by Jori Hollander, and featuring cartography by Dyson Logos) includes statistics for Graysha Greypeak and Lady Arilette Bersk.
Dangerous Scenarios: Kobold Cache. Kobolds are not known for being particularly adept fighters—they are known for their clever and widespread use of traps. A cult of these creatures have taken up residence in the lair of a forgotten faith, pilfering the local community at night, yet all who have gone to face them have not returned. Within the adventurers find a dungeon prepared to kill, the kobolds inside moving to activate hidden defenses that turn the party's delve into a challenging run against deathtraps galore! The deadly designs in this Dangerous Scenario for 4–5 PCs of 9th–11th level by Tyler Omichinski include 8 new traps and the trapping kobold (CR 2), illustrated by Júlio Rocha and utilizing cartography by Dyson Logos.
Enchanted Trinkets: Gambler’s Toolkit. Cheating is on the whole to be discouraged—but adventurers out for a night of revelry and wagers are another matter, and may even be an exception. In this Enchanted Trinkets article there are nearly 11 cunning minor magic items perfectly suited to the morally flexible gambler, whether they're throwing cheaty dice or utilizing a silver tongue to escape after a botched run at the table. Delicately designed by Christopher Craven, illustrated by Erik Davis-Heim.
Diabolical Diseases. Unless something dramatic happens during combat or the adventurers are low level, diseases simply don't pack as much of a punch as the GM might want—and that's where diabolical diseases steps in, the sicknesses within beyond the easily remedied illnesses most players know and rightly do not fear. Get the party's boots quaking with an affliction of faesic pox and all the vegetative matter it entails, entice them with the gifts and perils of the fluxx and its crystalline ailments, make them fight a sentient fungi with mythological wildfire, infect them with the dreaded wyrm pox and watch their horror as pox wyrmlings (CR 1/2) emerge, or turn a typical dungeon delve into a true trial of courage with the spreading of some necrotizing plague! Diabolically designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Herman Lau.
To Smite A Fiend: Part 4. The exciting conclusion of To Smite A Fiend is nigh! With the help of the Angelic Fane and the greatest evils roaming across Holdenshire defeated, the adventurers are finally able to deal with the interplanar troubles at their source: the keep of the errant summoner Kalle Sirkesalo. Once inside they face a host of celestial soldiers, the Spiritual Circuit, the Hall of Holy Flames, the Hall of Light, and finally the mage himself within the wizard's sanctum. In Sirkesalo's defeat however it becomes clear what greater entity has been pulling the strings and an even more epic battle ensues with the fate of Holdenshire, Heaven, and more realms beyond hanging in the balance! Includes 5 different spirit soldiers (ranging from CR 1/4 to CR 7), Kalle Sirkesalo (CR 18), and Nebradakk (CR 18), as well as new cartography by Xanditz.
Roadside Encounters. Travel is a part of adventuring that is often glossed over by GMs but those wishing to make the journey more interesting are in good stead: this article provides a number of short scenarios to spring on adventurers on the go. Included among them are a mysteriously abandoned caravan, the remains of a massacre by robbers or monsters, an ambush by a cult feigning need for kind strangers, and more, all with unique rewards and interesting outcomes the party won't soon forget. Distantly designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Jesse Mohn.
Dangerous Scenarios: Mimic Inn. Mimics are a cornerstone of dungeon delves from the old days to keep greedy adventurers on their toes, and mimic colonies are a way to kick that up a notch. The mimic inn is the ultimate challenge in that regard; quite literally, the mother of all mimics. Imagine, in the middle of the night, a member of the party finding an inn appearing very suddenly near where they've camped. They can hear laughter and merriment coming from inside. When they peer through one of the windows however, there's not a single occupant to be found. They find the first floor empty except for fully furnished tables, a functioning bar, and kitchens. Only when they move up to the second floor do they find the recently used gear of the last group of unfortunate souls that ventured into this trap. When they wander back down the tables and chairs have shifted, only ever so slightly—the mimics are restless ready for their next meal. This dangerous scenario for 4–5 adventurers of 5th–6th level was deviously designed by Jonathan Chung, illustrated by Renan Costa Moraes, and features cartography by Dyson Logos.
Enchanted Trinkets: Zap! Science Fantasy. This issue of Enchanted Trinkets is a bit of a departure—to infinity and beyond! When the adventurers come across a truly strange vessel consider rewarding them with an antigravity pack, or if they find the cache of a uniquely different kind of traveler perhaps a harmonic vocalizer or mnemonic calculus instead. Maybe the reigning gladiatorial champion is staying on top because of a disintegrator pistol soon to be taken by the party? Check out these 11 excellent sci-fi inspired magic items and consider bringing a little bit of something extra into your 5E game! Delightedly designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Jared M. Boone.
Mini-Adventure: Night in the Library. The adventurers are approached by the chief librarian of the city’s university who explains that several important books have vanished, and that theft is suspected. Rather than admit that they have been lax in their duties, the librarians ask the party to investigate the losses. Examining the area reveals tunnels dug into the building and the PCs soon discover that the culprits are an altogether different sort than typical thieves! This mini-adventure for 4 adventurers of 5th–6th level was diligently designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin, and features cartography by Dyson Logos.
Tip of the Tongue: Part One. It's the nature of some ideas to be dangerous, yet there exists knowledge that can be truly cataclysmic without the need for impetus—all that it requires is to be known. This adventure for 4–5 PCs of 7th–8th level is centered around one such idea, a thought that yearns to be given terrible form and entices those dedicated to the virtuous pursuit of knowledge to ignorantly help in its apocalyptic endeavor. This part of the module includes the first chapter and information about Bellek (the City of Scholars), the Spire of Knowledge, city guard (CR 4), and book guardian (CR 8). Written and designed by Christopher Kugler and Mike Myler, illustrated by Gennifer Bone.
Parasitic Weapons. Sometimes a weapon is more than a weapon. This selection of 6 unique magic items are not like the usual sentient sword or talking shield however, and for as much as the adventurer's wielding these weapons rely upon them, so too do the weapons rely upon their wielders. Each is a parasite that can be fed to be empowered, offering the brave few willing to sacrifice a little something incredible gifts in return. Dependently designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Masterclass Codex. Inside you'll see classes from throughout the Patreon's archive—alchemist, bloodweaver, gemini, occultist, tinkerer, and 11 others—with extra development, improvements, and revisions based on reviews and your comments! Also included with this post is the errata for Masterclass Codex.
Prankster’s Spellbook. Searing flames from arcane explosions, sizzling acid conjured in the air, powerful servants drawn forth through dimensions—it's almost as if mages were obsessed with destruction, but that doesn't have to be the case! Consider instead learning magic from the positively amazing, particularly erstwhile, assuredly jocular Prankster's Spellbook. Next time instead of popping off a fireball send a fauxerball at your enemies, repel an attacker with a quick jumpscare, or turn the tables in a fight with some phantasmal embarrassment. Whether you mean to find something new, ingenious, or entertaining, you are certain to get what you're looking for in these dozen humorous spells! Deceptively designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Enchanted Trinkets: Fizzwing’s Marvelous Marvels. The traveling magic item merchant is long beloved staple of medieval fantasy adventuring, but Fizzwing's wagon is an experience all its own. He might have a ring of protection or two, but consider instead grabbing the delightful copper weasel or upgrade your smock to a forge coat. There's a great deal of value in the sneaky Jax in the box too, and who doesn't need a pair of trioculars? All told there are 10 clever and entertaining enchanted trinkets in this article, delightfully designed by Marc Kenobi featuring illustration by Xanditz.
Mini-Adventure: Massacre in the Lost Warrens. This mini-adventure (easily used as a one-shot or inserted into an ongoing campaign) is about being a day late and maybe also a dollar short. There were once kobolds here but another party of adventurers—the Green Blades—have already cleared them out. These adventurers may become allies or rivals of the party, but they're playing with a dangerous treasure they don't know the danger of and keen to protect their newly won loot! Diligently designed by Charlie Brooks, illustrated by Ellis Goodson, featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Tip of the Tongue: Part Two. Following on the heels of the first chapter, this installment of Tip of the Tongue takes the adventurers through the Mnemonic's Maze and into the tomb of Ipo Aisun-Aiji where they find the indecipherable tome known as the Kitabu Mitk'. Soon after the rulers of Bellek start dying left and right, each the victim of a brutal assassin, and strange warriors from another world begin appearing around the countryside! As the threat of more invaders looms the party travel across the realm, winning over the rulers and armies of Budal, Sahasi, and Zakai to their cause before the war for ideas breaks out—though even if they are victorious, the quest to stop Mitk' must continue with the Forbidden Inquisition. In addition to chapters 2 through 5, this PDF includes rules for settlements and a new type of magic item: Kurtaric weapons.
Over the Next Hill: Street of Dreams. The Street of Dreams is a mysterious avenue with crowded shops selling various arcane, magical, and bizarre items of all types, staffed by exotic individuals seemingly from distant lands or even other worlds. That alone would make it unique but the street itself is enchanted — appearing briefly in random cities where it is accessible by chance or by those who know how to find it, then vanishing as if it had never existed leaving behind only strange memories and the objects that customers have purchased. This entry in the Over the Next Hill series describes some of the street's exotic inhabitants, the shops, their keepers, and the strange items that they sell. Dreamily designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Phil Stone.
Dangerous Scenarios: Inn Fighting. There are only so many rooms at the inn and too few beds for all the travelers keen to stay the night—and negotiations for who's staying where are fraught with tension. The adventurers must navigate the social intrigues gripping Rodecker's Rest, using their guile and suave to smooth over wrinkles between a sellsword, a dwarven merchant, and a strange hermit mage with a giant musk ox lest things become unpleasant. Discreetly designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Júlio Rocha, and featuring cartography by Dyson Logos.
Spells: Frontier Magic. In the wilderness far from home the usual magics don't always do the trick. Consider looking instead to spells like moonshine to get out of a jam or brew up something good to go with it, rustle herd to appeal to the better nature of a great many beasts all at once, tall tale to make you seem far more heroic than your really are, or the six other great new ways to face the frontier! Distinctively designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Fabian Parente.
Enchanted Trinkets: Planar Trinkets. From the many dimensions about the Material Plane come 9 unique enchanted trinkets, each suffused with the power of realms beyond. Find confidence in your reflection from a celestial mirror, draw forth an aquatic ally from the fishbowl of the sea queen, or find your way with a wind compass—though be wary of employing any of these from the places where they were created lest the magic fade away. Distantly designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Jori Hollander.
Tip of the Tongue: Part Three. This section of the mind-bending adventure about a cataclysmic idea includes the statistics for monsters and NPCs encountered in part one and part two, from the rulers of cities the party must entreat for aid to the alien monsters that invade their world! Baroness Tenvi Sahasika (CR 5), caulborn (CR 7), Duke Girman Kai (CR 6), Hirsli Aptal (CR 6), Kit Mha (CR 8), Kurtaric Kahraman (CR 11), Lord Percival Budali (CR 2), Mitk’ (CR 12), vergeten commander (CR 3), vergeten scion (CR 6), vergeten soldier (CR 2), and yithian (CR 9).
Dangerous Scenarios: Last Stop. The landscape around the party gradually turns darker, slowly transforming into an oily marsh—but a storm rushes onward, forcing them to seek out shelter. The only respite in the bog is the Last Stop Coaching Inn, though the adventurers soon discover the people in this cursed place are much more than they seem! Deviously designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Xanditz, featuring cartography by Dyson Logos.
War Machines. Duergar, gnomes, goblins, halflings, kobolds—in combat their opponents usually have an edge because of their smaller size but this doesn't always have to be so. Indeed the devices they've engineered make them more than a match for much bigger opponents, ingenious contraptions that their enemies know to fear: the duergar tunnel mantlet, gnomish armored steam suit, goblin coal tank, halfling battlewagon, and kobold clockwork dragon. Dangerously designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Erik Davis-Heim.
Spells: Gastronomicon. Magic can unleash terrible destructive forces, allow travel between dimensions, and even alter a creature's mind but it has perhaps an even more rewarding use: making meals that are truly enchanted! Included in the halfling master chef (and wizard) Lilian Prowfeet's eponymous cookbook are a dozen spells perfectly suited to this delicious task whether that's to ready a massive serving of soup with boil, catch a difficult and particular prey with a casting of hunter's moon pie, or just to clean up after a dragon hunter's feast with a bit of help from a scouring song! Deliciously designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Jesse Mohn.
Enchanted Trinkets: Handy Enchantments. Rope, climbing gear, an extra dagger—and don't forget an enchanted trinket! This issue of the series brings 11 new affordable and ingenious items for adventurers of all kinds, including the spring-loaded boots of bounding for explorers that want a spry step, imbuing enchanted earring or fancy monocle of detection for socialites in need of a bit of aid, and the staff of staggering for anyone that wants to pack a wallop! Delightfully designed by Levi Thompson, illustrated by Jared M. Boone.
Tip of the Tongue: Part Four. In addition to statistics for two NPCs the party has to best to win over the city-states that might help Bellek (Corwin the Balewind and the titanohydrosaurus), this last part of the adventure (Part One, Part Two, Part Three) includes not only the vergeten armies they must fight against in the War for Ideas, but also the unique soldiers the PCs must lead in the battle! Besides 17 different army statblocks using the rules in EN5ider #339 - Tertiary System: Mass Combat, this segment also includes 6 different types of battlefield terrain that add a new level of complexity to the big fight.
Monstrous Menagerie: Elemental Geists. Slain elementals usually dissipate when destroyed on the Material Plane—usually. Some elementals persist, bound to the realms material to haunt the living as a breathless stalker (CR 7), exxorn (CR 6), heat sink (CR 6), or mirage (CR 7)! Decisively designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Fabian Parente.
Traps for Beginners: Traps in 3 Simple Steps. Everyone loves a good trap—even if they're the unfortunate victim! This article focuses on three basic pillars of trap design: bait, trigger, and punishment. In addition there are rules for offering meta rewards when the adventurers overcome a trap, as well as two altogether new traps (the thundering chest trap and watery grave trap). Deviously designed by Jonathan Chung, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Dangerous Scenarios: Sand & Sky. Slaying the enormous legend Xugeshi is impossible but hardy, disciplined, and determined warriors can force it back into hibernation beneath the sands. Adventures capable of this epic feat are few and far between however, most crushed to death in their insane attempt to quell this terrible and ancient foe! Deadly design by Tyler R. Lee, illustrated by Ellis Goodson, featuring cartography by Dyson Logos.
Mythical Meals. Some meals are more than the ingredients involved or the dishes they are served upon—cuisine that is so superb that it does more than just fill the belly. For instance, a serving of bulette on the halfshell can grant tremorsight for the most exquisite supernatural sensations afterward, much like how a plate of owlbear wings makes for the perfect dinner to have before one wishes to possess the keenest sight and hearing. Dive into enchanted gourmet with these 9 exceptional recipes (with a set of capable cookware if you've a mind to try them all). Delectably designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Red Fangs in a White Night. The city of White Night is named for the enormous magical dome that surrounds it, a work of magical artifice that not only blocks divination magic—it also dulls the sun in the sky and denies the moon. All of this is due to Klarth the Archmage but he hasn't been seen as of late, his absence filled by the clever vampire Steron. The undead's quiet rule hasn't gone unnoticed however, and a second monstrous threat now lurks throughout the settlement spreading to more of the population with every bloody night that passes. An adventure for 4 PCs of 7th level, designed by Thiago Rosa and featuring artwork by Nick Cramp.
Mini-Adventure: Machines in the Deep. This dungeon delve for 4–5 PCs of 5th–7th level takes the party into an unusual underground facility filled with powerful technology gone awry. If the machinery inside of this strange place can be understood they might be able to fix it, but should the adventurers fail to repair the contraptions within it could spell doom for thousands—possibly even more! Discerningly designed by Peter Martin, illustrated by Xanditz, featuring cartography by Dyson Logos.
Spells: Zyxwigg’s Abecedary. The marvelous mage Zyxwigg had something of an obtuse obsession with those spectacular spells that are named with as much nuance as their arcane applications employ. Specifically, he loved magic that had a good alliterative ring to it. This perplexing pursuit led to the creation of spells like the off-balancing entropic embrace, the debilitating necrotic needle, the arcana-empowering perilous prediction, the incredible vanishing veil, and 7 other works of miraculous magic detailed in this article! Deviously designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Deanna Roberds.
Enchanted Trinkets: Noara’s Menagerie. Continuing the game's tradition of animal sculptures imbued with magic, these 15 enchanted trinkets made for the druid queen Noara call forth the gifts of beasts to spectacular effect! An adventurer can wield the power of nature with just the heartwood viper, pyrite fox, zircon shark, or their dozen kin, but like the Plumed Panoply these tributes offer much more when gathered together by a single owner. Devotedly designed by William Fischer, illustrated by Jori Hollander.
Villain Spotlight: Karthus the Fallen God. He is called the Fallen God by some but it might be more apt to think of Karthus as a trickster deity as he aims to see his deific power returned through merciless deception, peerless guile, and exquisite planning. The wisdom with which this once great entity ruled pantheons is now turned upon mortals, adventurers that Karthus uses as pawns in a deadly game to reclaim his place in the cosmos! Divinely designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin.
After Death. Whether from bad rolls, bad decisions, or a combination thereof every member of the party is dead—but that doesn't mean the campaign is over or that it's time to roll new adventurers! Returned to the beautifully mapped mansion of Scarmanse as ghosts, the PCs are given just 72 hours to uncover the story of the powerful undead that slayed them and turn fate to their favor. Should they succeed and the party might live again, though should they fail the adventurers instead face oblivion! An adventure for 4–6 PCs of 9th level designed by Johnathan Garret, illustrated by Xanditz, and featuring cartography by Michael Tumey.
Dangerous Scenarios: Slaughterhouse Deathtrap. Maybe a comrade was kidnapped, something of particular value has been purloined, or the party's quarry has fled inside—whatever the reason, the adventurers are headed into a lethal abattoir that will test them to their limits! From trap doors to ichor-soaked floors and exploding corpses galore, Artyom "Fleshtaker" Lench (CR 5) has prepared this place specifically to suit his deadly talents and it does not disappoint. Dangerously designed by Peter Martin, illustrated by Xanditz, and featuring cartography by Dyson Logos.
Spells: Cosmic Power. Mortal mages naturally gaze to the heavens, their mastery of arcana touching upon the firmament of a cosmos denied them—but no more! This small grimoire of magic includes 9 brand new spells to wrangle the power cosmic whether to bring low the minds of others with a cosmic pulse, call down a bit of the heavens' fury with a meteor strike, send someone up there with launch into space, or to bring forth the darkness of void. Didactically designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Phil Stone.
Enchanted Trinkets: Thread & Thimble. The famous Thread & Thimble has just received its newest collection and with it a dozen of the finest, most fashionable, and newest magic items for your adventuring needs. Take for example Belenzee's hat—not just an excellent chapeau, but an indispensable tool for your next beach or coastal outing! If you are instead a more conservative sort with your coin purse, consider picking up a miser's belt because not only is it chic, but you're unlikely to ever lose another gold to the purloining fingers of a pickpocket. Whatever your fancy, Thread & Thimble has something for you! Delightfully designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Mini-Adventure: Town of the Dead. As the party gets into town they realize it's eerily silent, and there's nary a villager to be seen in the whole place either. Then suddenly a figure emerges from the shadows, lunging forward to attack: an undead! Zombies and skeletons start appearing from all around, surrounding the adventurers and forcing them to take shelter—though they can't hide for long, and to save themselves and Mortam they must act quickly, intelligently, and most of all bravely! Decisively designed (for 4–6 PCs of 2nd–4th level) by Tyler Lee, illustrated by Ellis Goodson, featuring cartography by Dyson Logos.
Adventure: DEEVA’s Rescue. The inventor and merchant Fizzwing has many hobbies but he cherishes nothing more than scientific exploration with his finest creation: the Dirigible Examination and Evaluation Vehicle Assembly, or 'Deeva' as he likes to call it. Unfortunately his enthusiasm can get the best of him, and Fizzwing has gotten into a bit of a debacle with his favorite device. Now to get it back he needs the help of some brave adventurers—and time is of the essence, the machine's power supply soon to run out! This full adventure was diligently designed by and features cartography by Marc Kenobi, cover art by Phil Stone, and interior illustrations by Gui Sommer and Phil Stone.
Dangerous Scenarios: Trollguts. We've all thought about it: if trolls can regenerate, how much of the troll is required? Alright maybe only some of us have thought about it. Specifically someone undertaking experiments to learn the answers to that question and so many more. Of course they may never get the chance—the wagon transporting their specimens has tumbled over and the reforming monsters are on the loose! This dangerous scenario for 4–5 PCs of 3rd–4th level was deviously designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Ellis Goodson, and features the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Villain Spotlight: Lavinia the Wight Shepherd. Necromancy is rarely shown in anything but the coldest light, the undead created by such magic almost universally shunned. Lavinia refuses to engage in such cruelty. Have these creatures—already subjected to life's gravest injury—not suffered enough? This noble discovered her natural talents as a medium at a young age but has rejected the usual arcane or divine methods of employing her gifts, wholeheartedly embracing them and the undead they can create instead. So it is that Lavinia travels the realm with her spirits in tow (including her wight bodyguard Duq), seeking to be a psychopomp for the suffering and to bring about a change in how people treat those who have already passed (something she will violently enact if need be). Dangerously designed by Elizabeth Orchard, illustrated by Deanna Roberds.
Dangerous Scenarios: Abode of Unending Comfort. It's common for mages to instill a bit of magic into their homes—it's far easier to study and make the most of one's arcane talents when daily chores are taken care of by an enchanted broom or some empowered cutlery—but what happens when they shuffle off the mortal coil? What if they've really enchanted that wizard tower? Mische was one such enchanter, filling her home with a host of animated objects and artificial pets that haven't stopped at their tasks since she passed away. Now whoever happens upon her cozy mansion is at the mercy of her untended magic, kept as hosts against their will! This dangerous scenario for 3–5 PCs of 3rd level was dutifully designed by Charlie Brooks, illustrated by Xanditz, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Enchanted Trinkets: Eldritch Items. We are thrilled to present to you 20 of the most flavorful, unique enchanted trinkets we've seen since the series started years ago! These run the gamut from the humble chicken icon to the not at all unsettling rapier of many eyes or very trendy tentacle tattoo, though no matter the type of game you're running you will absolutely find at least a few of these magic items (if not more!) are well-suited to play a part. Discerningly designed by Sarah Breyfogle, illustrated by Phil Stone.
Adventure: Burning Bitterpeak. A panicked child bursts down onto the path with a pair of modestly dressed adults chasing after saying, “there you are Audrey, we was looking for ya’, come on home with your Ma’ and Pa’ now.” Their words sound hollow, coming out of their mouths stilted and as though arranged by someone unfamiliar with language. The little girl backs away while uttering, "it ain't them—they’re just wearing skins,” and as she speaks the words the things disguised as her parent reveal what they truly are! Burning Bitterpeak is a complete horror-themed adventure for 3–6 PCs of 5th–6th level that takes them up into the mountain mining town of Bitterpeak as it suffers the effects of curses half-earned and half-inflicted. They’ll have to figure out what’s befallen the folk here while fighting back what they’ve unleashed and what they’ve become. Bitterpeak is burning—can the party extinguish the fire at the heart of the mountain, or will they just be another burnt offering? Diabolically designed and mapped by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Spells of the Holy Mission. It is often the nature of a divine spellcaster (clerics especially) to seek truths of one kind or another, to be the divine and moral compass for others that lack their wisdom. It is for these spellcasters that magic such as conscience exists (to force an evil foe to see the wickedness in their ways, at least for a while), though even an arcane investigator has use for final moment or speak easy, and every adventurer is sure to find something to like in this collection of a dozen new spells! Divinely designed by Elizabeth Orchard, illustrated by Xanditz.
Intriguing Organizations: The Vultures. Adventuring can be a messy business and when there's a lot of loot to deal with—the armaments of a wight queen's many skeletal soldiers, the silver bullion of a dragon's hoard, and the like—the logistics of turning a profit can be a hassle. Or the party can hire the Vultures to take care of it all for just a small percentage! These professionals are happy to handle whatever salvage is thrown at them no matter how bloody or gruesome the task may be. In fact they're quite comfortable with grim gigs. Maybe too comfortable. Discreetly designed by Peter Martin, illustrated by Deanna Roberds.
Archetypes: Weird Warlocks. Sometimes after making a deal with the devil, a powerful fey, an entity from the great beyond, or whatever terrible thing has offered a sliver of its essence in exchange for a mortal soul, a warlock realizes what a terrible mistake they've made. That doesn't need to be their last terrible mistake though! There are two ways to get out of this peculiar arcane predicament—the Laughing Death patron and the Pactbreaker archetype—and though one involves a good bit of laughter neither is to be taken lightly. Dementedly designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Phil Stone.
Dangerous Scenarios: Bite and Seek. It's not atypical for vampires to play with their food and this wicked encounter fully embraces that lethal situation! A pack of children turned vampire spawn descend on the adventurers amidst a forested glade. Spots of sunlight can give the party an edge but it's not a simple battle, their foes delighting in the thrill of the fight and eager to take a few pounds of flesh along the way. Deliciously designed by Elizabeth Orchard, illustrated by Xanditz.
Adventure: Revenge of the Green Dragon. As a youngling the green dragon Aghrun was tormented by a group of adventurers, only barely able to escape with her life—now in adulthood, her wounds have healed but her pride has not. It is not all humanoids who bear the burden of her vengeance however, and she seeks only to torment the cruel breed of cowards who call themselves adventurers. To that end she's created a maze in her home in the overgrown Fernholm Forest, stocking it with all kinds of traps and tricks, and kobolds loyal to her wander about Elissar spreading rumors of great treasure awaiting in Fernholm. Unable to resist the lure of gold, adventurers are coming from all over and dying to Aghrun's delight. Can the party be victorious over both the dragon's traps and the others who seek gold and glory? This complete adventure can be run for both a party of 4–6 PCs of 16th level *or* competing parties of 12th level! Delightfully designed by Sarah Breyfogle, illustrated by Ellis Goodson, and featuring cartography by Meshon Cantrill and Russ Morrisey.
Intriguing Organizations: Unpinned Scales. The Unpinned Scales are an urban thieves’ guild with a mission: to improve the lot of the downtrodden through crime. This makes them both popular with the population in general and extremely unpopular with the wealthy merchants and nobility who are on the receiving end of their heists. But the Unpinned scales have a dark secret too for they are an infernal front, and their fiendish leadership uses the organization to maintain the status quo while recruiting dangerous agents from the local underworld. Deviously designed by Peter Martin, illustrated by Julio Rocha.
Monstrous Menagerie: Ogres Three. If there's one thing we can always use more of it's ogres! This entry in the Monstrous Menagerie series features three such ugly giants: the CR 11 dream ogre, CR 12 ice ogre, and CR 13 laughing ogre. Whether the party is due for a nightmare of a fight, need to be chilled out with a frosty battle, or are just in need of a good time these monsters will deliver. Dubiously designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Hannah Seakins.
Enchanted Trinkets: Pipes Galore. Why should grey wizards be the only people with awesome pipes? Take a moment to peruse these fine pieces and get one of your own from this collection of 8 unique enchanted pipes—whether made from briar, dragon tooth, ivory, walnut-burl, or orc tusk they all offer something a little more than the average smoke. Diligently designed by William Murakami-Brundage, illustrated by Jesse Mohn.
Monstrous Menagerie: Reforged. Powerful magic can merge flesh and metal into one, remaking both into something altogether greater. The reforged are perfect examples of what this synthesis can achieve, their muscles enhanced by arcana and steel. This article includes 6 kinds of reforged: mentalist (CR 6), soldier (CR 1/2), sniper (CR 6), striker (CR 2), warden (CR 7), and zapper (CR 3). Dually designed by Levi Thompson, illustrated by Deanna Roberds.
Adventure: Book of Endless Life. Finding the Book of Endless Life doesn't get the party very far—it needs to be opened, a task that is not so simple as undoing a clasp. To access this powerful enchanted tome the adventurers must seek out an expert on the Library of Wholeness (such as the sage Loremaster Dalwyn), find runestones to help finish crafting the ivy key needed to unlock the book, best the dwarven spirits roaming Karridan-Bakkal (alongside monsters aplenty), and hunt down a fell leech for the components to complete the opening ritual. Within the dungeon there waits another enemy however, a necromancer with a corrupted Tome of Decay eager to take their treasure for himself! This adventure for 4–5 PCs of 10th level was discerningly designed and mapped by Marc Kenobi, featuring illustrations by Herman Lau and Sade.
Villain Spotlight: Toron the Blue Demon. Ambition and strength are the two greatest attributes of this warrior and he has both in spades. After years of turmoil waiting in his father's shadow Toron murderously stepped to the fore and he hasn't looked back since, leading his forces from the front and earning the moniker of the Blue Demon for the blood he sheds every time he walks the field of battle. Dangerously designed by Tyler Lee, illustrated by Julio Rocha.
Monstrous Menagerie: Villains Three. What makes a villain? In the case of this deranged giant, ambitious crimelord, and murderous warlord it is a specific item that personifies their wickedness. This article includes the giant puppetmaster (CR 10) and puppetmaster's crossbar, gnome steamlord (CR 13) and gnomepower armor, and lunar warlord (CR 16) and Moonmask. Daringly designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Erik Davis Heim.
Against Archetypes. It's time to play an adventurer that reaches beyond the scope of the bolstering bard, leaf loving druid, and disciplined monk—contained herein are archetypes perfect for such a foray! The College of Misery teaches how to heckle foes and allies alike. Similarly unlike their peers, druids in the Circle of Corruption embrace the powers of aberrations, monstrosities, and oozes as they spread pestilence across the land. So too are irreverent monks different, their martial gifts a thing more akin to sorcery and as unique as their connection to life itself! Disruptively designed by Rachel Williamson, illustrated by Fabian Parente.
Monstrous Menagerie: Oddlings of the Quendrian Wood. There are consequences when wild magic is left undisturbed and the Quendrian Wood is a fine example of a place altered by unfettered arcana. While traveling in this enchanting forest beware the bloatfrog (CR 1/2) for there may be a far deadlier bloatfrog swarm (CR 8) to follow it, and watch out too for the grasp of daggerthorn sweetvines (CR 5) or the spitting of mud-covered mucklings (CR 3). Most importantly if there are nogonogu (CR 1/4) about check the supplies—usually they remain unseen until their mischief is done. Decisively designed by Joanna DeLaune, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Adventure: Drawing Monk. One of the most promising monks from the Monastery of the Sun has twisted their martial discipline to terrible effect, and in his wake he leaves not only murder but death itself. With every life taken the traitor's power grows—and if not stopped soon he will bring ruin to a city that might well make him truly unstoppable! This adventure for 3–5 PCs of 6th level was diligently designed by Tyler Lee, featuring illustration by Deanna Roberds and cartography by Meshon Cantrill.
Items: Queue Branch. Espionage and the gathering of intelligence has existed in one form or another since the dawn of recorded history. Nations, guilds, and other organizations employ agents and operatives to gain useful intelligence and to accomplish their tasks they use a variety of tools—often easily hidden, mundane, and cunning tools. Presented here are 8 items employed for espionage ranging from the simple yet crucial adamantine saw or boot knife to the complex agent's saddle, gloomsight lantern and goggles, and special ammunition for putting that extra kick into a crossbow bolt. Discreetly designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Hannah Seakins.
Dangerous Scenarios: Brickbeaks. The party’s travels are interrupted by people in disarray outside the Ducking Shoe Inn. These villagers from Treecrest are in a panic, eager to find help dealing with overgrown avians the sheriff has allowed to run rampant leading to chaos and death. Finding and dispatching of these beasts won’t be a simple matter however—brickbeaks are stealthy amongst the marsh and deadly foes. Duckedly designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin, featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Intriguing Organizations: Vandt Ascendency. Would-be usurpers—siblings thirsty for power, rivals eager to take for their own, clever creatures seeking to control mortals—are always grasping at the reins of power and the defenses against them are myriad. The Vandt Ascendency are a prime example of the most clandestine and successful kind of organization bound to the throne by loyalty, a group of dedicated mages focused on protecting the crown at all costs (as invisibly as possible, preferably without the head wearing it ever being the wiser). Devotedly designed by Joanna DeLaune, illustrated by Jesse Mohn.
Magic Items: Advanced Parasitic Weapons. Getting tired with glowing swords and floating gems? Has that old bag of tricks lost its charm? Consider rewarding adventurers with loot they can really love—specifically the kind that loves them back. Within this issue are five such symbiotic magic items (the blood swarm, burrowing crystal, fel worm, shell swarm, and soulshadow caul) that feed upon their hosts in exchange for incredible abilities like Swarm Vomit, Worm Lash, and Wound Burst. Disturbingly designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin.
Adventure: Ashes to Ashes. In the cold tundra of western Laskia there is a famous establishment that people travel from far across Elissar to visit: the Redstone Spa. The Ashe family have run it for generations but there are rumors that a rivalry is brewing between the sons and daughters of the proprietor Layla, and as she reaches the end of her life her offsprings’ pursuit to succeed her is becoming vicious. It’s said that several of their acquaintances have disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and talk about the Redstone Spa is now just as likely to be stories of siblings at odds as of the place’s beauty. This adventure for 4–5 PCs of 2nd level was desirably designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Joyce Mauriera and Xanditz, and features cartography by Dyson Logos and Russ Morrissey.
Monstrous Menagerie: Explosive Undead. Regular zombies failing to inspire fear? Reaching for more from your skeletons? Look no further! This article includes the high-flying corpse-throwing carrion swarm (CR 8) along with a trio of statistics for diseased zombies: the crepitus (CR 2), crepitus elite (CR 6), and devastating crepitus swarm (CR 16). Damnably designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Gui Sommer.
Mini-Adventure: Tarnishing a Reputation. A group of doppelgangers are seeking a hidden portal that will allow them to bring thousands of their kind out of exile to invade. Unfortunately the map that would guide them was disguised inside an enchanted locket taken from their now dead leader—jewelry that has found its way to the party! This mini-adventure for 4–5 PCs of 3rd–5th level was dastardly designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Jori Hollander, and features the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Alien Gods and Eldritch Secrets. This article presents distant alien intelligences to incorporate into the realms of medieval fantasy, along with details of the cults that worship them and what elements of their nature can be comprehended by mortals. Behold the Great Nothingness known as Axu-Nagos, Saukkassus the Dreamer, and the Maker of Monsters Mortulos—and taste the power they offer with the Book of Dreams or potent aberrant transformation spell. Dementedly designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Dangerous Scenarios: Hell’s Huntmaster. A lost soul does not always remain so—most especially when a fiend has an interest in it. Hell's Huntmaster is tasked with tracking down and collecting the wayward few that escape the realms infernal, and as the party are traveling they come across one such individual: a fool named Jansan, tricked into damnation by another. Should the noble survive great wealth can be gained by anyone who finds the individual who fooled him, provided of course that it can be done before the hellish pursuit begins anew. Devilishly designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Elliot Bouriot, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Adventure: Nightmare of Corrin’s Mound. Humble farmsteads and friendly smiles hide a secret in the idyllic region of Shining Valley—long ago the Dreamers magocracy ruled the realm through the power of psionics, and the ruins of their capital sit in Alldeep Forest. The Cult of Terror (feared across the land) have discovered a site of great power there where they've conjured an alien from the Realm of Dreams. Its influence has now spread to the village of Insolo and threatens to reach further still, the dreams of those within the Shining Valley drawing them to the Cave of Terror or denying them the succor of sleep altogether. Includes statistics for the warlock Xalyn Narcona (CR 3) and Dream Watcher (CR 5). This adventure for 4 PCs of 3rd–5th level was dreamily designed by Levi Thompson, illustrated by Herman Lau, and features the cartography of Mike Myler and Xanditz.
Spells: Tribwil’s Troublesome Illusions. Illusionists are the trickiest of mages and their mendacious practice of magic is as manifold as their imaginations. One of their most celebrated practitioners was the gnome Tribwil, his work with figments famed for its nuance and the lofty heights of arcana it reached. This article includes more than a half dozen of his incredible spells: aggressive identity sublimation, chaotic crowd, drastic distractions, engagement alteration, illusory onslaught, multiversal replacement, and perceived prowess! Deceptively designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Erik Davis Heim.
Mini-Adventure: Wildwynd’s Return. Ancient and terrible danger has been unleashed upon the realm of Ostinad, a tempest of such incredible size and ferocity that it threatens to tear the lands of the horse lords asunder. In the eye of this savage storm its calm winds swirl about a nameless temple in a forgotten canyon—and it is here where the primordial elemental Wildwynd whirls, growing in power with every passing day. To best this monster the party must discover and destroy shrines empowering it, though the bloody remains of those that have tried already prove that it is no simple or easy task. This mini-adventure for 4–5 PCs of 12th level is the first in a four part Elemental Adventure Path series set in Elissar, dreadfully designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Asgraphics13, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos and Russ Morrissey.
Mini-Adventure: Void Chrysalis. An ancient and primal force seeks to once more take hold in Elissar, an entity that consumes heat and light until all is as frozen as its soul. This chilling terror has been banished from the realms material but a relic able to bring it back—the Void Heart, a gemstone that distills the impossibly cold void into corporeal form—has reached chrysalis, its task nearly complete. For every drop of the entity it brings into the world the next winter in Elissar will last for another month, and its immediate effects are already troubling the land with only one gathered thus far. Delicately designed by Mike Myler as part of the Elemental Adventure Path (following EN5ider #481 - MA: Wildwynd's Return), illustrated by Yihyoung Li, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos and Russ Morrissey.
Enchanted Trinkets: Top-Shelf Trinkets. What's better than a bit of fine liquor? A bit of enchanted liquor! This batch of magical booze details incredible concoctions from the dreamy archfey's delight to a bolstering shot of confidence, communication-enhancing soliloquy wine, and more—plus essential drinking implements like Alvis Kegswill's pick-your-poison pouch flask or the jar of slick victory! Make libations a must have for your adventuring by picking from the bard's personal collection, turning a night of revelry at the tavern into not just a good time but an event unto itself. Designs distilled by Elizabeth Orchard, illustrated by Herman Lau.
Adventure: Isle Slithers. Far removed from the mainland of Elissar, the people of Leapsheep rarely have any need for adventurers. Their recent troubles are unprecedented however, and in their desperation they’ve reached out to a noble on the mainland to hire help. They couldn’t have done so soon enough: the mysterious abductions plaguing the island are happening more and more frequently. To save Leapsheep Isle the party must explore this far flung bastion of civilization in the face of a diabolical threat as they reforge an ancient ritual to seal away an evil long forgotten. Includes a dire slitherer (CR 5), seaswarm (CR 2), slitherer (CR 3), and slitherer supreme (CR 14). This adventure for 4–5 PCs of 9th level was dubiously designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Anastasia Emelyanova, and features the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Dangerous Scenarios: Bulette Spawning. Something's gone awry in the town of Meadowbridge—cattle lay slaughtered in the field, houses are locked tight, and its halfling denizens are holed up in the Haystack Inn. What troubles them? A bulette matriarch (CR 8) beneath the settlement that's spawning bulette hatchlings (CR 3) that are eating up all the small folk they can find! Dynamically designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Phil Stone, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Monstrous Menagerie: Perils of the Sky. Why should adventurers be bound to terra firma or the seas, delving below the earth into dungeons or out upon the oceans for plunder—why not take to the skies instead? This article reviews the many denizens of the air from elves to gnomes or warlords, introducing two new CR 7 aerial threats: the psionic brainstorm and hunting caelumos! Driftingly designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Erik Davis Heim.
Mini-Adventure: Storming Wrathua. A storm like no other rages in the distant Hinterlands with no sign of stopping any time soon—for this is no anomaly of weather but a living tempest. The adventurer Frida Montesro has learned this the hard way and fights an impossible battle against the furious elemental, unaware that unless others intervene it will stop at nothing to kill her and then slay everything else it can find! Daringly designed by Mike Myler as the third part of an Elemental Adventure Path (following EN5ider #482 - MA: Void Chrysalis) set in Elissar, illustrated by Ikcaruz, and featuring cartography by Dyson Logos and Russ Morrissey.
Mini-Adventure: Eruption Temple. The adventurers have beaten back a resurging tornado, put stop to the crystallization of an arctic entity of epic scale, and fought a living storm—then the dreams of flames begin, inexorably drawing them towards the far reaches of untamed mountains and possibly their doom. Once they have found Eruption Temple should the party fail to stop the machinations of the fiery avatar Derxan within these prophecies of mortals ended in cinders will spread across the face of Elissar to claim lives untold! Disputatiously designed by Mike Myler as the fourth part of an Elemental Adventure Path (following EN5ider #487 - MA: Storming Wrathua), illustrated by Riptaid, and featuring cartography by Dyson Logos and Russ Morrissey.
Adventure: Dragon Turtle Surgery. The dragon turtle Damantharn (scourge of pirates and protector of the remote settlement of Swellgate) suffers from a terrible illness that resists magical healing. Without treatment they are certain to die—courageous and capable adventurers are needed to delve inside the dragon turtle’s very body to purge the plague from within! This adventure for 4 to 6 PCs of 4th–6th level diagnostically designed by Tyler Omichinski is set in Elissar, illustrated by Julio Rocha, and features fantastic cartography by Jori Hollander.
Cursed Warrior Archetypes. Warlocks take the cake when it comes to making compacts to gain power—but why should they? Warriors and ne'er-do-wells can make just as much use out of a fell bargain! Consider imbuing an adventurer with the potent features of the Clawcursed martial archetype or Cursehanded roguish archetype to explore a new way of roleplaying this rich dynamic without the need for arcana, fey, fiends, or anything other than a radical monstrous arm! Dialectically designed by John Krifka, illustrated by Jeffrey Chen.
Puzzle: Fountain of Truth. Nothing brings about honesty like a life-and-death situation but this puzzle demands truth in the face of peril! The Fountain of Truth includes clues to its purpose and function, guidelines for GMs to determine its flow, and a trio of scenarios to use it: a cure for the worthy, fire trap, and the reverse fountain. Directly designed by Elizabeth Orchard, illustrated by Khanh Luong.
Villain Spotlight: Tellara the Story Thief. Subtlety and subterfuge are the weapons employed by this entry in the Villain Spotlight series, though she doesn't seek to take any gold from the party—her only wish is to take credit for their accomplishments and take their reputations as her own! Included with this cunning villainess' statistics (CR 6) are two of the tools in her trade (the enchanting gift and diadem of blended charms magic items). Deviously designed by Charlie Brooks, illustrated by Daniel English.
Monstrous Menagerie: Consecrated Cultists. Acolyte, cultist, cult fanatic—lightweights one and all! When dark councils gather to enact fell rituals they call for devoted maniacs like the lethal dark martyr (CR 4), darkly inspiring harbinger of doom (CR 2), a channeler of foul energies such as the heathen conduit (CR 4), bolstering heretic mortician (CR 4), monstrous mutant zealot (CR 7), devious profane master (CR 9), or dedicated unholy vanguard (CR 3). Disquietingly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Adventure: Fangfane. Guided by an ambitious gnome scout into the ruins of a once grand underground settlement, the party finds not only the idol their guide seeks—they also run afoul of the cult of Chernobog! Recovering the relic will be more than a dangerous trek as they fight off cultists, overcome lethal obstacles like olivine slime, and battle against huge undead (including swarms of insects and a skeletal constrictor snake!) in a breathtaking escape from the flooded undercity. Decisively designed by William Murakami-Brundage, illustrated by Insima, and featuring a map created using Watabou's One Page Dungeon generator.
Seasonal Spells. There are simply never enough nature spells! Explore some of the magic the natural world can offer with over a dozen new spells—whether keeping an aura for every season, summoning a blizzard or heatwave, or putting the chill into a foe with hypothermia these are certain to bring some holistic excitement to your game. Deciduously designed by Levi Thompson, illustrated by Daniel English.
Enchanted Trinkets: Pirate Booty. Any seafarer worth their salt can make good use of these 10 nautical magic items whether to save a fellow sailor from a deathly fall with the buccaneer's cutlass, put fear into foes with a burning beard, down a draught of leviathan grog to dive into the crushing depths, or gaze through tomorrow's spyglass to see what the weather holds. Dastardly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Intriguing Organizations: Dungeon Builders. Archmages, demigods, and liches alike all need lairs—it's the Dungeon Builders they turn to so they can stay focused on the important things like unlocking ancient evils. Following their patented 10-Step Process, these deluded architects utilize monsters like rockplowers (CR 2) to do much of their work, captured and trained with tools such as binding powder and compulsion beacon. Dependably designed by Charlie Brooks, illustrated by Phil Stone.
Archetypes: Oaths of Arcane Soul. This article presents two new options for paladins: the oath of the arcane for servants of magic, and the oath of souls for psychopomps dedicated to ensuring the integrity of the mortal veil. The former employ powerful arcana and mimic the enchanted feats of the mages they are sworn to protect, and the latter are peerless among slayers of undead. Dedicatedly designed by Levi Thompson, illustrated by Phil Stone.
Spells: Miraculous Magic. Magic can be a fickle thing, and when deities are involved the power of what might be can astound. Consider this batch of a dozen spells each with its own element of Miraculous Casting, increasing its potency when the situation is dire. Bolster the resolve of companions with emboldening banner, even affecting those on the precipice of death if you are wounded badly enough. Perhaps instead you might blast and blind with a ray of heavenly light—hitting with the force of a god by drawing upon the plight of an ally nearby fighting to cling to mortality. Whether talking about condemnation or deliverance, every cleric, druid, and paladin should pray for this suite of spells. Divinely designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Vault of Splintered Souls MEGADUNGEON. To celebrate EN5ider’s 500th issue we’ve crafted a megadungeon guided by our patrons! Delve through 14 levels of fell monsters, rewarding puzzles, and lethal traps beneath the ruins of Mal Takkar and collect hundreds of soulshards before emerging as the first champions to escape the vault! Diabolically, dreadfully, and definitively designed for 4–5 PCs (starting at 6th level and ending at 10th level) by Anthony Alipio, Sarah Breyfogle, Savannah Broadway, Charlie Brooks, Andrew Engelbrite, Will Gawned, Marc Kenobi, Peter Martin, Michael McCarthy, Mike Myler, Tyler Omichinski, Levi Thompson, Rachel Williamson. Cover illustration by Erik Davis-Heim, cartography by Xanditz, layout by Frank Michienzi.
Monstrous Menagerie: Unique Undead. Everyone knows the common undead—ghosts, skeletons, vampires, zombies—but there are yet more of these horrors, some with unorthodox origins and even odder appearances. What happens to powerful necromancers that develop incurable diseases? Or if an earth elemental bestows a curse that rots the bones? What kinds of magical maladies can develop within those descended from inbred sorcerous monarchies? The bloodless (CR 4), ossified (CR 2), shadrownoma (CR 1), and shadrownoma clot (CR 5) plus the shadrownoma disease! Dangerously designed by Levi Thompson, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Enchanted Trinkets: Roadside Reliquaries. Routes of pilgrimage and holy places are rife with merchants offering divine relics, but so many are cosmetic symbols of faith and nothing more. With these 9 magic items the power they grant is true all the same—though their veracity comes into question when pushed to the limit! From the empowering archangel's feather to the invigorating Varpak's big toe, adventurers across the realms would do well to browse the wares of traders in holy relics just in case one of these enchanted trinkets is available for purchase. Devotedly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Jori Hollander.
Dangerous Scenarios: Chained to the Deep. A fate most terrible is about to befall a group of fishers that have run afoul of vengeful merrow: without immediate intervention they are to be dragged to drown in the depths! These fanatical fishfolk (a priest and acolyte) are not alone however, and anyone that interrupts their revenge has a toothy surprise waiting for them. This dangerous scenario for 4–5 PCs of 4th level was distinctively designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Hannah Seakins, and features cartography by Dyson Logos.
Adventure: Peace in the Border Kingdoms. As forces mass along the Border Kingdoms of Elissar there is a fear of devoting too many resources to fighting incursions, of rulers becoming weak and inviting attacks from rivals. Instead they seek out experienced adventurers to parlay with the disparate groups and find a way to get them to stand down. These investigations uncover that more is afoot than a simple grab for power however, and to truly broker peace will mean shattering the hidden triumvirate pulling the strings. This adventure for 4–5 PCs of 10th level was dutifully designed by Charlie Brooks, illustrated by Júlio Rocha, and features the cartography of Umut Comak and Russ Morrissey.
Monstrous Menagerie: Wondrous Wildlife. Nature in the real world is a panoply of strange traits, remarkable talents, and evolutionary wonder—and in a place where magic is real there should be far more found in the beasts that roam it! This article includes a half dozen new monsters to include alongside the teleporting dogs and semi-illusory felines adventurers already know: the dreadlion (CR 3), echo-bat (CR 1/8), echo-bat swarm (CR 4), neuro-ant swarm (CR 9), shift-deer (CR 1/4), and windhawk (CR 1/2). Dynamically designed by Levi Thompson, illustrated by Eleni Tsami.
Rules: Memento Masteries. There's loot and experience gained from every quest the adventurers complete—but what about what they've truly learned from their rigorous trials? Does a new class feature really reflect new tactics, party maneuvers, or combat tricks? Try rewarding your PCs with Memento Masteries! Each of these 15 special abilities are designed to remind adventurers of their most memorable moments, from learning the importance of a Cunning Plan after pulling victory from the jaws of defeat to how they can Spot a Tell after unraveling a complex mystery. Determinedly designed by Cassandra MacDonald, illustrated by Júlio Cesar Oliveira Rocha.
Flatearthed Arcana. THEY can't stand to see you with this issue of EN5ider because of the unadulterated honesty unleashed inside of it! Spread the truth with anti-potion pamphlets, make it clear you know what's up with a snazzy pair of suspenders of disbelief and a canny casting of circular theories, but whatever you do be wary of Big Potion's tracking potion!!!! For the real diehards there's also two archetypes—False Belief clerics and the Rogue bardic college—perfect for adventurers that accept Flatearthed Arcana for all its worth. Distressingly designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin, superlative layout by Frank Michienzi.
Enchanted Trinkets: Zlick Willy’s Extended Catalog. Zlick Willy is back with a whole host of impressive new enchanted trinkets sure to delight! Catch a friend off guard with the hilarious bucket of fun, strike up a conversation with a stranger you can't understand without an informative dragonheart's ring, or otherwise get the party going with these unique and uniquely affordable magic items! Dependably designed by Elizabeth Orchard, illustrated by Hannah Seakins.
Dangerous Scenarios: Conflicting Charms. While journeying the party wanders directly into a spat between monsters and the plight of their proxies. An item of great value to a pair of dryads has been taken by a trio of harpies and the fey will do anything they can to get it back—even appealing to passing adventurers without the aid of magic! Discerningly designed by Charlie Brooks, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaiza.
Adventure: Horror on the Lysymachus. A brutal murder has occurred on a small merchant ship in mid-ocean. The party uncovers not only evidence of unnatural violence but an unwelcome and unseen presence aboard the ship as well—now they must deal with both the mysterious killer and an increasingly hostile crew! While the adventure is set in the world of Elissar, it takes place mostly at sea so is easily transferred to any campaign. Diabolically designed by Anthony Pryor for 4–5 PCs of 3rd–5th level, illustrated by Júlio Rocha, featuring cartography by Umut Comak.
Puzzle: Interplanar Delicatessen. Too often two essential things are skipped over amidst the excitement of dungeon delving: eating and puzzles. The Interplanar Delicatessen offers a delightful solution to both these quandaries. Sure the adventurers are deadly, but are they canny and hardy enough to finish a plate of eyes-cargo, the pudding flambé, floating cubes, crystals, AND the surprise final course?! Deliciously designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Monstrous Menagerie: Tree Trio. Treants can be as diverse as their rooted kin throughout the forest and should provide as fun of an encounter as any beast. Consider throwing an ashen pine (CR 9) at adventurers, surprising them with a needled giant that's overcome the touch of flame. The hagedoorn (CR 9) is a subtler foe and harder still to completely subdue, and though slightly weaker the wreant's (CR 8) sorrowful assault is something few parties will easily forget. Deciduously designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Enchanted Trinkets: Creative Canvases. The next time your adventuring needs require a bit of enchanted help consider turning to the arts for an innovative solution! Briefly overwhelm a foe with swarms from an artling kit, distract with a deck of renditions, leave behind subtle directions via the dwarven runesign box, and generally impress your fellow adventurers with your creative uses of the 8 enchanted trinkets in this article. Daringly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Dangerous Scenarios: Six Guardians of Scythrax. Many have died trying to take riches from the Tomb of Scythrax, realizing too late that its six guardians are more than capable of felling a single plunderer—indeed they can only be overcome through cooperation! While a thief is critical to surviving the trials of this dungeon, only those with steadfast and competent allies have any chance of making it back out alive. Deviously designed by Rachel Williamson, illustrated by Júlio Rocha, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Adventure: Gul-Badur’s Scales. The scales of the ancient gold dragon Gul-Badur have long resided in the Temple of Divine Truth. Used only in the most sacred rights and the swearing of oaths of the utmost importance, they are one of the faith’s holiest relics. A new Veritani, the highest member of her clergy, has delayed her ordination as the scales have been stolen by one of the temple servants and now the hunt is on! Includes a 5-piece print-out puzzle, radiant shards, and two NPCs (the CR 14 veritani and CR 7 sword of truth). This adventure for 4–5 PCs of 10th level was devoutly designed by Marc Kenobi, with gorgeous cover art by Júlio Rocha, and features the cartography of Umut Comak and Russ Morrissey.
Mini-Adventure: Joy From the World. Anyone with a mind to celebrate is welcomed into the House of the Merry Heart by Revelmasters Ebbe and Flo—but not while it’s being assailed by fiends. Demons have infiltrated the temple of revelry to unleash a maelstrom of violence, and if their intrusion is not brought to a swift end it could spell catastrophe for this sacred place and much more beyond it! A mini-adventure for 3–4 PCs of 4th–8th level deftly designed by Elizabeth Orchard, illustrated by Rachel Maduro, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Intriguing Organizations: Necrophage Cult. Not all seek to end outbreaks of maladies or avoid the suffering of the many—the Necrophage Cult embraces these atrocities and far more in their fanatical worship of Holy Undeath. To spread their beliefs these cultists submit themselves to vampiric lords, lure and unleash lesser undead, or subject populations to new sicknesses (like the rage plague disease which turns victims into living zombies) at the behest of a high necrophage (CR 8). Diseased designs by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaiza.
Monstrous Menagerie: Notable Ne’er-Do-Wells. A trio of brigands awaits! First a masked, mysterious, dangerous, and often dashing bandit that seems to care more about keeping their identity hidden than their own life. Then a mounted bandit who keeps foes at a distance with the improved speed and maneuverability offered by hooved feet. Finally an unusual bandit known far and wide for the strange weaponry they've mastered. Dubiously designed by Michael McCarthy, illustrated by Erik Davis-Heim.
Dangerous Scenarios: Curse of the Specters. Though slain long ago the sorcerer-king Solor's immense power echoes still, buoyed across the centuries by a quintet of champions that linger in the realms material—haunting their tombs, resisting the draw of true death, and slaying any that dare trespass. Dutifully designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Hannah Seakins, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Adventure: Northminster Job. The famed blade and heirloom of the Vivanti family—the Silver Orchid—is going to be stolen. They know because the burglars are the Florists, a brazen and talented group who've completed daring heists across the continent and have sent a calling card warning of the impending theft. The adventurers are tasked with ensuring it isn’t stolen or failing that to secure its return. Unfortunately an effective group of informants make all their preparations for naught and (after finding out how they were duped) it's a race to catch the Florists before the thieves can escape Northminster! This adventure in Elissar for 4–6 PCs of 5th–6th level was deceptively designed by Tyler Omichinski, features illustration by Júlio Rocha, and cartography by Umut Comak.
Enchanted Trinkets: Treasured Toadstools. Of course the druid or ranger wants to forage about in the sewers or wilderness so let them have some fun with mushrooms! Here are 20 fantastic fungi for adventurers to pick up—although it's not so simple as that. Each has a counterpart that can be difficult to distinguish, and those who don't take care might find that the mushbubble they've pulled over their head to breathe underwater is actually a frogwallop that tries to suffocate, or that the frost agaric they're eating to stay warm is really a flame agaric that makes them chillier instead! Diplanetic designs by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Villain Spotlight: Calissa the Spirit Fey. While serving as a haunted forest's guardian the dryad Calissa perished—yet she has not realized she died in the line of duty and still protects a portion of the woods. Her powerful connection to nature has been warped by her delusion making the ghostly fey dangerous, her every effort to help becoming lethal by way of negligence and the corruption of the animals that serve her. Attempts to help Calissa understand her plight are met with a potent rage, and those who cross paths with her in the Oldshade Woods have walked into peril! Disquietedly designed by Charlie Brooks, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Monstrous Menagerie: Myriad Mages. There's a plethora of magical traditions across the breadth of arcana and those who utilize it often find themselves drawn to specialize with spells of one kind or another. Consider then these half dozen spellcasting NPCs: the corrosive acrimancer (CR 5), chilling cryomancer (CR 5), storming fulgarmancer (CR 5), bright luximancer (CR 5), fiery pyromancer (CR 6), and shadowy umbramancer (CR 5). Each utilizes a different element of arcana, both in their repertoire of spells and the particular magical techniques they've mastered. Distinctively designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Dangerous Scenarios: Stalactite Cave. From its Grand Gallery to the Ancient Helm the Stalactite Cave contains wonders to behold—and for every marvel there lurk monsters aplenty. Deadly attacks from above, predators springing out from behind the rocks, and more await those brave enough to venture within. Few can survive the delve but adventurers able to withstand the lethal environs will find rewards fitting for their courage! Depth-defying designs by Anthony Pryor, illustration by Hannah Seakins, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Adventure: Under Wing. An ominous storm centered on the peak of Broktoth Mountain has grown to such immense size that it can be seen from as far north as Kroppa—signs of ill-omen joined by the shuddering of unquiet magma. There are more fell tidings too with workers in the Nalpine Forest reporting agitation among its fell beasts, and on the road to Icegarten caravans are despoiled and waystations destroyed. People seek safety in the village of Kroppa, but with commerce at a standstill it is becoming increasingly crowded and on edge. Before things come to a head however, the settlement’s karnir has offered a substantial reward to anyone who can uncover the cause and resolve the issue. This adventure in Elissar is for 4–5 PCs of 7th level, direly designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Júlio Rocha, and featuring cartography by Umut Comak and Russ Morrissey.
Intriguing Organizations: Ghost Wardens. Equipped with capture wands, forceholds, and more enchanted equipment besides these adventurers-turned-gaolers of ghosts are dedicated to eradicating haunting spirits—but to what end? This organization might be villains (there's a CR 3 ghost warden hunter for that event), have need for the aid of capable heroes, or instead try to recruit promising applicants proven able to contend with the undead. Darkly designed by Charlie Brooks, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Mini-Adventure: Border Kingdom Claims. A race of sorts is afoot in the Border Kingdoms thanks to a newly discovered silver deposit, and the Vorgaths are in need of capable adventurers to sift through their old estate to find proof that it is within the borders of their lands. They weren't the only nobles with this idea however, and a rival group is looking for the same deeds—with a plan to destroy the evidence! This mini-adventure for 4–6 PCs of 6th level was dedicatedly designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Indi Martin, and features the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Monstrous Menagerie: Portal Pests. New creatures are best taken with a dash of fey—whether the goal is trickery or violence they're sure to deliver. Consider the rainbow nibbler (CR 1/4) to trip up spellcasters with it's voracious appetite for magic, the telesleuth (CR 5) to throw a wrench in the works of psionic adventurers, or unleash warplings (CR 2) to spread havoc throughout a settlement as doors suddenly lead to inexplicable places nearby! Dynamically designed by Austin Conrad, illustrated by Hannah Seakins.
Spells: Multiclass Magic. Practicing one tradition of magic is a trying task and two even more impressive—yet adventurers that learn to weave together the spellwork of each are capable of truly remarkable things. Courageous bard paladins can inspire and motivate whole crowds with battlecry, reverent cleric druids are able to heal many injured with an elegant life ripple, and brilliant artificer wizards can cast spell tinker to interfere with magic as it is brought into the world! Dividedly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Adventure: More Again in Morrigan. Once again the infamous monstrous burglars known as the Florists have struck against the powers that be in Elissar, though perhaps this time they’ve bitten off more than they can chew. The target of their latest heist is none other than Charlan Olawarin, the Mirror of Morrigan’s ruling Thieves Guild, and they don’t know it but the well-meaning criminals have taken something that the masters of the City of Rogues will recover at all costs. This adventure for 4–6 PCs of 7th–8th level is a sequel to Northminster Job, decisively designed by Mike Myler, featuring illustrations by Ede Lazslo, Jori Hollander, Herman Lau, Hannah Seakins, and Phil Stone, and cartography by Umut Comak.
Enchanted Trinkets: Audacious Display Stones. Put lesser magics within reach of adventurers of all kinds with these nearly two dozen flavorful enchanted trinkets! An audacious display stone provides a flair of the magic within—surrounding the wearer with illusory spirits or woodland critters, emboldening their shadow, making them appear heroic, and the like—until the spell it is designed to contain is cast. Diligently designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Mini-Adventure: Vampire’s Bloodlust. The threat of a vampire is enough to inspire fear in all but the most foolhardy novice adventurers—which is exactly what the decidedly unvampiric Bloodsucker Gang is counting on. For weeks these murderous scoundrels have left the corpses of their victims with the telltale signs of vampire attacks, fooling authorities and the populace at large into thinking a far greater danger stalks the night than criminals eager to fleece the pockets of frightened townsfolk. Despicably designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Yeysson Vellaiza, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Monstrous Menagerie: Beach Terrors. Fun, sand, sun, and 8 new horrors to unleash on beachgoing adventurers! Set up sinkholes made by the tidepool trapping beach flealion (CR 2), introduce seaweed that fights back with the kelphook sealtrap (CR 5), unleash the lagoon kraken (CR 10), bring feathered fury to seaborne breezes with razor gulls (CR 1/8) or the more lethal flock of razor gulls (CR 5), hide the enormous shipwrecker crab (CR 11) for a nasty ambush, surprise swimmers with a sunflare tarpoon (CR 3), or send a walking shark (CR 2) or two across the shore for some terror and delight. Drenched designs by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Soul Degradation. Magical resurrection is quick, clean, and simple. For those with enough coin deadly mishaps and lethal mistakes are practically nonexistent—the return to life is but a spell away. Consider making resurrections a much more interesting and character building affair. What happens if you attempt to resurrect someone a bit later than you should be able to? What if the soul has been wounded? Or if the soul can't come back, and someone or something else answers the call of the resurrection? Psychopomps rejoice because it's all covered here! Death-defyingly designed by Levi Thompson, illustrated by Xanditz.
Adventure: Wizards of Grimbilly Hill. The rural village of Wiksby sits along several trade roads. Most folks there are farmers and they have a regional reputation for producing excellent goat cheeses. As of late however the local wizard Fenthrymr is missing and strange creatures wander the roads, blocking the way to his tower. Without the mage's help the settlement is unprotected and a fair reward awaits whoever can find him. Deftly designed by RK Robison, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaiza, with cartography by Kate Moody.
Intriguing Organizations: Librarians of Truth. There are many libraries in the world run by guilds accumulating trade knowledge, governments keeping their populace happy, or wizards hoarding magical secrets. Then there are the great Library Vaults run by the Librarians of Truth. These massive buildings hold books of every kind, from the most popular copper paperbacks to the rarest magical tome, and the librarians will share these books with anyone who asks—so long as they haven’t accumulated any late fees, of course. Descriptively designed by Michael McCarthy, illustrated by Xanditz.
Mini-Adventure: Adrift in the Astral Plane. Whether the party entered an errant portal, angered the wrong god, or have gone astray while planefaring the result is the same: they are stranded on the Astral Plane! They could be left to starve or die of thirst, but where's the fun in that? Instead hit the adventurers with this three-part mini-adventure and see if they can survive the arduous trek back to the realms material! Driftingly designed by Charlie Brooks for 4–5 PCs of 5th level, illustrated by Indi Martin, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Monstrous Menagerie: Unusual Suspects. Fill the next tavern fight with a diverse and rewarding assortment of enemies! Herein are the lowly conartist (CR 1/4), experienced shopkeep (CR 1/4), and pickpocket (CR 1/2), more formidable foes like the bodyguard (CR 1), brawler (CR 1), elite guard (CR 2), rabble rouser (CR 2), and veteran guard (CR 2), and finally the utterly lethal slasher (CR 5) for when it's time to spill blood. Dependably designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Dangerous Scenarios: Not So Simple Job. Although he wasn't exceptional Karvik vos Maine was exceptionally focused on creating a wizard's tower he thought suited his inflated talents. His ambitions kept him from achieving true mastery over arcana however, and he perished some time ago leaving his home vacant. Now his former neighbors are keen to rehabilitate the magical abode—a place filled with contraptions and servants that have made it quite dangerous indeed! Dutifully designed by Tyler Omichinski for 4 PCs of 5th level, illustrated by Indi Martin, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Adventure: Riders of Dywrion. West of Caer Balloch is a region of rolling hills known as the Dywrion. From those lands come the Riders of Dywrion, a famous adventuring society that rose to meteoric fame a few decades before and now has more than two dozen active members. The Bold Blade Inn, run by Jalek the Bold, acts as their de facto headquarters and their figures of greatest renown—a quartet of semi-retired founders—can usually be found there. Yet there is treachery afoot in this hallowed hall! A murderer is on the loose, the adventurers are drawn into the investigation, and the body count rises as they close in on the killer. Diabolically designed by Marc Kenobi for 4–5 PCs of 9th level, featuring cartography by Umut Comak, cover illustration by Lady Luck Digital, and interior art by Dom Critelli and Dean Spencer.
Intriguing Organizations: Scavenged Kin. It’s said that the worst villains make for horrible bosses, and yet every one of them seems to have an army of loyal goons to do their bidding. It doesn’t matter how cruel and unusual their working conditions are, these bumbling henchmen continuously throw themselves into battle to protect an employer who really couldn’t care less about them. The question on every adventurer’s mind is: why? Where does this endless supply of madcap morons even come from? While some of the higher-ranked thugs might have joined the forces of evil on their own, most have actually been trained for this role since childhood. They are the stock and trade of the Scavenged Kin. Deceptively designed by Elizabeth Orchard, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaiza.
Villain Spotlight: Night Lark. History is filled with tales warning not to reject the gods and none are so devastating as the ruinous fate of the Night Lark. Once a musician of such great talent that the deities themselves were in envy, when they spurned the divine a terrible curse was put upon them. All that they cared for perished and fell to ruin until their beloved abandoned them, transforming the entertainer into a supernatural force for woe and dismay. Dauntingly designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaiza.
Monstrous Menagerie: Dragonettes. Breathe more life into your bestiary with the anthill dragonette (CR 3), chimney dragonette (CR 1), fey angler dragonette (CR 2), sewer dragonette (CR 1), squirrel dragonette (CR 2), and tidepool dragonette (CR 2)! Also includes the Dragonette Whisperer feat for spellcasters keen on a unique winged companion. Draconically designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Villain Spotlight: Rotting Druid. Decay is not just a part of nature, it can be a powerful system of belief and means to attain power. A potent example of that is decomposing Demois, feared far and wide as the Rotting Druid (CR 14). Completely slaying this man-turned-mass of worms is practically impossible, his consciousness spread out into thousands of wriggling creatures and intelligent rotting fragment (CR 12) copies created to serve his will! Disgustingly designed by Michael McCarthy, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Adventure: Borok the Burning’s Bounty. Once more an ancient draconic threat looms over Elissar, though this time it hails from the chilly south and for now the winged serpent's secretive influence is limited to its emissary: the mysterious fiery bandit known as Borok the Burning. Under his leadership the disparate raiders of the Laskian Mountains have banded together into the formidable Pyre, raising settlements across the tundra with abandon. Tonie Ankrifkadóttir (the karnir of the capital of Icegarten) has posted a bounty of 600 gold for whoever can take the bandit leader's head—yet the many that have tried have all died in the attempt. This adventure for 4–6 PCs of 6th level was devotedly designed by RK Robison, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaisa, and features the cartography of Kate Moody and Russ Morrissey.
Dangerous Scenarios: To Hold The Line. The Border Kingdoms of Elissar are all dominions of their own yet when a great enough threat arises they can be united to stand together. Now is one of those times as a massive warband of monsters and worse are on the march, a critical piece of territory between them the keystone of the defenders' plans to halt the invaders—provided that the adventurers can hold it long enough. Dutifully designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Xanditz, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Villain Spotlight: Harviskari the Void Mage. From her secluded and mysterious tower in the haunted woods of Spinnelund the void mage watches the goings on of Elissar, enacts potent rituals, and pursues knowledge that has seen her rejected by even the fell sages of the Festung. Unbelievable arcane power waits within the fingertips of Harviskari—ready to be unleashed on fools that dare stand between her and that which she seeks. Dastardly designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Monstrous Menagerie: Unfamiliars. With the abundance of variety among the beasts of nature there should be an abundance of statblocks for the particularly curious, quizzical, and strange animals—and here it is! This article covers 18 different CR 0 critters: armadillo, axolotl, dragonfly, dwarf seal, giant hornet, hooded vulture, hummingbird, koala, marmoset, mole, moth, otter, platypus, quokka, skunk, stick bug, sugar glider, and turtle. Don't GM in the wilderness without it! Diligently designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Mini-Adventure: Sundark Vow. When the adventurers stumble into a strange bog they inadvertently insert themselves into the romance of Oethea and Wymus, lovers cursed by the feylord Ciaran to an existence of undeath kept apart by the presence of the sun. Ending their torment (and reuniting) them requires venturing into the Dreaming to take the Sundark Blade from Ciaran, though the feylord is unlikely to give it up willingly and his current guests make taking it a most difficult endeavor. Deftly designed by RK Robison, illustrated by Jeffrey Chen.
Adventure: Destinies of Silk. Arachnid weavers still work the looms of ruined Mal Merikh, isolated in the depths of the wild Spinnelund forests of Elissar. They have been content for centuries in secrecy and safety, weaving the future into the great tapestries and only pulling upon the rare errant and troublesome threads. But now the looms have shown disaster—a child from the village of Brogsten coming to Mal Merikh and setting the great tapestries themselves ablaze. In panic the Loom Mother wove her Silkspawn minions to go and abduct the children of Brogsten so that their hairs can be tested and this terrible destiny averted. This adventure for 4–5 PCs of 15th–16th level was determinedly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Indi Martin, and features the cartography of Kate Moody and Russ Morrissey.
Villain Spotlight: White Winter. Icegarten's magnificent stone sculpture of a dragon is lauded as one of the finest works of art in all of Elissar—but this is a lie for there is nothing carved about it. What many are told is a sculpture once lived and breathed terror as White Winter, the undisputed lord of the south until it was petrified in a desperate gamble by the sagagætir of Laskia. With the passing of centuries this dangerous truth has become shrouded in legend and song, people blithely living their lives in the winged shadow of a tyrant silently waiting for her opportunity to reassert control the instant her imprisonment comes to its calamitous end. Draconically designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Xanditz.
Villain Spotlight: Dramaturge. The Dramaturge doesn't just believe that all of life is a stage—for this accursed bard and everyone around them it is terrifyingly true. Troublesome irks cause explosive tirades, fanciful crushes beget dire confessions of love, and even the slightest disrespect can result in terrible violence for the sake of entertainment. All of this is due to the Taleblight Curse, a magical illness that compels those afflicted to play the part that's been chosen for them. Dramatically designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Intriguing Organizations: Oraculum of Enlightened Sight. A deranged cult is spreading across the land and gaining more adherents with every passing day—sometimes by force, sometimes through the spreading of the White Plague. Once deprived of an eye or all of their sight, a small number of victims do receive a magical blessing that gives the creed just enough truth to be a real danger. Devoutly designed by Austin Conrad, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Monstrous Menagerie: Magical Mounts. Why are horses so common in realms where exotic and strange monsters are everywhere? Consider instead these 7 enchanted steeds the next time your adventurer needs help getting somewhere! There’s the high-flying blakali bat (CR 1), divine celestial ram (CR 1), dependable clockwork horse (CR 2), coerced godbound hippocamp (CR 1), delightful racing snail (CR 2), terrifying timber warg (CR 1), and the ephemeral wisp colt (CR 2). Dependently designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin.
Adventure: Wondrous Weaving. A great disturbance roils just beneath the surface of the Waking, the skein of reality stressed by other worlds pressing upon Elissar. This strangeness manifests upon the horizon with increasing frequency, commoners cowering and hastening in their duties eager to return home to their loved ones—without the help of an unlikely wizard the realms material would have been torn asunder already. Even the immense power of Harviskari the Void Mage has its limits however, and to implement a permanent solution she requires specific components that are difficult to acquire, all of them from the lethal haunted woods of Spinnelund. Includes the aquarachnid (CR 13), death spider (CR 7), ghost spider (CR 9), pit spider (CR 5), and a spider prince (CR 15). Dimensionally designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Phil Stone, and features the cartography of Kate Moody and Russ Morrissey.
Mini-Adventure: Palace of Eternal Delight. In true magical painting fashion when the adventurers look upon a superlative portrait of the orc Prince Lanithon they are dragged into his deluded realm and made to placate its master! To escape from this demiplane the PCs must traverse through the prince's endless festivities and search for the real portrait, the ancient artwork concealed far below and protected from interlopers. Diabolically designed by RK Robison, illustrated by Júlio Rocha, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Inns of the Multiverse. Planefaring is all well and good until it's time to tuck in for the night. While you might have a magic tent or some spells that will suffice, wouldn't it be nice to bunk somewhere emblematic of the wondrous realms upon which you tread? Snap up a copy of the latest edition of Otim's Guide to the Inns and Taverns of the Multiverse to discover the premier places of rest wherever you travel! Each is a destination worthy of an incredible journey whether you're headed for the sublime accommodations of the Celestial Rest, the strange sights in Compost Heap, an exotic underwater stay at the Deep House, incredible service from the Fairy Circle, or the impossible air-built wonders of the Aerie. Dedicatedly designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Monstrous Menagerie: Gaggle of Gobbos. Goblins can be capricious, creative, and curious—so make the next encounter the party has with these short greenies something to remember! Expand the goblin repertoire with the exacting crone aunty (CR 4), haunting goblin geist gaggle (CR 5), sticky and sweet honeycomb goblin (CR 1), insanely fun madcap goblin (CR 3), overly loud noisemaker goblin (CR 1/2), fiery pyrogob (CR 3), and the inimitable thingflinger goblin (CR 2). Distressingly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Phil Stone.
Intriguing Organizations: Acacian Liberators. Carry forward the cry for rebellion with people who have made it their ethos: the Acacian Liberators! With the help of an Acacian operative (CR 4) even the most ragtag efforts can lead to a revolution, their experience and wisdom helping find, degrade, and ultimately break down the fulcrums of authority wherever those might be. Defiantly designed by Gabriel Kerr, illustrated by Gui Sommer.
Adventure: If The Black Crow Flies. No one goes into the hills of Albia unprepared or if they do they seldom leave. But prepared for what? This stark wilderness is the background for age old grievances where fresh blood is spilled in the name of forgotten affronts. It is better that the stranger to this land remains innocent of such politics—yet there are some who need not seek trouble for hardship awaits at every corner. Right now a rivalry blazes over Mageblight, an ancient and powerful axe considered sacred to the Pyll family that drags the party into the intrigue around it, catching them between ogres, dwarves, and monsters besides! This Elissar adventure for 4–6 PCs of 5th level was decisively designed by Thomas Pugh, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaiza, and features cartography by Umut Comak.
Dangerous Scenarios: Ooze Farm. Not every member of the Gutter Guild is responsible with their gelatinous experimentation even if they have the best intentions in mind. Reckless ambition has led Binthi Glowstone down a dangerous path however, and as oozes start appearing everywhere the trail quickly leads back to her workshop—a gooey deathrap! Disgustingly designed by Charlie Brooks, illustrated by Júlio Rocha, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Archetypes of Fortune. Adventurers that want fate to play a bigger role in their questing need look no further than the Gambling Primal Path, College of Chance, Oath of Incidence, and Gambler Roguish Archetype! Really rely on the destiny of the dice by rolling for that Rage Damage, turn luck upon your foes with Bardic Inspiration-fueled rerolls, make a terrible failure into a critical hit with Channel Divinity, or leave it up to fortune to decide if your Sneak Attack is a step deadlier—or a step weaker. Dubiously designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Jeffrey Chen.
Monstrous Menagerie: Pact Familiars. With so many unique patrons available to warlocks they should also have just as many worthy servants to choose from! Consider these half dozen CR 1 creatures the next time you call upon your patron to summon forth a minion: the durable effigy, explosive experiment, deceptive minx, angelic orbiter, revolting reflection, and deep-swimming trench critter. Devotedly designed by Liz Orchard, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Intriguing Organizations: Heirs of Havoc. The richest often treat the world as their toy and the Heirs of Havoc embody this wretched notion—to them everyone and everything is meant to provide entertainment. These privileged ne'er-do-wells are disinterested in simple feasts and plays however, and the group's infamous revels usually involve bloodshed, mayhem, and murder that no sane person would ever tolerate. Includes the host of havoc (CR 7) and intoxicant (CR 2). Despicably designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaiza.
Adventure: Sister Mozera’s Maze at the Grand. Although Tobais Androvski has known some amount of commercial success, his wisdom in other matters has been severely lacking—proven most of all by his insane antagonizing of the hag Sister Mozera with the work One Hand in the Sea. She’s since taken over his theater and is now running things, her enchantments driving actors and stage hands to abandon their loved ones and live for nothing but the show. Her show. This adventure for 4–6 PCs of 5th level was dramatically designed by RK Robison, illustrated by Fabian Parente, and features cartography by Kate Moody.
Enchanted Trinkets: Forbidden Foci. Throw your old scuffed and dulled crystal ball into the bin! This entry in the Enchanted Trinkets series brings to the fore 15 fantastical new magic items to use as your spellcasting focus from the figment-loving darklit mirror to the sufferable martyr's nail and discordant thunderclap bell. Dependably designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin.
Archetypes of Sacrifice. A life of adventure might lead to glory and riches but far more surely it yields sacrifice. Some warriors and priests accept this truth and embrace it however, mastering disciplines that teach ways to attain the impossible by pouring oneself to the cause heedless of mortal consequences. Succeed by putting your cleric second with the Oblation domain, refuse to give up with your Diehard fighter, or embrace universal truths with the Selfless Path monastic tradition! Durably designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Intriguing Organizations: Luck Eaters. Praying for a stroke of good luck rarely pans out, but you might have a measure of success begging for someone else's misfortune thanks to the Luck Eaters—though not for free. Under the dubious guidance of the prophet Yakkik these gremlins strike deals to bring bad luck down onto the heads of others, traveling from the Temple of Fell Luck to wherever their curious services are called for. Includes the luck eater gremlin (CR 1) and their leader Yakkik (CR 6). Disastrously designed by Michael McCarthy, illustrated by Hannah Seakins.
Villain's Spotlight: Barochius the Pale. The talented vampire alchemist Barochius (CR 15) has discovered a way to overcome his aversion to sunlight and walks in plain sight during the day, gradually accruing more and more alliances with others of his kind by brokering his creation: the potion of daywalking. Ultimately the ambitious undead elf plans to leverage his control over the concoction to control his allies, taking their resources to pursue his real goal of achieving true immortality. Designs distilled by Austin Conrad, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
Adventure: Old Drowned Woes. A beast sits beneath Lach Bearnmere content to rest in the dark of its flooded chasm for aeons. But something has caused this ancient thing to stir, and stories of a great horror shifting deep within the waters have spread throughout southwestern Elissar. The bounties for its horned head rise with every panicked tale that reaches the pointed ears of Par Celundi. Includes the saproot druid (CR 7) and viper eel (CR 4). Deeply designed by Andrew Engelbrite for 4–5 PCs of 8th–9th level, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin, and featuring the cartography of Russ Morrissey and Umut Comak.
Dangerous Scenarios: The Mierogovani Job. Money and the Mierogovani aren't synonymous in Elissar, but it's hard to bring up the matter of coin in Allesund without this wealthy family being involved in one way or another. One of the ways they've climbed to such lofty heights has to do with an open challenge put forth to adventurers, criminals, and everyone else besides: successfully break into their vault, get back out, and they'll pay you to do it. Does the party have what it takes to sneak their way inside, escape undetected, and collect the massive reward? Deceptively designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaza, featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Enchanted Trinkets: Tavern Specials. Adventurers aren't going to drink swill and grog unless they have to—these are individuals with the discerning taste and deep enough pockets to afford to the very finest of libations. Whenever the party next hits up the tavern consider including these more than a half dozen wondrous concoctions like dark elven absinthe, the gnomish wallbanger, living rumcube, or a drink with flavor as loud as its namesake: the shrieker kombucha. Deliciously designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Fabian Parente.
Villain Spotlight: Garr, Destroyer of Rivals. Adventuring means a certain amount of competition—sometimes against oneself or the constraints of time, but it often results in racing against peers just as eager to rescue the prince, slay the dragon, stake the vampire, and save the kingdom. In all the realms there is no greater rival for an adventurer than the dwarf known only as Garr. Famed throughout the lands for his prowess, perseverance, and focus, once he's set his sights on someone as a potential worthy competitor nothing can stop him in his pursuit to prove that he's better regardless of what the are competing over. Doggedly designed by Michael McCarthy, illustrated by Herman Lau.
Intriguing Organizations: The Jackals. When an adventuring party's corpses are found in a dungeon one question reigns: what happened to all their stuff? The Jackals are the answer. This group of ne'er-do-wells thrive by scavenging from the fools that die by the spikes, poison, or other deadly implements of their traps. Goblins, kobolds, humans—anyone can be counted among the Jackals provided they are clever and vicious enough to survive the rest of the pack. Includes the howler (CR 4) and longfang (CR 7). Deviously designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Ali Parlagi.
Adventure: King Cheese’s Holey Dilemma. In the aftermath of a harvest festival attack the PCs follow after the strange cheese creatures at the source of the havoc, led into a cave and a crawling tunnel that takes them to the realm of Curdello. Once there they follow cheeseling tracks into Goudaville (the only settlement of the Demiplane of Cheese) and soon after are invited to meet with King Cheese himself! The adventurers learn that bags of cheese are at the heart of troubles here and abroad, tasked with acquiring the rarest of these magic items that haven’t yet been compromised. To do so the party must travel to a handful of other planes (Ingens, Mergia, Objectio, Terrapolis, and Veskrollo) where they’ll buy, rediscover, steal, swindle, or take the enchanted sacks. Their return to Curdello reveals the villain behind it all and the party must battle to save King Cheese from regicide! Delectably designed by Mike Myler for 4–5 PCs of 3rd–4th level, illustrated by Matt Hilker and Indi Martin, featuring the cartography of Jori Hollander and Mik Holmes.
Monstrous Menagerie: Figment Continuum. This entry in the Monstrous Menagerie series is everything you can dream it to be! Each creature within is a figment that’s taken on a life of its own, sometimes to terrible effect (like with the CR 10 delusion), to fool adults (see the CR 2 humbug), borrow someone’s body (such as the CR 1/4 whim), or drag a person down into the very depths of the soul (the purvey of the CR 7 worriment). Dynamically designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
Dangerous Scenarios: Addled Temple. In the wilderness the adventurers come across an ancient temple where they might find respite and recuperation, yet its only resident is a strange wild-eyed creature long of limb and peculiar in disposition. The temple beast (CR 5) fervently offers to heal the wounded and even offers its home to safely rest—provided it can control its violent urges and be the helpful guardian it so desperately wishes to be. Disquietingly designed by Joseph McCleave, illustrated by Ali Parlagi, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Intriguing Organizations: Light Catchers. Featuring the shiniest shrines in the land, the Light Catchers are solely focused on preserving fantastical, magical, or otherwise noteworthy arrays of light in their specially-made mirrorboxes—and sometimes they'll pay for adventurers to do the job for them. This entry in the Intriguing Organizations series includes quests for all tiers of play, the aforementioned light-catching magic item, archbeacon (CR 9), and glassburned (CR 5). Dazzlingly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Savage Mojo.
Mini-Adventure: Looking For Love. Not every enchanting tune heard on the shore is a siren's song and the party finds themselves in melancholy after catching a curious melody echoing out of a seaside cove. What awaits them are a trio of statues—hags one and all—and a host of creatures also drawn to the strange music. Domineeringly designed by Charlie Brooks for 4–5 PCs of 5th level, illustrated by Ellis Goodson, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Adventure: Shadows of Cwealmspire. The town of Whitehollow is one of the most quiet and prosperous settlements to be found in Endora—though not so safe as of late. For many years its peoples endured the presence of a lord of undeath nearby until it finally became too great a burden, leading mayor Glendus Elm to take a stand by hiring the mercenary Glankrar to dispatch the vampire Elwin Var'gar. Although the orc was successful he had other plans, contracting vampirism himself and taking over the fortress as its new master. Now a newer, greater threat looms over Whitehollow and no single sword will solve it, so a band of adventurers are sought to deal with the matter. This adventure in Elissar for 4–6 PCs of 6th level was dangerously designed by Thomas Pugh, featuring the cartography of Russ Morrissey and Francita Soto.
Villain Spotlight: Red Mae of the Mirror. Not everything within a mirror is reflected by it and few know this better than Red Mae (CR 11), a shattered resident of Mirror World. Though cursed she is still powerful enough to reach out to the realms material with offers to do great things on behalf of those who will trade her their reflection. Any who fulfill their end of the bargain are paid in turn, but those who do not face the wrath of her and her living reflections (CR 2). Duplicitously designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Phil Stone.
Monstrous Menagerie: Mounts for the Worthy. Adventuring down beneath the waves? Miss your beloved warhorse after it was slain in battle? Prefer to crawl along the sides of a cavern rather than the floor? There are mounts for you! Whether you're skimming the waves or the sky the cloud ray (CR 2) has you covered, the swiftness of a faithful steed (CR 5) is only bested by its undying loyalty, and although it can be cantankerous the few mounts are better suited for underground exploration than the frilled saurian (CR 3). Discerningly designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Puzzles: Curios and Cryptograms. Want something more involved than a riddle or a bit of moving stones about? Look no further than these three brilliantly satisfying puzzles: the scroll and sheaf, tablet of dark waters, and way of three statues! Where applicable there's even directions on how to make your own props to use at the table. Deviously designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Villain Spotlight: Gadabout the Planar Highwayman. One little fellow, one little demand, and what do you get? An endless parade through the planes because you've crossed paths with the one and only Gadabout, Planar Highwayman (CR 9) and sadist extraordinaire. This rampant thief's unending quest means he needs your coin and your relics—give them up or prepare to journey through the hells, hostile realms, and fretful kingdoms until you're ready to turn it all over. Dimensionally designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Wootha.
Adventure: Crime Never Pays. Falkenberg merchant Gideon Speltz’s house has been burgled and he is desperate to reacquire some of the stolen items, posting fliers in all of the city's ale houses offering a reward for catching the miscreants. Chasing down the thieves responsible (the Shallowpot Street Kings) reveals what the wealthy trader actually wants to get back and the true treasure at the heart of it all. This adventure in Elissar for 4–6 PCs of 2nd level was discreetly designed by Thomas Pugh, illustrated by Francita Soto, and features the cartography of Russ Morrissey and Adela Quiles.
Intriguing Organizations: Enlightened Order of Lanous. This secretive and widespread group of saboteurs live by two creeds: a worthy mind should not be held in bonds and to bow to no mortal. So it is that the Enlightened Order of Lanous maintains many archives and libraries, using their influence to spread knowledge and undermine tight-fisted tyrants in realms the world over (from hidden lodges each protected by owl-like CR 8 lanoia constructs). Dedicatedly designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Feats: Paths of the Elements. Elemental feats tap into the primordial forces of nature, granting adventurers unique abilities that reflect their connection to the elemental planes. Whether by conjuring flames, riding the winds, shaping the earth, or commanding the waters, practitioners of these feats can alter the course of battles and undertake heroic deeds that echo through legend. Deftly designed by Robert Adducci, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Monstrous Menagerie: Alchemical and Arcane Contamination. For every successful wizard experiment or intensive magical study there are dozens of failures first—sometimes resulting in unintended creations! This entry in the Monstrous Menagerie series features a trio of creatures that might emerge from an alchemist's laboratory or mage's study: the artificially-immortal gestalt mage (CR 16), thirsty but feisty living cauldron (CR 4), and the entangled magic-begotten spell knot (CR 5). Dauntingly designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaiza.
Over the Next Hill: The Fabulous Riverboat. Smoke rises up in the air above the river as something massive slowly winds its way around the bend, yet what glides into view is not a monster but a ship! This entry in the Over the Next Hill series is all about the legendary Queen Éolynn, a luxurious magical paddlewheel riverboat that travels the waterways of different times and realms. Take a walk on its decks to meet the curious crew and discover why Captain Trevor Baskin is visiting this waterway—after purchasing your ticket to get onboard, of course. Driftingly designed by Anthony Pryor.
Adventure: Inheriting Youth. The blood oath tontine sworn by the Motley Lot has reached a critical threshold with only two of the retired adventurers still around to claim it—the once-resurrected warrior Bloodaxe Rowena and the necromancer Salazar. Both believe they are the rightful inheritors of the crucial treasure from their youth (the life-giving elixir known as the Libation Aeternum) but it’s up to the party to decide and help reclaim it! This adventure for 4–5 PCs from 4th–5th level was diplomatically designed and mapped by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Tertiary System: Demonic Plagues. Thinking about a sickness to kick your game into a higher gear or pondering an illness worthy of a whole campaign? LOOK NO FURTHER! This treatise on infernal diseases offers nearly 300,000 different unique combinations of demonic plagues to put adventurers on edge and get them moving to divine a cure. Disgustingly designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Monstrous Menagerie: Ancient Automata. Not every worthy foe is flesh and blood—some of the most dangerous are metal through and through. Break out the cogs with the flying armillary drone (CR 2), durable brass bull (CR 8), unstoppable volcanic colossus (CR 20), and literal watchdog (CR 3) to surprise adventurers with constructs they’ve only dreamed of! Delicately designed by Levi Thompson, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaiza.
Intriguing Organizations: Wardens of the Infantile God. The Voice of the Infant worships a being known only as the Infantile God. Long have they been considered negligible, left to congregate in strange locations with little interference. As their activity rises however news spreads that they have created a body to present to their god, and they now plot to kill droves of people so the bodies of their victims can be adapted into the infinite form of their terrible deity. Includes the Infant (CR 5), the Sculptor (CR 4), and the Voice of the Infant (CR 3). Disturbingly designed by Joseph McCleave, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Dangerous Scenarios: Infiltrating the Observatory. The Florists of Elissar are at it again! This time however the thieves are outsourcing the work at hand—acquiring and destroying the last legal records of a location they've decided would be perfect for their next headquarters. Unfortunately these documents are not in the hands of a simple clerk or bureaucrat, they are under the protection of Grand Wizard Fillick and taking them off the mage is no simple matter whether he's home or not. Daringly designed for 4 PCs of 7th–9th level by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Leonardo Sa, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Adventure: Blood on Phanolias Rock. Phanolias Rock was created by a circle of druids to bind a powerful sea hag. After centuries her coven have located her, using foul magics and bloody rituals to free her. Their first ritual drew evil creatures to act as servants, the second animals and the innocent for sacrifice, and the last will shatter Phanolia’s prison. As the very rock liquefies and the final ritual looms, the chances of intervening before a great evil is unleashed become slimmer and slimmer. This adventure for 4–5 PCs of 7th level was dreadfully designed and mapped by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Gui Sommer and Jeffrey Koch.
Monstrous Menagerie: Garden Fresh Terrors. Whether you're a druid or not it's hard to look at the selection of plant creatures and declare that's enough—with that in mind we have a quartet of new green foes that are sure to take root with your games! This issue of Monstrous Menagerie features the soaring cloudcutter quickfern (CR 6), burning conflennox (CR 9), sedate yet underestimated shrubshrew (CR 2), and the unrelenting squidzu (CR 3). Deciduously designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Indi Martin.
Puzzle: Puzzling Portals. Yet another aged door made of old timber and rusting iron? Why? Why not a Distracting Door so festooned with possible mechanisms that opening it is daunting? Or a Prison Gate that isn't a proper door at all but an even more impervious and discerning barrier? Or a Reflecting Portal that drags the unwary into greater danger? Forget the hardware store—this is the place to pick out your next door. Daedal door designs by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Sergio Villa.
Mundane Tools for Battlefield Opportunities. Not everything fantastical is the result of an enchantment or magical crafting. This article covers rules for 10 handy mundane pieces of equipment including the bolt-flinging Bee's Nest, city-fighter's essential Door Jam, keen investigator's Dusty Bloom, explosive Pomegranate Shot, the superior protection offered by a Siege Shield, and more! Dutifully designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Sergio Villa.
Villain Spotlight: Midnight Choir. What looks like a spectral delight floating eerily above the city and keening out an enchanting call is no mere phantasm or trick of the sky—it is the trap of a hunter played every night as the preamble to murder. The mutant cloaker Delonraja (CR 10) is the true source of this wonder and it remains for as long as his hunger lasts, sometimes even encouraged by wickedly unsympathetic officials keen to the unexpected coin brought in by a phenomenon common folk think is a quirk of nature. Deceptively designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Adventure: Treachery Underfoot. The returned exile Daidh Todt has abducted Durnach’s ruler Lady Fierythane and each day he manipulates her memories, gradually indoctrinating her into making him her sole advisor. This is no hasty plan however and before kidnapping her the cobbler-mage gradually turned hundreds of Albian citizens into his pawns. The closer the party gets to learning the truth behind this meticulous crime the harder the pursuit becomes and the greater the danger from the city around them! This Elissar adventure for 4–5 PCs of 4th–5th level was deviously designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Ellis Goodson and Savage Mojo, featuring cartography by Meshon Cantrill, Mik Holmes, and Russ Morrissey.
Monstrous Menagerie: Cryptids of the New World. This issue in the Monstrous Menagerie series features a quartet of prominent cryptids from North America: the Enfield Horror (CR 1) from 1970s Illinois, the Mannegishi (CR 1/2) from the legends of the Cree, Objiway, Algonkin, and other North American native peoples, the Snallygaster (CR 7) named by early Germanic settlers in Maryland, and the Dwayyo (CR 7) said to hunt them. Diligently designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Intriguing Organizations: Laughing Keepers. Taverns can be a good business but the Laughing Keepers have turned the art of hospitality into a profitable science—nary a city in the realm is without at least one of their alehouses. Everyone knows whether they walk into the Laughing Crow, Laughing Deer, or whichever other Laughing Keeper tavern is at hand that the prices will be as fair as the food, there's likely some work to be found, and that with a bit of gossiping among other patrons that rumors will abound. Decisively designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.
Dangerous Scenarios: Fly Away Darling. The tower of the dragon Bathyryxx takes off into the skies just as the adventurers step onto it! To defeat this monster the party must battle across multiple levels as they soar through the air, contend with its harpy minions, and survive (maybe even overtake) the many countermeasures prepared by its master. This Dangerous Scenario for 4–5 PCs of 6th level was death-defyingly designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Leonardo Sa, and features the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Monstrous Menagerie: From the Blightwood. Venture into the aptly named Blightwood if you must but be wary for death lurks behind every one of its cursed trees! One must be fearful of running afoul of a Bog Witch (CR 5), wise to the signs of a Lamprey Shade (CR 1) or Lash-Tailed Scorpion (CR 4), and most especially cautious of the Soul Angler (CR 11) lest its hypnotic strands bring about an early demise. Dangerously designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Hector Rodriguez.
Adventure: Spare the Innocent. Warring between the nations around Geiryos faded four decades ago yet the conflicts have not yet entirely died out, skirmishes erupting as borders are finalized. While peace is long overdue and much cause for celebration, the war-weary peoples of the realms anxiously await what the end of conflict means politically. Excitement and paranoia are burrowing into the hearts of the masses, and the archmage of the king’s council believes the stage is set for him and his daughter to sweep in to provide a magical solution to the public’s unease. This adventure for 5–6 PCs of 6th level was dedicatedly designed by Tori Smith, illustrated by Hector Rodriguez, and features cartography by RhasmusDnD.
Intriguing Organizations: Marginalia. This clandestine network of scribes, other artisans, and managers of royal affairs hide symbols for each other within their work to indicate the sanity and demeanor of their masters. A strange doodle in the corner of an illuminated manuscript is charming to most, but to the Marginalia it means the difference between a kind lord or murderous tyrant. Includes the Artistry Swarm (CR 3) and Royal Adviser (CR 4). Duplicitously designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Hector Rodriguez.
Dangerous Scenarios: Protect the Ale, Destroy the Menagerie. Fiendish chaos awaits at the Emberstone Tavern: transmuted devils masquerading as a wholesome traveling menagerie! This infernal secret can break up a long journey, add depth to a city, or interrupt a shopping trip with ease. Devilishly designed for 5 PCs of 6th–8th level by Mell Black, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Monstrous Menagerie: War Beasts. The horrors of war brought by civilization are not beyond the remit of animals, and some are made into soldiers—and are a force of nature on the field of battle. This entry in the Monstrous Menagerie series features the enormous Siege Mammoth (CR 11), well-armored Thorn Ox (CR 3), stalking Trench Tiger (CR 4), raging Vanguard Rhinoceros (CR 4), and explosive Warpig (CR 1/2)! Deftly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Dangerous Scenarios: Climbing to Freedom. However they are caught—whether for false accusations or true transgressions—the party are left to fend for themselves in the infamous Felspike. There may be no bars stopping them from leaving this underground prison and the river flowing down to them offers the promise of escape, but many have failed this climb to freedom before. Daringly designed for 4–5 PCs of 4th level by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Adventure: King Dalinus the Just. After barely an hour in the Laughing Fox inn a large group of guards enter, drawing weapons as they claim the adventurers are part of a conspiracy against the King. Can the party uncover the truth behind the sudden persecution of foreigners in time to save themselves and hundreds of others—or will the demon have his due? Diabolically designed for 4–5 PCs of 8th level by Marc Kenobi, incredible illustration by Sergio Villa, and killer cartography by Francita Soto.
Villain Spotlight: Francis, Fairy Godfather. After attaining some glory the adventurers hit a run of bad luck and it is at their lowest point they come across an unlikely source of salvation: a fairy godfather. No whimsical fellow trailing sparkles in his wake, despite his size he is of a serious demeanor and clearly not to be trifled with. This is Francis, and he's gonna make them an offer they can't refuse. Domineeringly designed by Michael McCarthy, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Intriguing Organizations: Saint Maledict's Repose Center For The Lost. This isolated medical facility high in the mountains has many facets to its controversial reputation. Some say it is a bastion of hope for folks who’ve fallen victim to vile curses, malevolent spirits, and forcefully induced magical transformations. Others swear it’s a front for wicked sorcerers and alchemists to perform tortuous experiments or build an army of monsters and freaks guided by their Healing Hand (CR 4) servants. Maybe Saint Maledict’s Repose really is a horror show—or perhaps it’s just trying to help those that everyone else sees as a lost cause. Devotedly designed by Elizabeth Orchard, illustrated by Francita Soto.
Mini-Adventure: Missing Mail. Any person of virtue will try to return a bit of missing mail or errant package—but when wizards are involved the mailbag comes directly to the adventurers! Will they take the bait from the misplaced Dagilon (CR 1/2), and if they do who are they ultimately taking the side of? This mini-adventure for 4–6 PCs of 6th–8th level was dauntingly designed by Mell Black, illustrated by Leonardo Sa, and features the cartography of Dyson Logos.
Monstrous Menagerie: More Dragonettes. The miniature bestiary from #543 Monstrous Menagerie: Dragonettes continues with five new little draconic creatures to scale up your game! This batch includes the voracious Swarm of Dracomites (CR 1), fruit-loving Gardenwyrm (CR 2), trash-dwelling Opossum Dragonette (CR 1), loyal Shepherd's Dragonette (CR 2), and the arboreal Woodwyrm (CR 2). Draconically designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Adventure: Big Fight. Big Willie Cormack (CR 3), a prize fighter of some renown, is rendered unable to take part in tomorrow’s much-touted fight night. With the star attraction out of action promoter Kathy Kinhorn needs to fill the spot, and she has her eye on one of the adventurers to face off against Vassily 'The Beard' Gregorin (CR 3). By fair means or foul she persuades the party to fill in, but it quickly becomes apparent that the life of a prize fighter is anything but simple. This adventure for 4–6 PCs of 2nd level was dramatically designed by Thomas Pugh, illustrated by Leonardo Sa, and features cartography by Francita Soto.
Enchanted Trinkets: Thus to Tyrants. Sovereign got you down? Oligarchy is on your back? There's something in here to help scratch that anti-tyrannical itch! Get a Counting Crow to keep tabs on the necessary comings and goings for your rebellion, hang up an Invisible Cat Bell to warn of intruders trespassing in your hideout, or acquire Rings of Recognition to make organizing a breeze. Out of the ten relics here you're sure to find some help throwing off the shackles of unfit rule! Defiantly designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Villain Spotlight: Tyron the Hidden Paladin. The same sinister wizard who callously saps life energy away from innocents has fought monsters that stalk the wild and donated great sums of treasure to those in need. Some think that Ferreth the Necromancer (CR 7) is losing his mind—certainly not that his body has a second unexpected occupant. Dually designed by Charlie Brooks, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Mini-Adventure: Darkspan Delver. Whenever the party finishes a quest or otherwise returns to a settlement they hear offers for the newest edition of The Darkspan Delver. Papers are free for bonafide adventurers, along with some field jerky stamped with the delver’s logo (a crest of a black bridge over an inkpot). Whenever the PCs accomplish a particularly noteworthy and public task it appears in the next headline with surprisingly accurate accounts of their latest exploits—until the paper starts revealing secrets no reporter ought to have. Decisively designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Enchanted Trinkets: Courtiers Little Helpers. Cunning and guile are the best accouterments to bring to the intrigues of a royal court, but when these are in short supply those of means have other tricks to turn to. Concerned that someone in your retinue is not who they appear to be? Take a gander at their reflection in a pocket antimirror to know the truth of it. Think somebody might be talking behind your back? Turn the seashell comb upon their distant conversation to hear whether you're right, then get your gold purse ready to purchase the rest of these remarkable enchanted trinkets. Decadently designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Adventure: Bleak Expectations. The adventurers are hired by Toby Hardwallah to escort his trade caravan to a nearby town—a simple job that should take only a few days—but he doesn’t reveal his family is cursed by a lich sworn to kill every male Hardwallah as soon as they sire a son of their own. The party must protect Toby from his fate and ultimately find the lich’s phylactery to put an end to the curse once and for all! This adventure for 4–6 PCs of 12th level was inspired by Charles Dickens, dapperly designed by Thomas Pugh, illustrated by Leonardo Sa, and features the cartography of Francita Soto.
Villain Spotlight: Captain Skybeard the Torrential Corsair. Some pirates are out to plunder enough coin to live luxuriously, others are cutthroats eager to sate the thirst for bloodshed, and many are criminals out of desperation more than anything else. Captain Skybeard (CR 8) is unlike them all. Haunting the world's waters searching for the relics of his djinni master, not a shred of mercy remains in his storm-torn heart for those that would dare bar his way. Deftly designed by Joseph McCleave, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Intriguing Organizations: House of Malfeasance. The Academy of Responsible Magic claims Ena Dorkal (one of its founders) created a code of conduct to discourage recklessness, a copy of which hangs in every academy building, but she has done so much more than that. She also created the house to counter the folly of early students, using it to protect the organization and the arcane arts from disrepute by any possible means. Enchanted crystalline prosthetics in her skull have prolonged Ena’s life and to this day allow her to surveil the use of magic by the academy’s students. As the Malfeasis she commands the agents and resources of the House of Malfeasance, most of her charges totally unaware they are being so closely scrutinized. Deceptively designed by Mell Black, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
Monstrous Menagerie: Horrors Drawn To The Light. This selection of monsters by Joseph McCleave is all moth-themed! The CR 6 Lightward Visionary, the CR 10 Luminous Matriarch, the CR 5 Puppeteer, and the CR 1 Swarm of Silksingers make up a small family of matriarchal moth-like monsters. Their adoration of light and flame is one that has claimed the lives of countless adventurers, but the clever know how to use this to their advantage.
Mini-Adventure: To Banish The Light. The ritual of Myunlar is approaching and must be completed for the cycles of day and night to continue properly; if it fails none know fully what will happen. This practice has traditionally been handled by the Order of Ranul which holds the history of the rites and makes all the preparations. Tragically, during a meeting in a tavern a terrible inferno overtook the building and its ferocity left no survivors. While undeniably a tragedy, the PCs are called upon to complete the ritual. Divinely designed by Tyler Omichinski for 4–5 PCs of 9th level, illustrated by Leonardo Sa, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
EN5ider Compilations: Over the Next Hill. There's nothing new in this snazzy PDF but it does collect some of our favorite Over the Next Hill articles with slight improvements in editing and layout.
EN5ider Compilations: We Ain’t Afraid Of No Ghosts. This 40 page PDF compiles five horror-themed EN5ider articles including a half dozen new class archetypes to help you battle the undead, a collection of creepy magical items, spooky templates you can apply to monsters, and a full 14-page adventure called The Haunting of Calrow Ruins!
EN5ider Compilations: Advanced Rules Miscellany. This 27-page PDF contains 5 of our favorite plug-in rules modules: Archery Contests, Battlefield Events, Nature’s Remedy, Give Chase, and Hired Hands!
EN5ider Compilations: Presents for Goblins. A 37-page PDF containing 5 of our favorite holiday-themed resources: Servants of the Winter Court, Treasures from Beneath the Snow, Winter's Urchins, The Charity of St. Nicholas, and Presents for Goblins: A Holiday Romp.
EN5ider Compilations: Enchanted Trinkets II. In this compilation of some of our favorite magic item articles you'll find 53 new trinkets, including clockwork calendars, ever-shifting maps, plague doctor's masks, sourberries, monk's combat bracers, and so much more. Minor clockwork artifacts of a lost age, gifts of nature, unique trinkets for each class, plus a collection of magical japes in Zlick Willy’s Wily Wares! And who doesn't need an invisible dog leash?
EN5ider Compilations: Archetype Anthology. In this compilation PDF you'll find 14 new archetypes for druids, rangers, warlocks, and more, including the dual-wielding Tempest ranger, warlock patrons like the Sea Lord or the Seducer, planar explorers, and fierce pugilists!
EN5ider Compilations: Allies & Adversaries. In this compilation PDF you'll find over a dozen colorful NPCs to liven up your game—some are whimsical, some are dark, but all are vivid characters that your players will remember! This 27 page compilation includes issues #72, #122, #152, #156, and #160.
EN5ider Compilations: Here There Be Dragons. In this 29 page PDF compiling some of our favorite dragon-related articles there are 6 unique winged serpents ranging from CR 9 to a mighty CR 27, as well as a collection of draconic rules and player options.
EN5ider Compilations: Into the Feywild. In this 33 page PDF compiling some of our favorite fey-related EN5iders there's an exciting adventure for 1st–5th level PCs and then a slew of fey foes to add to it: the agropelter (CR 1), dreaming tree (CR 5), flower mouse (CR 0), golden goat (CR 1/4), hazel fish (CR 1/2), jackalope (CR 4), mirage butterfly (CR 1/8), moon horse (CR 2), ochokochi (CR 6), poludnitsa (CR 4), puckwudgie (CR 1/2), samovila (CR 9), swarm of flower mice (CR 1/4), swarm of mirage butterflies (CR 1/2), sylvan manx (CR 0), sylvan spaniel (CR 1/4), viy (CR 11), wampus cat (CR 3).
EN5ider Compilations: Spells of the Ages. In this 29 page PDF compiling some of our favorite EN5ider articles you'll find a trio of awesome magical goodies: 38 brand new spells for a variety of classes that are themed around nature, healing, and music, an entire school of magic (ecomancy) for nature-themed wizards, and upcasted versions of 19 common spells from the core rules!
EN5ider Compilations: Over the Next Hill (Volume 2). In this compilation PDF you'll find five of our favorite locales—Summerwine Creek, City of Hidden Ways, Gazebo Bay, Roak Creek, and Stonewatch Lighthouse. Each settlement is designed to easily fit into your ongoing campaign, and are filled with details and plot hooks.
EN5ider Compilations: The Holdenshire Chronicles. Since you're on the HERO tier or above, we're sending this monthly compilation of EN5ider articles to you for FREE! This PDF collects all of The Holdenshire Chronicles together into one convenient file for adventuring. Winter is over, and Hengistbury is experiencing a warm, dry spring. The summer county fair is already being organized, the Fair Committee headed as always by Lady Sybill Pemberton, and the village is its usual bustling, cheerful self—all is not well, however. Children have been disappearing into the Weirwood, howls of an unearthly nature have been echoing across the Fogmoor, and the county’s itinerant bard Three-Fingered Jake has been spreading rumors of treasure and hauntings in the ruins of Brockendale Castle. And that’s not to mention the lizardmen aggression or the bandits upriver!
All this aside, tonight is a warm, balmy evening. Many of the villagers are gathered in and outside the Bleeding Heart Tavern (originally called the Beaming Hearth, until some children vandalized the pub’s sign), and any troubles seem far away.
Well, except for that dragon in Skull Mountain.EN5ider Compilations: To Stake A Vampire. The fall of Cirothe unearthed something older and even more dangerous than the terrible dragon, an ancient threat that has slept beneath Brockendale Castle for centuries: the primordial vampire Nemirtvi. His presence brings a darkness that looms over Holdenshire, drawing forth terrible creatures to prowl the countryside and threatening the lives of every mortal within. To discover the source of the curses gripping the region the adventurers must defeat deadly monsters, find the tombs of ancient vampire hunters, overcome the defenses and traps within, and claim potent holy relics to wield against the dark lord. When Nemirtvi's lair is finally revealed the party descends far beneath the surface to face him in the most thrilling fight of their lives—either a fitting end to this epic quest or a gruesome death no one will ever forget!
EN5ider Compilations: To Smite A Fiend. The doings of the mysterious mage Kalle Sirkesalo finally reach their conclusion—bringing Hell to Holdenshire! After the adventurers have bested fiends across the countryside and his responsibility is revealed, his tower becomes covered in an impenetrable forcefield. Fortunately Kalle's meddling has drawn the attention of greater powers and the Angelic Fane sends a messenger, the seraphim Araqiel, and with their help purge more evils from the land, turning fell power against the wizard's wards. Once the last of these foul influences is slain they breech the tower, fight through several floors of conjured servants, and confront the reckless mage before the war between Heaven and Hell spills onto the realms material below! Designed to take four 10th level PCs to 13th level.
EN5ider Compilations: Can We Keep It? This PDF collects some of our favorite pet and buddy NPC rules from out of the archives into one convenient file. It includes: rules to allow player characters of all classes to adopt nearly 50 different pets from weasels to warhorses, frogs, giant crabs, and more. | 5 new tameable pets from the Elemental Planes—the bubble puppy, dust bunny, lightning sparrow, mud cat, and root. | New mechanics to help manage pets, including morale and maintenance. | Motivated encounters to spice up random encounters with creatures | A mini-adventure featuring the eccentric Lady Philomina—who keeps rust monsters as pets!
EN5ider Compilations: Sickness and Health - 5E Diseases. This 30-page PDF includes 16 diseases and 2 adventures from some of our favorites in the EN5ider Archive. | 6 new mundane and supernatural diseases, including bottle fever, demonic plague, and walking rot. | 5 new sicknesses from beyond the confines of the material realms for planar travellers, such as adverse ascension, fey longings, and spectral thought worms. | 5 diabolical new infections including wyrm pox, the fluxx, and mycological wildfire. | Guidelines for creating your own diseases in your 5E game. | 2 adventures by Andrew Engelbrite -- Fungal Bums, an adventure designed for 3rd-6th level PCs featuring a disease which can only be cured by dragonfire; and its sequel The Pallid Piper, for 7th–9th level characters.
EN5ider Compilations: X Marks the Spot. This 29-page PDF includes encounter ideas, magic items, unique locales, and a memorable scenario from some of our favorites in the EN5ider Archive. | 7 new magical items, all from the deep sea, such as barnacle mail and the bracelet of the deep. | Adventure location: Deidre's Ghost, a large vessel sunk long ago. | Adventure location: Granspire Seminary, a holy lighthouse with a dark secret. | 20 plot hooks and chance aquatic encounter seeds, from stowaways to pirates to krakens and ghost ships. | Fool's Gold, a harrowing encounter within the Briny Lass, a moored ship that's been turned into an inn and tavern.
EN5ider Compilations: Til Death Do Us Part. This 37-page PDF includes guidelines for running a royal wedding and 4 thrilling adventures for PCs ranging from 2nd to 5th level that make for an exciting and emotional adventure path!
EN5ider Compilations: Terrible Treasures & Frightful Fables. This 50 page PDF includes enchanted accouterments and horror-themed adventuring from some of our favorite issues of EN5ider with 5 enchanted masks fashioned out of a monstrous creature's visage and emulating its power, 9 new magical items to combat or embrace the terrors of the night, 2 horror-themed adventures in fantastical cities, and GM advice on how to run gothic horror.
EN5ider Compilations: Angel's Bacchanalia. This 27 page PDF includes an adventure that invites the heroes to a solstice festival where a mysterious angel forgives all sins and no depravity goes unindulged, 9 enchanted gourmet meals that grant special powers (such as bulette on the halfshell or plates of owlbear wings), a dozen gastronomical spells from the simple boil to the mighty dragon hunter's feast, as well as guidance for creating your own new year traditions and birthday celebrations, rules for aging, plus 4 recipes for fantasy themed drinks (with alcohol free options).
EN5ider Compilations: The Weather Outside Is Frightful. This 30 page PDF includes 4 chilly archetypes (for barbarians, monks, and warlocks), 7 undead monsters to hide in the ice and snow, 5 frosty encounters (such as avalanches, frozen bridges, mammoth warriors, winter riders, and wolves), and an 11 page adventure (for PCs of 4th level).
EN5ider Compilations: Keep Your Powder Dry. Bring gunpowder to your games with mundane and fantastical firearms inspired from the late medieval period through to the industrial era in this 37 page softcover PDF. Included within are nearly 40 firearms and guidance on introducing them to your fantasy worlds, rules on how to customize your firearms to suit your character's combat style, new magic items which appear along with firearms, new gunslinging feats, and a bonus appendix (with the full alchemist character class).
EN5ider Compilations: Epic Threats. This 31 page PDF contains 18 creatures and NPCs, two of which have expanded content to use for a complete encounter: 5 high level NPCs with CRs 12-20, 5 goblinoids and orcs with CRs 14-20, 6 elemental monstrosities with CRs 11 - 16, a CR 17 undead creature encounter with a map of its lair, and an epic CR 20 encounter with a fallen god!
EN5ider Compilations: Puzzling Encounters. This 29 page PDF contains advice on how to create organic, fun puzzles which don't interrupt your game, a puzzle using pictographic language to place plot hooks or treasure (with four player handouts), a puzzle to encourage players to share secrets and deep truths to solve it, a puzzle offering a menu of oddities to be consumed, and an encounter the riddlers of Cragtooth Pass in Tricky Riddles Three (a short adventure for adventurers of 5th–9th level).
EN5ider Compilations: A Night In The Library. This 26 page PDF contains six sinister spellbooks (along with each's properties and associated plot hooks, including the infernal Codex of Khiruzam), eleven magic items and enchanted objects to uncover in the library (like the dozing chair), four monsters united by the theme of books, writing and knowledge (such as the Djehuty, an otherworldy celestial in the service of knowledge), a list of one hundred mundane but exotic books and tomes to quickly furnish a wizard's study or fantasy library (such as Kiri Thunderhorn the Hidden’s Gilded Vade Mecum of Hermetic Evocation), and A Night in the Library, a short adventure for characters of 5th–6th level given by the chief librarian of the city’s university.